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Hey, Homies!

I had another great week of development and I've nearly finished Scene 2.  It was actually quite a bit further along than I had originally realized and I was also able to trim down a large section of the unfinished portions of it.  I should only have a little more coding to sort out before it's considered ready for testing.

Next up, I'll be diving into scene 3 again, which is a little daunting since it's technically 4 scenes wrapped into 1 (Not including some notably shorter non-romance versions).  Though, if I'm being honest, I may have to cut one of these out for the sake of time, but we'll see how things go as I progress with it.  There's also a chunk of coding that is absolutely terrifying to go through.  It might be the most complex chunk of code I've ever had to deal with, but if everything goes well it should be pretty cool.  I fear that I won't know for sure if it's going to work until I get a chance to test it.  That's why my current plan is to finish the first 3 scenes so that I can start testing it ASAP.  It might be a lost cause, but we'll see...

In other news, the NSFW poll has finished, and option 2: Ariana fooling around with MC in the throne room was the winner.  Her NSFW post will be later this week and I'm hoping for at least 2 renders, though I have plans for 3 if time permits.  Also, this weekend will be the return of the SFW Chapter 3.5 render poll, with the previous runner-ups and a newcomer to mix things up.  

I'll be trying to rotate between SFW and NSFW posts most weeks to keep things fresh and fair for all of you.

I think that's all for today, so have a great week!
Much love!



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