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Hey, Homies!

I hope you're all well!  I've been trying to think of a new format for my progress reports, but frankly, I can't really think of anything better than what I was doing originally.  It doesn't help that anything I thought of something new, I'd eventually remember that it was something I was one of my peers do for their own progress reports.  So at least until I render out a new version of this old chestnut, here's the old format.  The good news is you guys get a tiny preview every week.

I finished a lot of coding/scripting this week, with nearly 1k new lines added.  A fair number of renders finished as well, despite the fact that it might not seem like it.  For a little more context, the renders I've been working on recently are on average 45mins to 1h each.  Could be my lighting setup.  Could be the characters or the props.  Whatever it is, takes forever to render out without being all grainy.

To help you visualize my progress.  Currently, my work is being split between 4 different scenes.  Of those scenes, I think the first is nearly 75% complete.  The second is close to 50% complete, and the 3rd and 4th are 10-20% complete.  The chapter is looking to be about 12 full scenes, with 2-3 small intro/outros scenes.  Though I reserve the right to add or remove scenes if necessary.

I hope you all have a great week!
Much Love!

Week 4 progress:
-110 renders
-2 animations
-3359 lines coded




To be fair I follow some creator's that don't even post updates about what is going on. So thank you.