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Hey Homelanders!

Another week, another progress report..  Surprise, surprise!

I've been doing my best to keep a steady pace with development, and for the most part I think I've succeeded.  Unfortunately, my job has been dropping a lot more on my plate recently so it's starting to get a little difficult to keep up.  I'm still plugging away at it as much as I can but with everything going on it's starting to get more difficult.  Fear not!  I know I need to get this update out so I'm trying to keep my head straight until then.

Renders are steady, but I've been scripting and coding like a fiend!  Frankly, I'm surprised at how many holes I left in my work with little more than a "Write more here" or "Insert sexy-talk here".  Still, it's better to skip over sections than to hit full-on writer's block so I'm not complaining.

Apologies, I once again failed to post extra content this week.  I'm pretty much flopping around at this point in terms of any kind of cohesive posting schedule.  I'm still kind of new to having a Patreon so I hope you can forgive me for this bumpy start.  I'm trying my best, homies!

Anyways, I need to get back to it!
Much love!

Week 20 progress:
-918 renders
-67 replacements
-9 animations
-14154 lines coded




I forgive you because I am a certain person who is in the same condition as you so I understand the timing and the immensity of the work to be completed, however great it will be a magnificent chapter