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Hello dear Patrons and followers.

I have summed up the votes from the poll. I will announce the result in a video in a couple of days (it will take some time to produce). Why Video? Well in my experience there was a lot of miscommunication and selective reading going and I was getting asked a lot of questions that have been already answered in the post, so I think a video will be a better way to do it. I will also take an opportunity to do a bit of Q&A so feel free to comment your questions under this post. If I don't respond to them in comments, don't worry, I will try to address them all in the video.

Love you all



Is there a chance of getting the info in a written form as well? Or will it be only video


it'll be on youtube so captions will be an option, but if they look very bad then I'll consider releasing my video script separately. I just want to avoid people doing what they've done before and reading one thing but not the other, and then rushing to comment on something I've already addressed.


I don't like RPG Maker, I'm Italian and I help myself with google translator.


I will look into options, I know there is a tool that translates RPGM games using Google.