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If we wanna be honest, a lot of our defensive struggles have the common Dario denominator, but a good amount of our turnovers have the Dario denominator. Whether it’s him passing up open shots, making the ill advised pass, over dribbling like he’s the main hub of the second unit. He might not have a high turnover rate or percentage on his own, but it feels like shit goes south when Dario has the ball for more than 5 seconds or 3 dribbles

Erin Laskey

I'd rest everybody against Boston


Side note, a multi-billion dollar company and we can't get Kuminga a black Band-Aid?? Also, glad Podz is taking advantage of the free shoe hook up: ) been waiting for someone to do it!


Draymond and Steph don't do team basketball in 4th quarters and it's huge problem


Alc you nasty with those JP and Wiggins comments haha


Steph needs a rest. He’s played all but two games. It’s too many. Take a breather. Let JK and Moody cook. And Draymond gonna throw his back out like he did last year

Sarcasm 360

I’m so sick of Looney getting more minutes than TJD, especially after Kerr once again said some slick shit that he does not actually practice, “I just want to play players who understand what makes winning,” bro you were playing Anthony Lamb and Ty Jerome, but why even cap like this? I saw Saric throw two straight turnovers and you pulled Trayce? What message did that send? I wouldn’t even be this mad if I didn’t miss the game and see Looney with a +20, I watch the replay and he was a non-factor. Looney goes out there with Steph and the rest of the core, meanwhile Trayce has to run with Klay and Saric lineups, and after Kerr calling 3 Saric post-ups gives away the momentum, Trayce is the one who gets yanked, this kind of small shit is grinding my gears into a circle.

k fish

Yup, I don't get the kerr extension, to me showed this year he is willing to have us out the playoffs with his favoritism.

k fish

I don't get the kerr extension. He literally showed he was trying to get 1 of our better players kuminga out the rotation....won't give tjd the run he deserves, and moody has to have everything fall his way just to get on the court, meanwhile a new vet let dario has a guaranteed leash when he won't be here next year. Also the lack of creativity to utilize jk offensively is still very apparent. I see you alc pointing out what we should see more of with kuminga but do you really believe Kerr wants to feature jk in anyway? I see the same stubborn coach who was forced to make a few changes but to his core we know who and what he likes.


I hear you.. look I wouldn’t been mad at no extension.I have always understood Steph and Steve were tied together. But I know you was mad 😂 .. gotta be one of the biggest LEGIT Kerr haters I know. What I mean by that is you don’t just hate to hate you make valid points. The Lester min were just flat out disrespectful too Mood and I like Q 🤷🏽‍♂️


Love your sense of humor, guess that makes me inappropriate as well. It is truly for me the separator between you and every other analyst. I know it can't be on ESPN but it should be. Keep it up and never put limits on yourself. "His name rhymes with Queef" was classic.


@Athletic Alchemy, it's Tyus Jones, not his brother Tre


I understand the frustration with Kerrs rotations,I don't get it either but let's be real here, his brilliance at getting the most out of role players and our drafting of Kuminga and Podz has saved our ass this year. With how old the core looks and is now its a miracle we are still playoff bound. Curry is done as a chip contending superstar, every contender has that guy that goes out and without even trying can drop 35 or 40 and Steph just can't do that anymore

yan't get right

Dubs are so corny sometimes. Steph playing awful feels like the perfect opportunity for him to be a decoy whenever he’s in. But as soon as he cashes a couple threes in the fourth, they start moving heaven and earth to get him the ball to be the savior. It’s like: just come off it man, a game like this is not the one where you need your ego stroked. 3 quarters of shit play against the wizards and then turning it on up 12 is nasty work Also: calling Shamet the squire is HILARIOUS

Ballin Forever

Its so funny how it seems like when Steph has it.. Klay doesnt... and when Klay has it... Steph doesnt. True splash brothers. Its almost like Klay can sense if Steph dont have it so he looked super juiced up.

yan't get right

Great point about Kerr but I disagree about curry. Chip contenders aren’t about having a superstar who can score 40 every night. I think that’s confusing a regular season MVP race with guys who *actually* will win you a championship. Rarely are those two players the same thing. Steph curry is an S tier championship star player, him and his team just have to get to get to the playoffs in one piece.

Emmanuel L

I love the humor and attention to detail on the mistakes that they make I love it.

Dami I

dario and looney shouldn’t be getting any minutes at all


i appreciate the shamet slander from alch

james moore

I saw ppl like you saying the same shit in 2022 when Curry was off that whole year


is it too much to ask as a fanbase to just have our best players play ? wtf is Kerr doing ? do i really have to wait that long to see TJD and Moody play 20+ minutes ? Dunleavy has to step up


Never forget ole Sherwood Forest


Bro, never count out Curry. If I need my number 1 option to have a franchise night during a critical playoff game I'm still taking Curry over every other player in the NBA.

Mike Peterson

The defense is only as good as the worst defender and Dario is the weakest link in the league. Looney is a liability on offense, but it's possible to work around/scheme around that. With those two you're picking your poison; you're going to be playing 4v5 on one end or the other. Dario should only see spot minutes like when the shot clock is off and we have the final shot of a quarter. He should never be asked to defend; he doesn't know how. All in all, Trayce is a positive on both ends. He's also a better defender than current Loon, with a higher defensive potential than peak Loon. Not playing him is Kerr's biggest ongoing mistake.


Moody plays bigger than he is and Dario plays smaller than he is, no rim protection and his offense is limited to shooting and no rim pressure. I don’t think we’d really get any smaller tbh

Daniel Fries

man I couldn't believe TJD was out and Saric still in after that TO. tf?


“Steph’s bad, is better than most players good” S tier quote there Alc! Truth too!


who keeps annually cucking wiggins. this shit is getting annoying. this is the most important stretch of the season

Jimmy Ji

I think resting in Toronto probably makes more sense. I'd imagine Steph would wanna play in the game against Boston on national TV.


So glad it was just a nut shot with GP2. Phew! Dario should not be playing at all at this point. It seems to me that the coaches are either too timid to tell Kerr they should bench Dario; Kerr is too stubborn and doesn't want to believe his own eyes, or Kerr believes this is actually good basketball. Give Dario's minutes to Trayce and Moody. Let the young guns cook.

deb m.

Thank you! How do they not have ALL the bandaid shades in the supplies?? It’s insulting.

Natto Santo

Klay was shooting sling shot last game, BUT HE CHANGED. Now he keeps one motion smoothly in front of his forehead. The elbow does not clock back too much. BANG! He is making all the shots. Hope he keeps shooting like this.

deb m.

Alc - do you hear anything about the coaching group dynamics there? Like, do they only tell Steve what he wants to hear, or do they challenge him with like, I dunno, FACTS?


It is super weird with those too, it's always been that way. It's really what made Klay such a good Robin for Steph all these years


Was losing my mind bc I thought Kerr took a timeout to get Dario outta there… but nah he doubled down

Mikey H

not tryin to big up kerr but he is comin around. Think it just takes him longer to make these needed changes. But in the end, klay is comin off the bench & kuminga is starting. Long way to go but hopefully he keeps adjusting. The Klay thing in itself is a huuuuuge accomplishment, def need a bit of finesse to get that one done & keep the core happy

Ballin Forever

UPDATE: Steve Kerr has no timetable for the return of Wiggins

Qiushi Hu

I'm glad Uncle Alch has found his new punching bag (Dario)


Hey , my apologies for putting this link here... its a very real breakdown of 49ers LOSS in super bowl. For me it is a healing video. For all those hoping Alc would be able to provide a breakdown of the loss, I think this will satisfy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OD7dgAd9AJs By the way, I have no interest in this fellow's channel, He's just a good guy like Alc. Seems like shooting for Klay is like a guy on a drug. He just gets enamored with the idea that no matter what he throws up (no pun), it will drop, and he seems to search for that rush.

Jansen E

Im 100% buying into the agenda that Dario cant have more than 12-15 minutes anymore. He's so bad defensively and his occasional wide open 3 isnt worth his defense. TJD needs to get 90% of his minutes and let CP3 spam that pick and roll and let the young big feast. Dario and Looney are really getting on my damn nerves. Or maybe its just the coaching staff forcing minutes for them that bothers me. If games were only 3 quarters long, we would be a #1 seed right now. But the amount of blown 4th quarters because of terrible rotations to start the 4th is getting disgusting. The fucking WIZARDS almost came back on us. We basically won because they ran out of time. If any one expects this team to win a playoff series, just look at their 4th quarter stats. They are one of the worst 4th quarter teams in the league. And in the playoffs, youre kidding yourself if you can win that way.


Men have never in history been so relieved to hear about a nut shot lmao

Childe Costa

he was just starting to hit his groove too. happy for Moody's chance and all but I don't see us getting out of the stacked west without Wiggs playing at or close to his full potential. Let's hope this doesn't drag out for 3 months like last year.


He must've been promised around 15 a night. Can you really blame them, for promising that during summer though? I think I would've as well. It's just impossible to foresee your 19th pick being a starter level player, Kuminga taking a BIG step, and even your 57th pick being a serviceable end of bench role player.


Well, he doesn't get more than that. He averaged 11.5 minutes in february. Problem is against young fast paced teams, he shouldn't even be getting 3 minutes. Realistically he can only play against old, half court offenses.

Neal X

No individual player is worth sacrificing what's best for the team, period. I don't care if they promised him a brand new Mercedes. Unless this was something actually in writing, they sit him down and say, "yo bro, that promise was also based on the assumption that you could play defense better than a traffic cone... so, tough luck..."

Neal X

"I just want to play players who understand what makes winning" == VETS. CORE. VETS. CORE. SMOL BOL.

Neal X

I like Steve Kerr a lot as a person. A few years ago I wouldn't have heard a single bad word against him. But starting with the performance of Team USA and going until now, his weaknesses and bad habits have become more and more apparent to the point where you'd have to be in serious denial not to admit it now.

Sarcasm 360

Something else I just realized is that this shows no ability to coach the players himself into favorable positions, but wants players that can do it on their own, his favoritism then stems from not being able to adapt the system to new players, and if their strengths lie outside the current outdated parameters of the system he literally can’t use them and treats them like they can’t play. (He was benching Kuminga) That inability to actually get up and coach guys into the right place is probably why you never see him constantly being vocal and standing up calling things out on the court, the problem is that his assistants do the same off his example.

Ryan becker

Something isn't right. Also, if its his dad why wouldn't he just tell us. What is he in the FBI, and all of his life is a secret? No he is public figure making tons of money. It has to be something else. Joke- those lips look like he is doing something .I'm wrong sorry about that.

Ryan becker

to be fair its probably a good idea for him to get his practice shots up to get ready for the next game.

Ryan becker

Maybe they are afraid other big men will see how we treated the one big to sign with dubs in forever. IDK just a guess. However, I agree with what you guys are saying he has been terrible. Also, we lost many 4th quarter games last year. I still think he has to do with Klay shooting too many shots and his poor defense. I love what I been seeing out of Klay of recently.

Erin Laskey

National TV or not, that's a game they'll lose. Celtis have only lost 3 games at home all season. Just use it as an opportunity to get him and maybe Draymond some rest


Goooood point. I also wonder how much input the other coaches have or are they just being yes men? I also heard that someone else does the rotations but idk if that’s true.