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Hello, dear Patreons! Wall of text time!

As I mentioned before, for multiple reasons, some very much beyond my ability to affect, the work on 0.1.3 is going slower than I anticipated. The artwork for 3/4 of the main team is already done, with Clax model already in the works, and if time allows, one or two (or one and a half? dun dun duuuuun!) in the pipeline. The work has also resumed on the animated battle models which had to wait due to our gracious Nightingale being overworked with other stuff. I myself, to be perfectly honest, am finding it increasingly difficult to focus on work and completely drained as the quarantine progresses, but I've made significant changes to my daily routine which seem to have helped a lot over the past few days.

One of the unforeseen obstacles we've come across is that a lot of bored people started ordering shit on Fiverr, and my go-to artist has quite the backlog of orders to do, so instead of the 5 pieces I wanted to have done this month, we have only managed 2... I was also battling a health issue that has been preventing me from being at the peak of my abilities (or, ya know... anywhere near the peak, possibly on a different hill). But you're not here to hear excuses, you're here to see results, and results you shall receive!

That's right, I'm setting a hard deadline because I hate myself and it's high time to impose some mofo crunch on my ass. May 29th is a definite and unshakable date when I will release SOMETHING. That something is highly dependant on what we manage to do till then, but whatever is finished will be in, whatever is not finished, will be patched in a bit later. I know you're tired of waiting, and I also know UI / System updates are not terribly exciting, so I am also bringing in my best friend FEATURE CREEP.

That's right, I'm going to add stuff to my todo list for 0.1.3 because I love you and I hate myself, and that something is.... well, you tell me! I'm going to post a poll for what you guys would most like to see expanded in the already made content, and whatever wins, will get either writing or rewriting treatment for 0.1.3. It's right now an early afternoon for me so I'll give myself time till late night to come up with a list of things to include in the poll, stay tuned for that.

Love you all




I like the new art! <3 Don't hate yourself