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Hey, Homies!

Not a whole lot to report again this week.  I've just been trying to get as much done as possible.  The heat's been ramping up again, so it's becoming more difficult to render in the afternoons/evenings, but I'm still sweating my way through it as best as I can.

I've been sitting here for a few minutes trying to think of anything else of relevance to report but I honestly don't have much to add apart from the numbers.

Stay cool everyone!
Much love!

Week 22 progress:
-674 renders
-10 animations
-12,082 lines coded




Don't forget to hydrate, and also don't forget those electrolytes!

Christie Baeske

Do you have a time frame for next update?


No solid timeframe yet. I'm trying my best but I think it's still at least a couple of months away.