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Major Powers

HAHA Alc you gotta go to the kid's game bro, you can't treat a teenager like you're a teenager too haha


I know I cant! thats whats annoying tho. Remeber this is our youngest of 3. It gets old always having to yield right or wrong


Chiefs and Mahomes gotta be the closest thing to warriors and Steph in this modern sports era. The inevitability just gives you that dread. Give them a chance and they’re taking the game away. I understand why everyone hates the warriors so much now 😂 not fun being on this side. Raiders fan pulling hard for the niners bc fuck the chiefs but man… can’t even hate on them at this point


About the Super Bowl, I was there and didn't even know how Greenlaw got hurt, so much harder to see the details when you are at the game. Of course it would have been epic if we won but it was crushing to lose in that way. My takeaway is if u look back on past Superbowls how many times has the clearly better QB lost the game? I'll bet it's very few. The crowd was definitely pro Niners, a lot of guys took their wives and the girls ended up doing the Aisle pageant for the entire game. One 23 year old girl from our group started counting trips for our section and she had over 8 girls making more than 10 aisle runs. They stay out for about 15-20 min. each run. What a total waste of a massive ticket price, they all stayed seated for the half time show she noticed.. Goes to show the lengths we go to to get some.


You know when they start yapping when it's over, they don't really have confidence in themselves. Think Luka commented that same shit in NBA recently about the Suns or smth.