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Hey, Homies!

Sorry, but this report is going to be short.

It's been a rough week for me and I lost a lot of dev time dealing with some other things in my life.  I'd rather not go into details, but suffice it to say, my life is going through a bit of a shaky period at the moment.  I hope you all understand and continue to bless me with your patience.

Have a great week homies!
Much love!

Week 5 progress:
-138 renders
-2 animations
-3816 lines coded




Indeed take care. I have a solution for your problem dive into your work and make your work your life....I may have a ulterior motive in suggesting this course of action......


I think I speak for most of us when I say making this game isn't a priority and we would rather wait and get a quality games than a rushed or half fast game take care of what you need to we can wait