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Hey, Homies!

It's been another crazy week but at least I feel like I got some work done.  It was admittedly another slow crawl this week, as I've been juggling a lot of stuff, but I still made some important progress.

I've been struggling to make a particular scene work for months now.  There were so many props and set pieces that my computer simply wasn't capable of rendering it.  Finally, this week I scrapped it entirely and started again from scratch, and it was probably the best decision I've made in a while.  Now the renders for this scene finish extremely fast and look just as vibrant.

I also ran into a bit of a technical issue with one of my animation tools.  It's hard to explain without typing countless blocks of my rage littered with technical lingo and code, so I won't bore you.  The short story is that I can still animate, it's just going to be a much bigger pain in my ass until I can figure out the problem.

That's all for today.  Hope you all have a great week!
Much love!

P.S. I haven't forgotten that I promised another NSFW post this month.  Barring some unforeseen emergency, I promise to get it out before the end of the month!

Week 13 progress:
-398 renders
-4 animations
-7972 lines coded




Thank you ✌️


I'm curious, what hardware does your current PC have? (CPU, GPU, Ram, storage .etc)


CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor GPU: RTX 2080 Ti RAM: 32GB Storage: 3.5 TB If my memory is correct, this build is at least 6yo. The GPU came from my old build, so that might be closer to 8yo. Some of the hard drives have been migrating from one build to the next and I think the oldest HDD is over 10yo now lol.