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Man this L was painful to watch, and we’ve had too many painful ones this season already


Dynasty is over


Listening to Draymond talk about how much the defense sucked was really annoying to me. He missed over 20 games for his own negligence and has the nerve to say anything like that. The way he held onto Kuminga would have set me off. He did that to Poole in a game last year and Poole had to literally push him away.

Jansen E

Lol. That Bulls game looking funnier by the second huh? We really thought they "found something". Really thought they might've "turned it around." I hate to keep saying it.....I told ya'll. NOTHING....and I mean NOTHING....will change, so long as Kerr is the coach of this team. I dont give a flying fuck what Draymond says or does anymore. I dont care how many "bounce back" games Wiggins has, because for every "good" game he has, he proceeds to have 5 straight "WTF WAS THAT" type of games. The vets are out of their prime and mentally check out, and Kerr, for no reason at all, HATES the young guys except for Podz. Kerr thinks Podz is 6'8. Another bunch of no-name G-leaguers making our "championship squad" look like a group of bums at a beachside court in LA. Matter of fact Ive seen more fight in actual beachside LA courts than this team right now. No trade is saving or changing this team. We honestly could get Giannis tomorrow, and I'd STILL be 98% sure that Kerr will fuck it up, intentionally or unintentionally. Fuck Steve Kerr. Fire Steve Kerr. Is it possible to just forfeit a season? Not tank. Like actually just stop playing for the rest of the season. Take Ls the rest of the way by not even showing up. That would be a less painful way to go about this.


Alch if you haven’t seen it I would have you check out Brandon’s post game interview after the bucks game, he addressed some of the chemistry issues. He said how off the court there as close as ever and on the court it’s like the complete opposite. Just something that’s pretty intriguing to hear

Dami I

how is loon still starting? it literally makes no sense


I don't even get excited anymore. why should I care if the players don't


Everytime I check the lineup and see loon start I get a little bit of C.T.E


I read the articles on NBC Sports Bay Area, and one thing that keeps popping up is "worst loss of the season." It's been written down so many times I honestly can't remember which one I would say is the worst, but this one fucking stung. I don't give a shit that this was on the road. We should have handled them.


The one thing you always hear in sports, “This team is a reflection of its coach.” Kerr making diabolical lineuo choices, playing favorites with the vets, seems like he just wants to sit on the sidelines this year out so he can get out and it’s showing in the team. When Kerr said “This team kinda lost it’s belief and confidence” after the Pelicans game, he meant himself and the feeling has trickled down to the team. Look at coaches who might not have the 4 titles like Steve, but have always had their teams ready to play, play for one another, and have a true identity. And this is also on Steph by talking about the insanity definition, but then being okay with Kerr and then HE PLAYS LIKE THIS GAME AFTER GAME EVEN AFTER HAVING TWO DAYS OFF


I believe step is fed up with Kerrs decision making and this to me seems like sabotage like Kerr can’t be this much of a dumbass to keep doing this he’s definitely against the team


I said last year before the playoff we should’ve put Moody, JK, JP, and the picks in a deal and just see what we could’ve got. Hell if we offered that to the raptors we could’ve been had a siakam + more


Thanks Alc for pointing out how bad Steph is playing, I am surprised no is talking about it, Everyone is blaming everybody except Steph, from what I have seen in last few games, if Steph plays like any other number 1 like Jokic, sga, Luka etc, we win last few games.


The further we get into the season, the older the team looks. And honestly Myers leaving looks more like an attempt to avoid the Jerry Krause treatment that we saw his wife take the other night in Chicago. Time comes for us all and the warriors time is now at worst, next year at best. Do you really want to make the next 5 to 10 years crap for a last roll of the dice now....? Very tough couple of weeks coming up for Dunleavy, I hope the fans don't crucify him cause he's between a rock and a hard place right now


I got another lowkey trade Wiggins, Moody, loon for kuzma and Gafford the. We trade CP3 for Gordon Hayward then we pick up a nice piece off of the buyout market


And if chef is truly cooked (which I pray to god he isn’t) throw the whole team away, including staff and hire whoever does the thunder scouting and drafting. Offer them triple their pay and see how our new future unfolds


The guards can't defend and none of the centers can either. How do you even build a capable defense? .You cant switch. Most of the lineup are food.No rim protection .It is impossible in the modern NBA lol.Warriors dont need a soft retooling but a real shakeup top to bottom.People are lying to themselves if they think one trade is saving them

Natto Santo

I have already move on. Kerr is a terrorist. He should just quit.


I think part of the reason why Dario is in is because Steph is super turnover prone. With Dray working limited minutes, CP3 out, Podz still raw (and his passes don't seem that accurate yet to me), there are limited playmakers who will move the ball. It sucks and I also hope this stops soon.


I think Steph got a taste of life beyond basketball this summer with that win in the golf tourny, and his body language is reading like a man who is torn between his head and his heart - head, ego, obligation says keep playing basketball but his heart might not agree anymore.


Grateful that I made the decision to stop watching games until they win at least 3 in a row. Even during the season where Steph had a broken hand, I had more fun watching us lose. At least those games everyone put in effort. It's disgusting seeing how little effort is being put in.


it is because looney a lack of an offensive threat.You cant play a non shooter next to him


Nothing about the team is consistent. That is a sign of a bad team. You dont know what version of what player is gonna show up every night. Generally, it is a bad version.As crazy as it sounds . Kuminga is the most consistent player.I know what im getting with him. Some dumb shit but some wow he might be one of them boys LMAO.


Alch how many two-way players are on this team. I would say none. None of the big salary players are.The closest is probably JK but he still has ways to go. On both ends the brother do be slow at time but he is 21.Look at who at the top of the standing. Teams are filled with them.OKC starting 5 outside of Giddey are two way menaces.


am i wrong in saying that steph probably shouldn't be an all star this year? off the top of my head sga, ant, fox, luka are all guards who should be above him

Freddie D

The team needs some sort of leadership. Are you saying that because he got himself suspended, he should just come back and not say anything and leave the team without a leader?


sad days this season

Noah Bailey

Steph don’t care nomore and is clearing declining right before our very eyes klay is washed bench player at best draymond seems like a lost cause Wiggins is a fuckin bum send him to Detroit so he doesn’t have to worry bout playing for a ring. Looney is cooked he can’t even get up and down the court and STEVE KERR is clearly sabotaging the season i don’t give a fuck what anybody says startin looney Dario and Wiggins ???? Kerr is obviously following an agenda cuz ain no way but this team this season is cooked it’s over and I have no confidence that they can even beat any team after loosing to the grizzlies no fight no heart they jus lay down every night and ion even want them in the playoffs that’s jus prolonging this bullshit until they make MAJOR changes the warriors are back to their old ways before 2013 a bottoms tier team in the league a laughingstock


I don't answer questions that refer meaning to my original statement when I already wrote what I wrote.

Abhi Kelkar

What we're eyeing is potentially trading the farm and having Steph be a 1a with someone else being a 1b. I don't think he's physically cooked, I just see a lack of focus and desire to bring it 110% for every game. He needs a true partner star not 3-4 #4 options that this roster is filled with.

Ballin Forever

I think our offense at times can be too convoluted... and not in the sense of understanding.. but in execution during games. Too much trying to thread the needle.. too much sneaky backdoor screens... its like we are trying to over compensate for our lack of players who can create separation and dribble penetrate naturally. At this stage.. I think we can benefit from just a simple pick and roll action. Thats what we have been morphing to anyways during the playoffs.. a pick and roll team and lets have that motion operate as a microcosm after that initial pick and roll action. That means we have to upgrade our center position. Idk WTF Kerr is thinking rolling out Looney and Dario... Kerr's coaching decisions are looking about as puzzling as Wiggins sudden decline


If a team plays like this, with these rotations, I would think it is a tanking team trying to lose without looking like they are trying to lose. But it is the Warriors, I am rattled.

james moore

You named all players in their 20s. Steph been there done that. Im not saying he cant be blame, but can we see him surrounded by some help like them players too?

Ballin Forever

I dont think Curry is declining as of this moment. I think Curry sees the writing on the wall as it pertains to their championship odds... He knows this team dont stand a chance so subconsciously he cant give that 100% effort at this stage. His mind is probably telling him to keep going.. but his heart knows the truth. Its very reminiscent of Bron 2019.. People thought he was absolutely cooked after that season. They go and get AD... got some ready to win pieces... new coach.. and suddenly he looked invigorated. A change absolutely has to happen. Watching LA Fitness players kick us in our ass like that was crazy to watch.


Yes, we need to go younger, do you see anymore old stars at top of the league?, all those teams are young, i am not saying steph is washed, but he needs to be better, too many silly turnovers, and if you see our bench production its really good in comparison to the league, the main problem is the starting lineup, as long as klay, dray , looney, wiggs are starting, we are going nowhere, no matter what trade we make.


LOL Steph is about to retire and start playing golf professionally

Paul Hanson

Father Time is undefeated-this year it should finally hit home to Dub Nation and more importantly the people who are in denial-the Golden State Warriors. Maybe they're not in denial privately-but come on guys! Come on Steph-we can see the bad vibes, the non-belief, the horrible chemistry. When I see the young Warriors-I see much more hustle, speed, WANT. When I watch Klay play these days-I don't see either the want or the ability to REALLY TRY against a G League team at that. If there was a Senior basketball tour like there is in the PGA-sign the core up. They're done in this league. Steph is beloved by many including I-I'll never forget what he's done-but this year is not a year anyone is going to want to remember in terms of many of these types of efforts by him.

Mikey H

I try to not write negative comments here but gotta do it on this one. This is an organization wide collapse- from top to bottom. This is on all of em. We can all blame kerr w his trash lineups, vet favoritism & icing out the young guns. Or Dray's antics, or whatever narrative we heard that lit the match that led to this. But there's no one in the org who doesn't deserve some blame for this. This is up there with Pistons level of suck. They all fr gotta get together in the jungle & sip on some ayahuasca or something to get this sorted out. lol not sure what else they can do at this point besides flip the whole thing


Sadly I don’t think we can compete with the big three anymore. It’s hard to say, but we either need to accept the big three is done and ride with them til the end, or trade everyone but curry and see if we can turn it around. Idk which is the right move but I’m ready to do something other than this😩


Thanks for these Alchemy ! It's great to have the breakdowns for the good games and even more so when there are games like these, that you definitely don't wanna sit through but you still want to get a sense of the WTF Happened?!!..;) Thanks for taking one for the team, much appreciated!


It’s clear that this team needs to have way more defensive minded players on the floor to surround Steph and Klay. Get more stops and run on fast break. Do we think the Raptors would give up Siakam for Chris Paul, Moody and Saric?

Chip Tingle

One reason I like the Murray idea so much is it gives you a long two way 2 with point guard skills to put Steph off ball even more. I wish MoMo had this skill set, or Podz was longer. I hear your complaints on Saric/Loon, but my guess is they targeted JJJ as highest priority to slow down. Other options on this roster? Start TJD or JK next to one of them for definite better result? I wish I was as confident as you seem to be in that option. Add that the rotations are being prepared for Dray to start soon in one of those slots. OK, coulda started him first game back, but…you rightfully call out the extra lbs. maybe swaying that choice, along with team personal dynamics? Yes, I support Cappella idea, too, though older and a step slower. Any team that makes 20 3 balls, gets 30 off turnovers, and has 40 FT’s to 10 for Dubs is gonna win. Old and slow feeds fouling and turnovers. Add not adjusting to guard the arc rather than paint. Ugly loss! I’m only seeing Steph as shooting guard moving forward to build around him, especially w his slowing D and turnovers. And that was w a game off! I know Steph is loyal, but are the voices in his ear saying move on starting to get any louder? It won’t likely happen, but how much of a team over hall could be accomplished far quicker by letting go of Steph for all he would bring back in return? I know…sacrilege. But if Dray/Klay are being seriously discussed, I have to think Steph puts this on his personal radar. Continued gratitude 🙏


Did yall catch the postgame interview with Gg Jackson? Honestly cheered me up after the game- one of the best postgame interviews ive seen in recent memory. Only 19 and wasn’t too cool to be starstruck talking to Shaq and Charles Barkley.


Kinda hard to tell if darios basketball iq is low or is defensive coaching points not clear


Refs cheated us out this game but that’s besides the point… a true contender would never lose to this college like basketball team. BLOW IT UP!!!!!


You think Moses moody and Gary Payton would get a deal done for Marcus smart? 🤔


"It's time to move into the future" - you know Alch is gonna jinx it and they're gonna sell all our young players :D


Don't think you made a single statement in the breakdown I could objectively argue against. That Klay defense highlight you brought up leaving the wide open 3 was something I saw real time in the game. I'm like why are you dropping to the paint cover your guy. And JK was exactly what you said the only one out their who wanted to win, so he played hero ball and he is worse at it than Steph. To me it seems like the decision that the core is done has already been made and they told Steph and his play has reflected that. He is doing a passive/aggressive pout session on the court nightly and has since about Christmas. Klay as well. Steph is mad his Splash Bro is getting shipped and Klay knows he is maybe getting a mid level exception moving forward. Just my thoughts, I'm out y'all.


Hey Alch, what about Mike D'Antoni for next coach? If Steph is still prime I think Mike would be good match.

Thomas Ogas

Alch keeping it at 100 in this one. Damn. Appreciate you.


Alch's psychotic laugh when Loon lost his man for yet another open 3 in the 1st quarter is pretty much me when I'm at when I watch these guys play now. You simply can't make this up. I'm normally super optimistic about these guys cos as long as we have Steph, it feels like there's a chance but ye, its starting to seem like he's thrown in the towel too. This might actually be the death of a dynasty everyone's been talking about and it SUCKS Oh ye... and looks like Klay has inherited the CP3 close out, where he stops halfway and randomly does a jumping jack for no reason. ffs


Well Kobe retired and won an Oscar so stranger things have happened!

Andre Brooks

Steph hasn’t gotten separation from a defender in the last 2 seasons. He just spots so fast and keeps them off balance enough to still get off clean looks.

Andre Brooks

It’s BEEN time to abandon the system. League is too used to it AND we don’t have the personnel for it anymore. Adapt or die


Fuck me this season is getting painful. I'm obviously not there so I can't know, but draymond has definitely fucked shit up over the past year. Terrible behaviour during the playoffs, bullying/hitting JP. After that incident, Looney and others had mentioned how he'll need to earn his trust back and they seemed upset. on the PG podcast, Klay seemed super upset that JP had to go. JP and the other youngsters are rewarded with JP being traded while Draymond gets money. Then they have to deal with his fuckassery all year. His dumbass foul on the Chet 3 pointer keeps playing in my head. Draymond has honestly been an energy leech on this team in the past year and a half, and he makes it seem like Golden State is not a fun/good place to be rn...


The only upside to these games is that your videos are extra fun to watch lmao

Strong Foru

Hey Alch, can you post a streamable link so I can watch the video?


I hear you on Steph Alch but I think it’s a little premature to give up on Steph yes his play has been infuriating but I know and we’ve seen Steph show up time and time again! I say if he finishes the season like this then we reevaluate Steph but we all know big moves are coming for the team


I wouldn’t call Steph cooked yet, bc I feel like a lot of this is him being mentally checked out. We’re obv not good enough and he has no number 2 to take pressure off him. If we got a legit #2 like Siakam I feel like Steph would look better picking his spots. Not an excuse bc this is still terrible leadership, but cooked would be like he couldn’t even have those explosive games every now and then. That first LeBron Laker season he was looking pretty cooked but I feel like it was a similar combo of no co star and him knowing the season wasn’t going anywhere. Once AD got there Bron started looking rejuvenated.


It’s why I’m not on the Siakam trade. The vets aren’t showing us that they can compete with a few more pieces, they are just as much the problem and bringing in a rental for half the season when they are already 4 games below .500 doesn’t make any sense


Haha. Anger management, for sure. I HOPE Kerr told Dray "if you argue with ANY refs I pull you from the game and you sit on the bench for the reminder of the game."


2021-22 championship season During and after the 3-point record celebrations He went on what many called the worst slump of his career It happens with him, he's not cooked, he's mentally exhausted just like we are of watching this team - how difficult it must be to be asked to be excellent on what is so transparently not a title contender

Kahlil Baker

Is it that Steph is cooked or does he just not care? Kerr putting out shit line ups. Wiggins looking like he can’t play ball. Draymond fighting for the UFC. Klay playing pick up basketball. This team is fucked!


New Warriors tandem name for Saric and Loon: "The Slow Bros." The one positive about this bad run is that it hopefully has upstairs reconsidering the double down on the Core and vets agenda. The Core is not elite anymore. They aren't and it's a bad bet. Especially, Klay. I think this has to be about next season. For example, where does it get us if we go all-in, JK, and all, for Siakam? Maybe a Play-in birth? Nah. Hard pass. If we can, we need to come off of Wiggs' contract (I would do a deal for Buddy Hield's expiring contract in a nano-second). If we can trade Klay to a contender for some assets, I do that too. Just have to set him down and tell him we know we cannot offer him what he will accept in the off-season and don't want to insult him. Steph has 2 or 3 years left, so make this about next year. Do not liquidate all of our young assets like JK. He might be what the Chef ordered next year.


How do you even fix this. One trade is not fixing all these problems.People compare this to the Lakers but I feel like we are the complete opposite. The stars on this team are stinking up the place. Not the role players.


Philly at +200 for klay’s next team. What do yall feel about Tobias Harris and Danuel house for klay?


In terms of Curry play, he's playing too unfocused imo. Personally I originally feared that Steph was cooked in that 2022 slump but he came right back but during that stretch he was still playing focused basketball. Now it seems like he's not trying. Like he's trying to preserve his legs and stamina. But like you said, with older stars it's not that they don't have the ability to go nuclear, it's that it takes time for them to recover. it's not a night to night typa thing


exactly. i haven't really seen any real dip offensively from Steph except his stamina and durability of just consistently attacking the rim on a day to day basis. he just has lousy turnovers and yeah


yup 36 year old legs. still not cooked yet tho. Alch hating on my boy Steph hahaha. HE'S 36. same shit happened to Bron. he can't put out that much effort defensively on a nightly basis especially when the team is not really competing for anything


pretty sure we'd be the ones adding draft equity in that exchange


I couldn't bring myself to vote for steph in the all star game, too many better guards at the moment, as crazy as it sounds


Yo alch, love your work. Your iq and insight of the game is unmatched amongst the people you find on yt. Also you mentioned you had a discord or something. Is there a link to that anywhere?


Remember when Looney was our "right place at the right time"-guy? Where's that dude now

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

I happened to notice in the game that Curry whispered something to Kuminga right before JK inbounded the ball. Kuminga acted with such certainty after that inbound that I felt pretty certain he was doing what Steph had just asked him to do. Haven’t watched the replay yet but curious if anyone else noticed that.


GG Jackson walked up to steph at halftime and reminded him that he was uninvited from SC30 camp. He’s cold for that. I think everyone’s revenge tour is in full throttle smh lol

Patrick Kennedy

Yup.blow it up. No joy. No effort, to energy. Badly coached.


They know how vulnerable this team is. Similar approach with Detroit: no one wants to lose to them and for the warriors: everyone wants to beat the shit out of us


I had a coworker go to the Warriors Raptors game and she literally never watches basketball. The first thing she said to me when I asked her how she enjoyed the game was.. "They don't seem like they are trying very hard." If a completely oblivious fan notices that right away... It's time to blow it up. I don't think Alc showed it but after the Steph full court press, I swear they tried pressing with Steph AND Klay.. Memphis broke that press in about 1.5 seconds.. I think a lot of fans just want the effort, regardless of result.


Curry has been a huge part of our issues recently. But let's be real, look at who we are surrounding him with. We arguably have the worst offensive frontcourt in the league with Looney, Draymond, and Saric, who are all undersized and have no athleticism at all. Moreover, when you look at our backcourt, we have Klay Thompson. Ideally, the backcourt has a guy who can either cover for Steph defensively or at least be able to share the playmaking load. Klay can't do either these days. Finally, there's the stat of us being the only team in the league with ONE 20+ ppg scorer. So when you look at all these factors, we are putting an incredibly large load on Steph to generate offense as a 35-year-old while not giving him any opportunities to rest on defense. It's seriously a disaster on all levels. I don't think Steph is cooked yet. I think what we are seeing is someone who is aware of the roster's ineptitude and is mentally checked out

John Z

Where is the coaching? I don't just watch the Warriors and almost every team's coach is up and coaching their guys during the game, Malone, Jenkins, Pop, Spo, Thibs, Nurse, Hardy, Mazzulla, Daigneault. Maybe not every single play but definitely more than the few times I see Kerr out there, unless he's blowing a gasket on Kuminga. The contradictions with this team are just ridiculous. Value every possession but actually do it. Stop trying to leverage everything off of the system and play off of what you have. Spread the floor, stop with so much motion, give actual lanes for people to drive and cut and stop switching on defense so easily. Dumb it the hell down.

yan't get right

BIG facts. He wasn’t tuned in at all unless it meant some big momentous thing to chase. Steph is a dopamine hound, and the wells gone completely dry

yan't get right

Steph is a dopamine hound. I don’t agree he’s athletically cooked, but you can tell he literally refuses to produce excitement to play well or be a leader against a depleted Grizzlies team. However, the point is: that’s WORSE than being athletically cooked. Because it’s just hemorrhaging the actual opportunity he’s been afforded to give himself to the game. It’s really fucking selfish. Truly: I miss Kobe, because that was a superstar who’s selfishness at least matched his love for the game of basketball


GG Jackson is dumb af and I hope he's using a vagina wash for sensitive skin. He thinks Steph PERSONALLY took out his name from the list??? Obviously Under Armour's camp administrators oversee that shit.

Chip Tingle

Reading Indy has 3 firsts plus Brown and others on the table for Siakem. I don’t see Dubs matching that, do y’all?


I love this take That Steph's super powers actually manifest from being a dopamine junky. I never thought of that before. Cuz it's not a natural thing for him to dominate like Bron or somehow with overpowering strength and size, Steph has to will his elite traits out of himself.


No, Steph is not washed. No, it’s not because he’s lost confidence in his teammates. How do you play when you don’t wanna play? Lackadaisical, quiet, selfish. Reality of the *warriors* situation is that the career arc of one of the greatest players of all time is currently overshadowing the tangible issues with the roster and the entire organization for that matter. Steph is facing the penultimate fork in the road for his career, his life, his legacy. He’s in an impossible situation. Strong, humble, unrelenting leader of men — in his own way. That is what’s at stake here. The media is a machine designed to amplify everything, good and evil. One wrong move can butterfly. How did Scottie x MJ end up like this? Long story short, the warriors are floundering because Stephen Curry finds himself gazing up the stairway to basketball heaven. And he has to find the courage to take his next step in the only direction he knows how. Wait too long and the decision won’t be his to make.


Telling you were coming out of this trade deadline with a Jared Vanderbilt type player 😂we ain’t getting shit cuz we have nothing to offer. Lauri and Siakam are both amazing options but we all know damn well we have nothing of value. I say trade deadline will most likely be underwhelming. We’re in a really tough spot right now


Watched the game again last night. They didn’t really play that bad for most of it. It was just looney and Dario having no ability to close out on threes. So basically kerrs fault.


maybe Bob Meyers was key and things fell apart when he left, or maybe he left because it was getting crappy


Calling Steph cooked at this point is blasphemous of u, Alch. What I see is not much variety in how they play- or as u say how dynamic they are. The whole team needs to play better and with more aggression! RIP coach Milojevic

Chip Tingle

Not sure where Vandy comparison idea is coming from, much as I like his D, boards, and energy. But most D’s would dare him to shoot, especially if he was a Dub. Capella is a more mobile, longer, hoppier version of Loon in my eyes, comfortable w role, runs floor. I’ve always liked his game, and think he might fit well for many reasons.


It was kind of a random name drop. In terms of what’s attainable, right now we have nothing to offer so a Vandy ‘Tier’ Player is probably all that’s in the books for us, not saying him specifically. But really just pointing out how little we have to offer, it hurts our chances of actually being able to land any elite level players. Compare what Pacers gave the Raps for Siakam, we have none of that. Capela, Vucevic, Siakam, Lauri, are players we probably all think would fit great. Problem is I don’t think they are realistic. But who knows maybe we pull some crazy moves off before the upcoming deadline.


I don't think they wanna trade Harris unless it's in an All-Star level trade - bur the Klay fit is interesting