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Hey, Homies!

It's been another busy work week but I was still able to get a fair amount of dev'n finished.  I ran a few batches of renders throughout the week while at work and while I still need to sort them into the script, I think the only thing I have to finish for Scene 3 is the last chunk of animations.  I'm still not exactly sure how many more I have left, but I imagine I have at least 3-4 more animations for this section of the scene to hit my bare-minimum.  

Many of you are probably wondering why I dipped on the poll again this week.  Frankly, I'm just getting a little overwhelmed with everything on my plate, so I'm going to take a little break from the chapter 3.5 renders.  For the next few weeks, I'm going to post some spoilers/teasers as Patreon rewards to lighten my workload and to let me concentrate on getting the first half of this chapter finished ASAP.  

I'm still going to try scattering some fun polls throughout the month as Halloween approaches.  I want to plan out a string of polls for everyone to vote on what the holiday post will be.  Hopefully, I'll have something figured out before the end of this week and you'll see the poll pop up, otherwise, I should at least have a plan for it by next Monday.

I should probably stop talking now.
Hope you have a great week!
Much love!



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