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Hey Homelanders!

Hope everyone is well!  No crazy long post today, just a few notes this time around!

I've been spending a lot of time testing the game this week.  I actually started testing from the prologue in order to touch up, edit, and add more audio design to the earlier chapters as well.  I've already made some changes to the already released content, but that will all be detailed in my devlog when the next update launches.

One thing I've noticed while testing the earlier chapters is that the compressed version I originally uploaded (due to my extremely poor internet) has a LOT of issues from that compression process.  So in order to correct and improve the overall game quality, I won't be compressing the game before the next upload.  

This means the game will likely be several times larger than the first version, and it will (or should) replace the existing images with bulkier, but higher-quality renders.  While it means that I'll have to recode some of the game, everyone should notice an overall improvement in the visual quality.  Especially in the dark scenes where low-light quality is near nonexistent in the compressed version.

Again, I'm sorry that I missed posting bonus content this past week.  I've been so distracted with real-life stuff and trying to finish this update that I totally spaced on the bonus content 2 weeks in a row.  I'll do my best not to forget this week as well!  Feel free to call me out on it if I haven't posted anything by Friday/Saturday!

ANOTHER REMINDER: This is the last month before the rewards will be swapped around!

-The update release schedule will be trimmed from 2 weeks down to 1 week.
-Moving SFW renders down to Silver
-Moving NSFW renders down to Gold
-Moving Credits up to Diamond

Changes will take place Aug 30/31, before the next billing period!
Discontinued credits will carry over after the change, though in what capacity will be decided in the near future.

That's all for this week, folks!
Remember when I said it wouldn't be a long post??  
Bwahaha!  You fell for my trap card!
But seriously, I actually didn't mean for it to be this long.  My bad!
Much love!

Week 17 progress:
-816 renders
-60 replacements
-9 animations
-12703 lines coded




Where can we find the updates download?