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As we all know the pandemic currently in progress has found it remarkably easy to spread in Europe. I have found myself in one of the countries that took the extremely safe approach and closed just about anything that can be closed without citizens starving to death. For the next few weeks, I am working from home too. As I'm fairly young I'm not in any real risk of harm to my health, so don't worry about me.  

I am however mentally drained by this situation. For the longest time I have stayed away from tv and news, and yet this situation has me glued to charts and news updates... It is incredibly depressing. Because of that, I have found it hard to write anything for the game for the last week. I was hoping to have the hotfix2 out by tomorrow, but that's not going to happen. I want to change that though.  

Starting Monday I am going to attempt a new routine that will hopefully help with this somewhat. I'll do my best to write for the game for at least 2 hours a day. I think it's going to be good for my mental health, and I hope I'll have an update read soon to help you survive the long stays at home too.  

Love you all


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