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Hey everyone!

Another week down and another progress report to stress about.

This week I've gotten a fair amount of scripting finished, a handful of renders, as well as an animation.  Not as much as I'd hoped, but it's progress nonetheless.  As much as I hate to do it, I'm going to keep the games ETA at 3 weeks.  I knew I shouldn't have given an ETA, but my dumbass always bites off more than I can chew.  At the very least, I'm nearly done scripting!

I also set aside some time this past week to work on some Halloween renders (both SFW and NSFW!).  It was really nice to work on something new for a moment to get the creative juices flowing again.  I still have a couple to render, but they'll all be done in time.  I wasn't planning to post them until November 1st, as I'd hate for someone to subscribe or upgrade their tier to view the renders, only to be double charged the very next day as the monthly charges get processed.  However, If people want me to start posting them right away instead of doing a big render dump on the first then let me know in the comments below, or on the discord.

Anyways, that's all for today!
Much love!

Week 26 progress:
-1060 renders
-80 replacements
-15 animations
-15625 lines coded




Hi ♡!