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I understand that I'm not that vocal on this patreon, but I hope to change that this year (yeah, it's april now, and I kind took my sweet time addressing this).

There have been a lot of family issues going around me, I'm not too comfortable going into them here, but it's a pretty serious thing.

Still, your guys' support has been magical and has managed to help me out in more ways than you guys could imagine. Even if you're just giving me a dollar, it really helps and hopefully over the time I've had this patreon, that I've managed to become a better artist and hope to continue to improve for you guys.

So, TL;DR ... Thank you guys.



Your welcome Mad. Every dollar has been well spent on my opinion. Hope your family issues clear up soon. I’m hoping to get started on your story sometime this month. Being a minimum wage slave hurts my writing time, and my other story is running away with me a bit, but I should be able to start soon.


*hug* You're welcome :'3