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Hey Homies,

I swear, it feels like someone is stealing days from me because the weeks keep flying by!  

Regardless, I had animations running nearly the entire week so I was able to knock out 3 with another rendering out right now.  Everything's moving at a nice pace and it's looking like I'll need another 4-5 animations and some pickups to finish off this scene.  It's more than I expected originally, but I added a fun option to one of the decisions and even though it's short enough that it's already scripted and coded, it'll need a handful of renders and an animation or two to bring it to life.

This might seem like bad news, but I promise, this is definitely good news!  The end of this half of the chapter is in sight!  To help put things in perspective for everyone.  After Scene 3, Scene 1 should only have, at most, 4 more animations and hopefully only a handful of pickups.  Scene 5 still needs some work, but it's the shortest scene in this half of the game, so I'm not too worried.  

I still won't promise anything prematurely, but a December release for the first half of the chapter is looking pretty good right now.  Anyway, I've been getting distracted typing this for the past hour so I'll wrap it up now.

Much love!



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