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Still haven't sat down to make a proper progress report yet.  Sorry.

This week won't seem like there was too much progress made, but it's because I was working on a chunky scene and researching how to increase my rendering speeds.  To which I succeeded, thanks to a lot of research and the help of some fellow devs!  Anyways, I'm gonna try to point-form this progress report so it isn't as long.  Let me know how you feel about this new, even shittier way to present my "professional" progress report.

Point-form report:

-Spent the week trying to finish a chunky scene.
-Wasted 5 days rendering slow af and only got about 10 renders finished.
-Frustrated, I did some research and asked some questions
-Didn't script very much because I was looking into the issue
-Finally found out how to increase my render speeds by upwards of 5x
-Spent the 2-day weekend rendering and finished another 20+ renders on the chunky scene.
-Reports are going to show much more progress now that my training wheels are off!

TL;DR = Got delayed by lack of knowledge, did some research and now shit's about to pop off!

Week 2 progress:
-103 completed renders
-6 scenes are scripted, 3 of which are finalized and coded.
-3512 lines coded

Much love!



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