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Hey, Homies!

I finally figured out some of the issues plaguing me last week and I was able to finish 2 animations, despite the render times still being quite long.  To make a long story short, the culprits were a combination of improper lighting and a secondary camera settings location that somehow got activated and kept my test animations at 1080p regardless of what my main camera settings were.  

Either way, the problem was mostly fixed and some animations were made!  They still took up most of my render times this week, but that gave me more time to fix some of the coding and script out more dialogue.  I still plan on scaling back this particular scene a little bit, but with the problem mostly solved, it's a little less daunting to try including more of what I'd originally planned.

On another note, you can expect an NSFW post later this week (for appropriate tiers).  I'll be throwing up a poll tonight to ask if you want the NSFW version of the Mother's Day posts or an NSFW teaser from the next chapter.  The poll will likely only be up for a day or so.  So keep your eyes on the feed if you're interested.

That's all for this week.
Much love!

Week 20 progress:
-590 renders
-8 animations
-11,218 lines coded




thank you :)

