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Hey Homies,

I suppose that I should start with the news that everyone is hoping for to save some people the effort of sifting through the report:

I HOPE TO START ROLLING THE UPDATE OUT TO PATRONS ON DEC 22 (FREE TO THE PUBLIC DEC 29) OR BY THE LATEST DEC 25 (FREE TO THE PUBLIC JAN 1).  Frankly, it's dumb to try releasing a game update at this time of year, but I'm dumb, so it's on brand.

Anyway, on to the rest of the report:

I finally finished getting through with testing S3 this week.  My apologies for taking so long with it, but between the size of the scene, all the varying paths and decisions, and more than a few dumb coding errors on my behalf, it was a mess to sift through everything.  The remaining scenes are going to be a breeze to test by comparison and after that, I'll be nearly finished.

One of the only "big things" that I still want to do before release is to find some more music for the game.  Some of these new scenes are in desperate need of some fresh vibes, but finding appropriate music can sometimes be difficult.  I've (mostly) tried to keep the music in line with a fantasy-medieval-themed game, but if I'm being honest, as a music genre, the pickings are often pretty slim.  I'm still going to spend the next couple of days flipping through as much music as I can find in the hopes of finding something that fits the mood I'm looking for.  

But full disclosure, I may abandon those attempts for the time being and go with whatever songs I can find that match the moods I want for the scenes, regardless of whether they're themed appropriately!  All I'm saying is, don't be surprised if you hear some guitar shredding until I can find something better to patch into an update.

Since it'll be Christmas for me and many others next week, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their continued support throughout the past year.  I don't like to overshare when it comes to my personal life, but suffice it to say that times are hard, and your support has been invaluable in keeping me on my feet.  Even if all you do is like my reports, or post memes in the discord, I'm grateful to all of you!  I hope everyone who's celebrating this time of year has an incredible holiday season, and to those who don't celebrate this time of year, I still hope you have an incredible couple of weeks!  

Much love, Homies!




Personally I don't mind the music has long it matches the scene. Put the doom music in a fight scene, but not in the bedroom(unless going for different vibe..haha.). Also Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Thank you ✌️


MC is relaxing on his bed, when Cordelia or Miranda walks in with a big smirk on her face. Fast zoom-in on her face and cue E1M1 from Doom 😁