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Been waiting on this one! Thx for sharing


waiting on this one? Mavs fan? nah JK always grateful to hear people are anticipating the breakdowns.

paul reboca sr

i'm just wondering brother, do you think Klay and wiggins are on the block for sure? what about Draymond?


Honestly this season feels even less salvageable than last year even post punch. Roster feels weirder, Kerr and core refuses to adjust in game, fans see the problems with the team before the team does and the selfishness of the Big 3 is showing more than ever. I ask this knowing I’m immediately gonna be killed for it, but did winning number 4 do more harm than good to this organization?


Thoughts on moody not playing?

Erin Laskey

Liked what I heard from Marcus Thompson on the Athletic podcast - That the FO is leaning towards this season being a bust and preparing the team for a run from next year. I also feel there’s not enough value in the trade market to make a significant difference this year other than the players who are looking to get paid like Siakam and Markkanen


It was the “sell your soul” chip.. I hear what you’re saying. But it was so sweet! If that was it that was it, in my eyes. I think we are in for a big shake up tho let’s see what the roster looks like after the deadline


Man the Big 3 have been such a staple for me I would hate for this to be how it ends but it feels like they tried so hard to not end up like this that it’s even worse than how it should’ve gone. Honestly, I really think (and hope they don’t do this) anyone not named Steph, Klay and Dray are expendable


Haven’t caught their latest pod yet.. interesting. Do just lean into the youngster rest of the year at least


Warrior's dynasty decline has been one of the weirdest. 3/5 of a good starting unit has been unplayable in 12 months time. The once dynamic coaching staff has become stale and boring. Personal agendas are also thriving.You have this generational player who is still good enough to win a chip but his costars are declining fast. Then you have a good stock of young players who are gonna be really good players in this league to varying levels.Kuminga is averaging 16/6/3 as a starter in only 24 minutes a game.Podz is a triple-double threat every night. Moody is good when he plays.Unlike a lot of dynasties.We have assets to build around the star.but what moves can turn around this team by the trade deadline?


Bruh they should just free Moody at this point, dude is a professional, hustles and plays harder than most, usually has a positive impacts and makes few mistakes. Can you imagine being like that and getting DNPs while watching Klay play like an asshole all game long? Not trying on defense, bricking terrible shots on offense and making wild turnovers that would DNP Moody for a month... Sheeesh trade the guy already, he'd thrive on Miami


I've had to stop watching many of these terrible games lately but still enjoy the insightful breakdowns, happy new year 🍻


I would if the vet keep playing like shit. I rather watch the young guys compete and play hard


I mean Trade Steph, this organization would be in shambles for a long time.. We all know who and what the problem is.. it’s the damn coach and Draymond with his b.s


The Klay floating 3's are back. Honestly, when he is cold, Kerr has to yank him. People chide JK for defensive missteps, but Klay's defensive tape is rougher. Defense is in large part about effort and at least JK gives you that most of the time. Klay just wants to chuck. He is a one-way player these days. As for Wiggs, the Raps just got Toronto native R.J. Barrett. Wiggs too is from Toronto. Maybe we will get lucky and Masai will love the idea of stocking his team with Toronto guys and will accept Wiggs in a deal for Siakim that does not involve JK. Okay, that's likely wishful thinking. However, maybe if Wiggs keeps playing well, Masai might like his positional fit and decent contract numbers. But I don't see him not demanding JK and/or Podz in such a deal.


I was thinking it would be great marketing for Toronto and then maybe you get some extra pride out of Wigs.


When Klay is bricking everything in the first half I feel like he very RARELY gets it going in the 2nd. Guy has no business playing 30+ minutes when he starts like that

Mikey H

def cruel not playin him. every game i watched he comes out & stays swinging. honestly, would rather see moody play than klay these days. maybe they have a trade involving him in the works so they not playin him too much? idk anymore haha


Losing to “Headband Luka” is nasty work… Luka wearing that slimass headband looks like a Field Hockey player smh It’s still early but these games are become hard to watch smh


I know Moses Moody wouldn't have done a dang thing to win that game but the fact that he didn't get any minutes is coaching malpractice. Unless he is traded in the next few days, why keep him on the roster and pay him millions just to lace his shoes?

Erin Laskey

Maybe it’s an admonition on the core that they are relying on low-draft rookies at the top end of the rotation this early already..


If Klay would just take that Malik Monk role as a bench microwave scorer it would make a world of a difference.


What's sad is that Green also had a phenomenal start but had to ruin it with his antics, and Wiggins is finally getting back in shape, but Kerr has refused to hold Klay accountable in any way and is straight up holding back the team by not letting guys earn minutes over him


The breakdowns are the best thing about watching this team at this point because by and large the games aren't fun to watch live, just frustrating regardless of a win or loss. Please Joey pockets just sell the team so that someone with more sense and less pride can greenlight a rebuild and stop this insanity.


That was a great podcast uncle ! Much needed therapy! Thx for all your hard work this year! We need a trade, can we put Kerr on the block? Maybe Kerr, Moody, Chris Paul to Utah with some picks for Laurie M.? Promote any smart assistant coach? Dunno but something’s gotta happen.


I think Steph is just sick of playing with Looney because why else would you throw him a lob if not get him injured? I kid, I kid...unless 👉👈

Omer Ali

Honestly all the Dubs issues currently come from the defensive side of the ball. I absolutely despise the three guard line-ups. Someone always has to guard up which always means someone is over helping.

Omer Ali

We have too many guards on this team that need minutes. Curry, Klay, CP3, Podz, Moody and now GPII. Packaging Mood and CP3 for a Big Forward would be the ideal trade.

Anthony English

Anyone notice how the body language, effort and overall vibe changed after Klay botched the fast break in the 2Q? Completely changed the game. We never were attached or a threat afterwards


I think especially if Klay isn't hitting his shot, he doesn't really contribute anything else. At least Moody will hustle and contribute in other ways. I don't mind giving him the benefit of the doubt but he's got to have a shorter leash. I mean at least 10 of the shots were horrible.


I think I want to see at starting 5 of curry,podz,jk,wigs,tjd. I feel like this should help us on defense, when dray comes back slide podz to the bench. That would give us a nice switching defense but at this point idk. Feels like we need to throw stuff at the wall see wat sticks


This team is desperate and searching for some sort of reboot, either via trade or some sort of drastic change in the teams culture i.e., Klay requesting to come off the bench. Our big 3 remind me so much of when a couple has been married for so long and have been putting up with each other for so long, they’re now sleeping in separate bedrooms. I think a divorce is imminent, though.


How many teams and players would kill for one ring and warriors fans are complaining about a fourth

k fish

I said this last season when everyone was blaming poole....that title run boosted the ego of the core and kerr to a level of complete foolishness. Klay felt like he can do what he pleases, dray punched poole and was rewarded, Kerr said see I told u we can win small and looney will be my starting center forever lol steph was just happy to win so he plays along. It was really telling how Kerr still speaks as if moody and kuminga wasn't a part of that team when they actually got playoff minutes and run during the season lol its telling that Kerr does t come into the season with a plan how to maximize jk, he just wants the old guard to keep getting paid and carrying him


I think people need to accept the LeBron, Steph, Durant era is over. And also instead of all doom and gloom be thankful the warriors got four rings. So many great players retire with never even going to the NBA finals once


So I guess Celtics, Lakers, Bulls, Spurs, Rockets fans can’t complain about the current struggles of their trams cuz they won championships in their franchise history. You know how dumb that sounds. The championship only holds wait until someone else takes it from you the following year then it’s on to the next chance. Right now the team is throwing away their chance to fight for another title cuz they wanna be the “For the zibes” team


While I agree, I still can’t act like Poole was blameless is what happened last year. Did he deserve to get punched, hell no but his attitude and inconsistency didn’t help him either, especially in the playoffs when we needed another offensive threat to help Steph. Kerr talking about Moody and JK like this is their rookie season is mind blowing to me along with doubling down on small ball and ALWAYS having two point guards on the floor when the league is getting bigger right before his eyes is the literal definition of bullheaded. What I really want to happen is Joe calls Kerr into his office and asks him to be deadass with him if he’s trynna win or just keep Klay happy. Cuz it’s clear we can’t even be 500 with the way he’s been coaching combined with how the team is out of gas already and it ain’t even January yet (as of this comment at least 😂)


Imma be pretty negative on this one. I don't see any realistic piece that will save this season more than a new coach. That sounds dramatic, Kerr is an all time great and is a big reason we got 4 chips, but the past year and a half have been obscenely bad. It's like he's no longer seeing the game for what it is, he's seeing it through a lens of his philosophy of how it should look. So many of our defensive problems are because Kerr thinks it's okay to field 2-4 guards in each lineup. Across the league having multiple wings in a lineup is the ultimate asset, yet Kerr doesn't seem to want to play Kuminga and Wiggins together because for some reason he thinks it's better to have two point guards. How does this man think that starting Steph, CP3, and Klay, all in their mid to late 30s, is a DEFENSIVE move?? It's actually laughable at this point. Not to mention him giving Anthony Lamb hella minutes last season, a guy who can't get a job in the NBA now, instead of giving those minutes to develop Kuminga/Moody. BTW, where is Moody?? He never gets rewarded for playing well, like against the Heat. I once saw Popovich, who was influenced by his time in the military, say that one of the hallmarks of good organizations is giving consistent rewards and consistent punishments. Kerr could learn a thing or two.


Also I was at this game last night, my first in the Chase era, and the dynasty is dying in more ways than one. Chase center crowd is soo weak compared to Oracle. My friend went to game 5 of the '22 Finals (Wiggs game) and said that people were reguarly telling him to sit down. He also overheard people confused as to why the defenders weren't playing defense during a free throw. SMH those tickets are like thousands of dollars


Shit, if we traded up for Lively he'd probably be "maturing" in the G league rn. Only reason Trace is playing is cause Loon has seemed to age 9 years in the past 6 months. This org is allergic to young bigs.


The whole branding around the Warriors since moving to SF has been really cringe tbh. I know it has nothing to do with basketball, but they just felt like such a cool team at Oracle, no corny shit. Now it's all corny, from the fans, to the little things they have up at the jumbotron at games, the dancers, etc. It's just tough to watch lol.


Dude yeah they played this video on the jumbotron that was called "Chat GP2" that was incredibly cringy. The OGs must also feel a type a way about it the change in crowd/vibe

Alex Kay

Unfortunately he is nowhere near Monk’s abilities and production now. Klay is just a spot up shooter at best


Oh yeah, I agree and wasn't trying to imply he'd be that good but that's the role he needs to take. Relying on Klay to be a championship team isn't realistic.

Karleke Dennis

Do you plan on covering Kerr’s treatment/neglect towards our lower-maintenance players? And rather than looking at trade targets like most other channels, can you make a video discussing an internal roster adjustment and how we can still get better from the inside? We may not be championship level but we’re better than 15-17


I didn’t bring up Moody in this breakdown in part because it’s very unsurprising. But I feel like it’s a constant conversation why is X player not getting an opportunity in this spot.

John Z

The 22 ring basically had me stop harping on Kerr, but the leveraging of Steph for the system has eroded our ability adapt to modern basketball. It's like he doesn't understand us as the variable that has changed the way things are played. The way teams guard Steph, the wear it not only puts on him and Klay at their age but the way team over the course of the game gets gassed, the way it affects defense, it all takes a toll.

Karleke Dennis

Understandable. The Moody issue has happened too often for people to continue getting riled up over. However, it’s happening with Looney and Wiggins, as well. You could see that both Wiggins, Klay, and Loon were/are issues in the starting lineup but only Wiggins and now Loon have since moved. We still have a Klay problem and yet no switch in sight.

Natto Santo

Obviously we are not good enough to compete any more. I think even we trade now, it will not help much. I have laid down my expectation and hope Big 3 go down gracefully. Our young guys are good but none of them is Superstar level. Talking about superstar, can we get Zion somehow? I always want to see Zion with Chef. It is crazy how to see the gravity work around that. (But defensively could be trash)


I want ur take on if bench klay will help the team to turn around and how many pieces are we away from contenter


He shot 11 times and you’re prob right about 10 being horrible 😭


seeing the Mavs I realized the warriors are missing a knockdown shooter in the corner

Karleke Dennis

At no point since 2019 have we had a supremely elite scorer to pair alongside Steph and yet somehow we made it work in 2022. Why? Because we leaned into our defense and utilized the right pairings of long athletes and two way players to get in transition and make things easier to get someone like Steph in a groove for the harder buckets to come. If we bench Klay for Wiggs, put Podz back in the starting lineup (or in my opinion give Moody the start) over CP, we’d easily have a more defensive lineup which is what we should be going for and we’re more adaptable for the younger teams taking the league by storm. Steph has shown before Kerr’s motion offense that he can handle being a “true” pg and if we still want to play the find Steph game that Draymond loved we can use Kuminga as the new Dray and at least he can create something on his own when things hit the fan in a half court set.

Karleke Dennis

As a continuation, our 1-2 punch should’ve been Steph and JK since last year. The league is moving toward and an inside-out combo game again and we should be trying that as well. We have the pieces to adjust and win in this league and with the lineup I’ve stated we have 4 guys that could create at least decently for themselves on the floor in our starting rotation.


I don’t think we are as bad as we’ve looked. Having Klay play like he has without repercussion really pulls the team down, and is messing up the chemistry as well. I honestly think we make a game of it last night if Moody gets all of Klays minutes. He prob scores 15 and gets a few 50/50 balls diving on the floor. It’s time to sit Klay.


This is one of those games where we really miss Draymond.

Jansen E

Im done with this team this year. I'll still watch. And I'll definitely still watch your breakdowns (the only reason I'll keep watching them play tbh lol). But Im done with them. No trade is gonna turn us into contenders. We get sprayed on the block by no-names and randos every single night. Scouting report apparently had NO idea Exum was shooting well. Who's in charge of doing the scouting reports? Our defense is a goddamn joke. No one but Steph can create their own shot. Draymond needs to be off the team. Klay needs to pull his head out of his ass. And Kerr with the final 2023 FUCK YOU to Moody puts a cherry on top of everything. "Ohhhh Moody is so good, if only I could find minutes to play everyone!!!!" - Steve Kerr, 2023. Klay taking a shit on an NBA court and still somehow no minutes exist for Moody. Alch, is it too much to ask for you to breakdown the 49ers playoffs games? Cuz at this point, the Warriors are just going through the motions and wasting all of the fans time. We were gaslit into believing they were gonna be contenders this year. And they are just a joke right now.

Childe Costa

The meteoric decline of Loone and Klay has been so painful to watch but as Alch points out, the biggest positive from last night was Kerr firmly clutching parts of his anatomy. But no matter how obvious the necessary changes are, Kerr can't grab his cohones without first genuflecting and kissing each of Klay's four rings. Loone's given us every indication that his ego is resilient to coaching changes but Klay, well, not so much. I'm sure there will soon be a pouting meme of him going viral. So benching Klay in the 4th after another miserable performance was perhaps the highlight of this match. In terms of play, yes, our effort (Steph) on D could definitely use a jolt of energy/tenacity. In fact what has blown me away the last two games is how the no-name players of our opponents have come to Oracle and played like super-stars. It certainly makes you wonder if it's our defense that makes the opponents look so damn smooth. Sure, you expect Doncic/Hardaway and Herro/Bam to get their numbers but the supporting cast of both teams used our faces as ash trays. And at the same time, our "stars", especially Steph and Klay, on offense have looked like mediocre two-way players. If they hit 2 or 3 in a row we're supposed to be impressed. In both games we had our chances to get back in the game but after a brief push the splash bros would both go cold and momentum would flip back in our opponents favor. Not sure if "father time" has caught up with us or if this is just the normal ups-and-downs of the NBA bio-rhythm, but we look very unintimidating right now. As for "blow it up" trades, anyone who would rather keep Klay over Wiggs for anything outside of pure nostalgia is out of their mind. But regardless of your assessment of talent, as others have said, no trade is going to get this team back on track without us first getting back on track with what we've got. Go Warriors. Go Alch!

Childe Costa

how long would he have stayed on the court before pimp slapping the Mav's least aggressive player?


I think the OG trio of Steph, Klay, and Dray are past their prime and it's no longer possible to keep them on the same team as starters and expect a very competitive, fired up, or successful results. They're not hungry anymore for the little things that will win us games. I would like to see, though it'll never happen, Klay and Dray to take bench roles; TDJ and Loon to fight for the starting 5, Dray, Kuminga, and Wiggins to fight for the 4, Klay and Mood to fight for the 3, Pod and CP to fight for 2, Steph as the 1 with GP2 always the backup. We NEED hunger, athleticism, and discipline. The youngsters need to push the vets on hunger and athleticism and the couches need to push everyone on discipline.


I know it wouldn’t make them contenders, but it would be satisfying to at least see a lineup of tjd, bp, Steph, moody, Kuminga. I think that’s the best this team can do.


Gem: “big Slovenian snail trail”. 😂


You guys realize that Loon is only 4 years older than Trace? I couldn’t believe that when I looked it up. Loon looks 37 out there instead of 27.

Neal X

I'm not missing Draymond again. Ship has sailed.

Neal X

I was tremendously disappointed when Draymond was given a slap on the wrist for the Poole punch -- because that was huge sign that there is no accountability in the org.


Complete re-tool, just for fun: Paul, Kuminga = Jerami Grant Draymond = Grant Williams, Maxi Kleber Andrew Wiggins, Pods = Mikal Bridges, Darin Whitehead (or the numerous others at the 2ish mil per year) Klay, Moses, Jackson-Davis, Santos = Siakam, Thaddeus Young, Otto Porter Jr All are successful. May need to throw a pick in the raptor trade. New starting 5: Steph Curry, Mikal Bridges, Grant Williams, Jerami Grant, Pascal Siakam

Neal X

I've gone through this myself, so I am speaking from experience -- losing time after time when you feel like you're entitled to win because of how individually talented you are can take a huge mental toll. It leads to becoming wrapped up in self-pity and makes you extremely frustrated and toxic in how you do everything. This is what was going on with basically all of the big three. Draymond lashed out, Klay became pouty, and, Steph kicked chairs, and all three of them mentally checked out in a lot of subtle ways that is self-sabotaging. I think Kerr can sort of diagnose the problem, but he can't cure it, but honestly I don't blame him. There may be no cure for the death spiral, it may just have to run its course. I can also say from my experience, that after analyzing my own mood, I realized it was because I no longer enjoyed playing for the love of the game (a video game I played competitively). I was only playing to WIN, because my ego demanded that I WIN. I enjoyed winning, but not the act of playing itself, I was actually somewhat bored of that. If that's what's going on with the core, then the dynasty has truly run its course. 2022 was the top of the mountain, and we can all be thankful for that, but sometimes this happens. Do I still think they can make some big roster changes that makes this team win more? I do, but I also think that the core vets playing together has to end; only if they can rediscover a love of the game for its own sake (not just winning because they feel they DESERVE it), do they have a chance of giving us a glimpse of what brought them success in the past. Out of the three guys (or four, counting Loon) I think only Steph has a chance of coming back.


Yeah unfortunately us warriors fans have been privileged. Expecting wins while constantly losing is one of the most painful dynamics to watch. I’ve been talking about how role players always have great games against us, and it’s not some nitpicking detail that I’m pointing it’s absurdly obvious and it won’t change as long as our team and defensive scheme remains the same. We play the Cavs? Expect a 30 ball from Caris. We play the Kings? Easy 25+ from Monk. It’s not just this year either too. I remember a few years back attending a home game and watching Andrew Nembhard drop 31 on Steph’s head. It sucks but these harsh realities they were able to live with before are now beginning to eat then alive.


That’s the illusion of the talent deficit. Contextually we may not even be playing that bad, we just flat out aren’t good enough right now lol. I’m starting to give up on Moody and it’s not his fault, Kerr clearly has no clue what he wants to do with him. Always gonna love this team but that’s what it is right now


Yeah it’s bad, after attending multiple games at Chase I can tell you it’s nothing like Oracle. The disinterest and lack of attentiveness / knowledge in that stadium is palpable. I could be tripping but I swear to god Kerr and staff are low key starting to look like a group of those Uppity Peninsula basketball parents 😂but yeah idk the whole organization seems to be going through a shift.


Dub nation the times are changing and it’s officially time to start reverting our minds back to that of a regular NBA fan 😂 No more championship aspirations or hope talking about it left in the pot. Always gonna love these guys with all my heart but I think the inevitable outcome of “the bigger you are the harder you fall” is starting to come to fruition. Unless theres a coaching change or some ginormous block buster trades to occur, it’s time to rebuild. I’m sure this is a cope and may only be specific to me but from years 2010-15 was when I TRULY felt like a crazed super fan, absolutely stoked for the next game whether it was a scheduled loss or a crazy underdog win. From the days with Steph and Monta running together, and having random ass role players on our squad like Nate Robinson 😂. Then we starting winning, FAST at that, and once we peaked i swear everything just kinda started to feel stale. Being so used to winning, already knowing what the outcome is gonna be. I’m rambling and bullshitting at this point but maybe a few years of being in the gutter can re inspire me and maybe some of you guys if you feel the same.


Its hard not to see this late dynasty era as the time of The Fall of the House of Curry. A slew of failed experiments and aging standby's are now revealing a franchise that is slowly coming apart at the seams. The only way to have sustained their level of excellence was to effectively rebuild through the draft and the trade market to ease pressure off of the hall of famers as they aged. That hasn't happened, Yes there are promising signs but they aren't happening quickly enough to keep pace with the rest of the league. If they aren't going to go "gently into that good night" they will have to make some major moves. Steph and Dray are the heart, soul and identity of this house, you ride with them into the sunset. Klay? The shrewd move would be to move on from him. His energy is wrong, period. Vibe like a dude on a permanent weed hangover, crabky and spaced out. His defense has gone south and his shot selection is self-obsessive. Wiggins as I've said before makes the Tin Man look fiesty, or to put it in Kerr-onomics he has no "grit". They have some pieces to work with. Klay and CP3 are on expiring deals, Wiggins can give a team some two way minutes (just not in crunch time) and they have some young pieces with promise. Its time to push the chips forward and be bold. "Rage, rage against the dying of the light".

Neal X

Steph just has a naturally positive mental attitude, which is super helpful for self-correcting.


Yup it all falls back on the expecting wins but constantly losing dynamic. Time to become a regular NBA fan with regular standards and to start to slowly phase out the words “contender , championship , and finals “ from our vocab momentarily 😂 and there’s nothing wrong with this whatsoever. What an insane past 10 years we have experienced as dubs fans! Sometimes I think we forgot what it felt like to be in the gutter. That’s all we used to know lol


Yeah at this point feels like we’re splitting hairs trying to come up with a solution to the randomness in Kerrs rotations. At the end of the day our “best possible lineup” is a play in team / 7th seed ceiling.


Klay with one of the worst passes I’ve ever seen 😂 Kendrick Perkins level vision right there


Let me start with im not crazy knowledgeable about basketball. And I’m not sure I actually want this. But what if we doubled down on our young talent. And traded klay, Wiggins, looney, and curry for picks and young players like murry from ATL and either jeremi grant or siakem. And find a way to get Clint capela or andre Drummond. Not sure if Jarrett Allen will be available. I like that kid tyrese Maxey and Cade Cunningham but they are probly not going to be traded by their current teams.

Neal X

FR the only reason our small ball used to work defensively is because one of the "small" guys was Iggy, who was so talented and strong he got FMVP for guarding LeBron in his PRIME. And we had Shaun Livingston, who was very large for a guard. It's like someone forgot to give Kerr the memo that we don't have these guys anymore, everyone got older, and we have to ADAPT.


Hopefully Kerr calling Klay out on his negativity will be the spark this teams needs to turn things around.

Neal X

Well whaddya know, apparently Steve and Klay had "the talk": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w93XYJ8i-i8


Could be a turning point. Let’s see if we are trending up in the coming weeks. Do we know anything about the GP2 injury?


Hopefully they worked out limiting Olay’s minutes do moody can get some playing time.