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Hey, homies!

I spent this week knocking out renders and trying my best to keep my head in the script, but it's been difficult, to say the least.  My efforts were a little divided this week because I'm planning to post more on Patreon rewards as I feel like I've really been slacking on them for a while now.

I'll try to summarize some of this week's events:

-The final scene in chapter 4 has just passed the '100 renders' milestone.  I don't know for sure, but it feels like I'm still not even halfway through with it yet.  This scene is just HUGE!  That being said, I'm confident that it's going to be a really fun scene, regardless of the choices you make along the way!
For reference: Both the chapter 2 and chapter 3 finales had around 130 renders each (not including dreams or flashbacks).

-I've begun the process to add Homelander to the Steam store!  A stressful and complicated process that will hopefully be finished within the next month or two.  Please pray that the game gets approved because I could really use the W lol.  I'm a little worried that the game's title might present some issues with regard to a certain famous TV show that I'm sure many of you are aware of... But we'll cross that bridge when/if it presents itself...

-I've been preparing Patreon rewards!  Patrons (of the corresponding tiers) can expect another SFW preview this week, in addition to either a chapter 4 NSFW preview or an original NSFW render.  I may also do another poll if I can't make up my mind on a particular issue that's been bothering me recently.  But I've already done a CH4 character reveal recently, and I'd rather wait for a while before doing another.

Alright, I think that's it...
Much love, homies!

Week 10 progress:
-308 renders
-4 animations
-6911 lines coded




thank you :)