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Good Morning, Good Afternoon, or Good Evening, wherever you are!

This is a post to summarize the t progress that has been made on RtD v0.2.0 over the last month, as well as to possibly set some expectations for how much longer you'll have to wait.

As is usual with my development, I probably remove as much old unnecessary stuff as I add :) But I have made significant progress on Path 2 and shifted my focus to starting the other 3 (they all merge in the end, therefore some will be stuck on high values as other ones are being done). I have once again gone back to a few older scenes, rewrote one of the Centauress scenes to better fit the mindspace Tali is at that stage of the game. From here, writing will progress much faster, as I now have the assets and systems in place for what I need to happen in this stage.

The system is probably where the least amount of progress was made sadly, as the changes done here were pretty minor. Due to a previous fuckup in code, I have discovered the inventory system was broken, and needed to be fixed. I have though made significant progress in Paperdoll code and coded in a few new assets. I'm still looking into one important system I really want to have in place, and it's looking like I'll be able to do so, but it will still take some time to figure out (it's being stubborn!). Some progress was made on other fronts though, for example I now have an unequip function meaning I can take your clothes off (Mwhahahaha!) without actually destroying them, or player/Tali into particular pieces of equipment without losing what was in that slot before! (Thanks Gocti!). The upgrade to Battle system has taken a bit of a backburn as Gocti is working on another thingy, but hopefully, it'll be done very soon :)

Ho boy there's a lot that has happened here. First of all, I am catching up on a few unfinished assets that have been done ages ago but never actually implemented. I have at this point spent several days in photoshop working through the assets, and they are almost done. I have also ordered about half a grand's worth of art for NPCs, and a few of them are already done or in progress! Attached to the post you will see new art for Alice the tavernkeep :) Yes, you will be able to romance her in 0.3.X be patient! Another fan favourite, Felicia the Foxgirl is currently being remade along with her scenes! I have replaced all Emotes for Tali and Player Character with much better ones, including a few new expressions.

Thank you for being patient, I noticed a few Patreons decided to stop backing the game as it appears like nothing is happening, but to those who stayed, it's much appreciated. The money from this Patreon is stored on a separate PayPal account and used primarily to fund art for the game. I promise I'm not spending it (all) on drugs <3

Hope to hear from you guys about all this, and as always, I'm available to answer any questions!
Love you all!




Thank you for all your hard work. =)