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Because my internet sucks, and so does steam.

I have not been able to upload any mod that is already finished because my internet suffers crashes and no longer has the same speed it had before, that makes steam fail when I try to upload something to Workshop, no matter which Workshop it is, that includes L4D2, SFM and Gmod...

I have already reported my malfunction but the paisa where I live the public services do nothing to repair malfunctions, they only do what they think is enough, in this case they repaired the internet but at the same time they left it slow, that was enough for them...

I will see if I can upload my work in the future somewhere else, for now I have already made several attempts, I can only upload to Mega or Google Drive, but what good is that if no one of my followers in Steam will realize that I uploaded something there...

Anyway, sooner or later this will end.

Thanks for your attention.



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