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woke up at 5am and was like F might as well face this breakdown now https://streamable.com/boe3sv


This is going to hurt 🥲


This coaching staff is a joke


All of dub nation woke up mad

Dashaya Toney

Idk you say Steph shot well but didn't play well...I didn't see that. He's having to defend Jalen Williams + SGA and sadly doing a better job than Klay while getting fouled off ball/blitzed on ball while the rest of the offense sputters playing 3 on 4. I think he played very well given what they're asking of him


Thanks for doing this, I know it is painful to do the breakdown. Hope this embarrassing lost can woke the team up, they can no longer play this style, change will need it starting the three core and kerr


I’m not necessarily disagreeing but what would you have had them do differently in this one? Better instructions on the foul?

Kahlil Baker

I mean I guess on the bright side, we have pretty much played all the toughest teams in the league. We have one of the easiest schedules left. Hopefully they can get their shit together


All Facts no cap, the 2 immediate trade pieces should be Wiggins and Klay… I seen enough


hard agree. they need to just play Kuminga. 25%+ of the way through the season, we need to try different looks.


Great vid as always, Alch. I hate to say it but I just can't get excited about these games right now. It's fucking painful to be up double digits just knowing they can't sustain it. I'm not gonna throw in the towel just yet, but unless they do something fundamentally different soon I'm gonna have to look forward to a play-in game if we're lucky!


Moses and JK look like they’re making the leap. You gotta play them during the season so they can gain experience. They will literally get better game to game if you give them reps. We gotta trade one of the minute eaters though. I think CP3 or Wiggins would be the trade piece to bring in a veteran rim protecting inside finishing big. Like Vucevic. Have a big body rim protector would make everyone’s defensive jobs easier. Dray could be more of a help defender which he’s better at than protecting the rim.


i think what these past few games have showed is that we don't need chris paul. we score better without him. the turnovers are there with or without him. we suck with or without him. we don't need another old/small/injury-prone guard. we need to ship him out with some picks (does okc still want those?) or loon for a 4 or 5 or at least someone with good physical attributes. might as well take advantage of his salary slot while we still have him


This is another game where the end game box score misrepresents the Klay/Wiggs overall impact. They put up nice efficient numbers early and then look entirely spent on both ends after halftime. That closing 5 is never gonna get stops when it matters most - and then he presides to start it again for the start of OT. Klay played 39 minutes to Moody's 16. He played more than Moses and Podz combined and there's nothing about the last month of basketball that suggests Klay is capable of providing enough offense in the 4th to merit the hole he creates defensively. Even if Moses or Podz aren't hitting shots they need to soak up some of the minutes for the juice they provided. Moses shouldn't have to earn 20 every fucking game while Klay gets lost off ball a half a dozen times a quarter. And why can't TJ-D see the floor for 10 minutes a game? He can switch out so he's capable of playing next to any of the other bigs and he can't get in and soak up a couple 3-4 minutes stints? This might be the worst coaching staff in the West.


Wiggins really went to his barber and asked for the Jamychal Green


Curry's 2nd half offensive production is the only reason the Warriors' are even considered a black horse contender. This narrative that he's not playing well is not held by anyone else in the basketball community.


The last couple days I’ve thought about something and maybe it’s not a great analogy but here it is: Kerr can no longer be Jimmy G, he has to be Brock Purdy. For so long, Kerr was just a manager of emotions and personalities, a “Hey come on guys” coach in the huddles. He could afford to do that with an older and more experienced team with guys who knew their roles and didn’t have to be told. Problem is now he’s still trynna be that game manager when he doesn’t have the weapons. After the 15th turnover, there probably shoulda been a clear discussion like “Hey, you guys are playing like shit” or “We’ve already blown TWO games in a week playing this way.” He now has to be more PROACTIVE in his coaching, realize when something isn’t working and make the adjustments IN GAME instead of waiting until the press conference. Tell guys what they have to do so they have a clear and defined role cuz outside of Steph, Dray and CP, feels like guys are just out there like it’s LA Fitness.


It’s not a narrative, I just think his numbers are better than how he is actually playing. His defense has been flat out bad but again asking too much


All valid points. No way he was talking klay out shooting that well they are chasing the “breakout “


who is more likely to get traded? Klay or Wiggins?


I feel like kerr has to "experiment" with JK I mean he looks like our best number 2 option from the 4th to the end of OT Steph put up 20 and JK 15 which was 35/52 points for the team plus he's a good defender he just lacks IQ which I'm sure will come with time and reps as cp and dray yells in his ear... JK has crazy upside and he's hasn't played any worse than klay or wiggs


Great breakdown dawg


If the warriors can trade for Jarret Allen or Claxton.I would be with it in a second .There is not a starting center on this team right now.A real rim protector would change this team so much .


The lack of ability to make in game adjustments might be his greatest weakness. In past how many of the adjustments were actually Andre, Dray or Mike B …


Y’all might not agree with me but the biggest problem is Kerr. I’m telling you that this team with more tactical and dynamic coach will win a lot of games. All those pin downs, and post passes have stopped working 3 years ago, teams have got it all figured out; we had almost 15 turnovers from the “Warriors” system in the first half alone and yet, no changes. I see no tactical approach in our games. They just keep passing the ball around with no real intent in mind vs looking for mismatches. Did we even make SGA work on defense? How about exploit Chet vs Curry matchup? And no crunch time moves. Honestly, I can count how many times we’ve won over time in Kerr’s era with 1 hand. So many holes in our games that, we need to look at the tactics

Chip Tingle

29 turnovers!!! Cut even 5-10 off that number for more possessions leading to closing out wins. OKC is damn good, and fun to watch!

Natto Santo

Draymond and Curry has TOs at crucial mins in all close game. They made like rookie mistakes. Klay always acting like a kid these days. And Kerr just not making it professional, no veterans has any sense of accountability. They thought they were champs so they know how to win, but obviously they are not, They are supposed to be on the level like LBJ. But it is shameful how much far apart our big threes and Kerr comparing to LBJ about knowing how to win. This team is done. I still think Chef never really learnt how to pass. How can he call himself the best point guard of all time whilst you made dumb passes every game for 13 years. klay just smoke too much and his head is messed up. Wiggins should just retired, he just does not love basketball. And Draymond has no self control on his emotion, also a hypocrite (when he do the pod with KD, I want to vomit)and a bully.Kerr is just a chicken shit, he has no guts to speak out and fix any issues.


He clearly appears to get stronger as the game goes on.. more usage the better he gets .. not typically the case with young wings. Like say a Pat Will or somebody


Yeah and it would cost less assets than Siakem trade .Plus would be a better fit than Siakem to.Especially since they are determined to baby the vets.


We joke about the “NBA script” a lot now, but it feels liek Kerr really coaches based off a predetermined pregame script and refuses to deviate from it a lot

Musab imran

One of their main issues on defense isn’t the defense at all it’s the offense. Let me explain: The reason why the Warriors turn the ball over so much is because of their system. It requires a lot of players who aren’t playmakers to become playmakers and have the ball. This type of system will always inevitably lead to turnovers as it has for a decade now. So why do they run this system? It’s because of their personnel. Draymond & Looney aren’t as effective in a traditional offense and Klay (along with everyone else) can’t get their own shot so he needs the motion to get shots. We can’t forget Steph also needs it but the reason Steph needs is isn’t because of his own deficiencies like Draymond and Klay, it’s because of his teammates deficiencies. The combination of Steph having no shot makers around him, no legit #2 scoring option, and such a porous front court in Dray & Loon (scoring and finishing wise) allows the defense to keep 2 bodies on Steph 24/7. This makes him need to go off ball to get any sort of space. So now we go back to my main point. The way the offense is structured due to the personnel leads to an excess of turnovers which leads to easy buckets for the opposing team. One main way they can improve the defense is cutting down on turnovers, the only way they can cut down on turnovers is to change the system, and the only way they can change the system is if they change the personnel. They need a legit #2 option (and maybe even a vertical spacer) and need to run more traditional offense after adding those additions since those additions would take some of the defensive attention off Steph making it easier for him to go on ball. Until that happens, you’ll continue to see them run the stale motion offense which does help them score but also leads to inevitable turnovers which detrimentally hurt our defense.


Swap Curry with Dame, Murray, Maxey, or Booker And give him the same coverage these guys get, he'd be averaging 34 & 8 and would be at the top of the MVP discussions. He's currently averaging 29 on nearly 50/40/90 - 43% on nearly 12 attempts per game 43% on shots that only a handful of people in history would even dare to attempt and he's forced to take these tough shots and make them since he has no 2nd option while he's being guarded tighter than any other player in basketball and asked to cover primary options on the other end. If you watched any other guard with the same microscope you'd see similar defensive lapses, it's built into the position and the load they're asked to carry.


I agree with your Kuminga take. He's getting the short end of the stick at every game, and he has been one of the better players this year despite the mistakes he makes from time to time.


At this point as you said, Im just excited for a move to be made. And id rather keep Kuminga over Wiggins or Klay


He’s isn’t showing the ability to adapt.. We definitely need someone on the bench for the coach coach stuff. The stuff only life long coaches learn


I can't believe i still see fans using that "tHeRe'S sTiLL 60 gAmEs ReLaX", and people supporting that. We've seen enough, and it's not just this season.


Noob mistake by the coaching staff and Dray on the foul, Chet knows and everyone knows that GS wants to foul him especially after last game with them, this is really frustrating seeing a young team and coach outsmart you like that, clearly they told Chet "AS SOON AS YOU GET THE BALL JUST JUMP", we are so predictable it hurts. also time to start Moody and JK, and TDJ should be coming off the bench, enough is enough


I feel like he's a big rhythm player you can tell as the game goes on he feels out the rhythm of the game and that's when his game gets simpler and more effective


Cavs 7-3 in there last 10 on a 3 game winnings streak. I keep watching them hoping the wheels will come off, but I don't they dump anyone this year. It's more likely they're buyers than sellers at the deadline. And I don't see why the Nets would be motivated to move off Claxton unless the deal included one of our young players. They likely will retain him on a good number in the offseason.


Another terrible loss. I feel like every team is blitzing the Warriors defensively and overplaying all the passing lanes. What do you think a good counter that doesn't cause turnovers is? Do you think all these teams gaurd this intensely in other matchups?


Is it realistically possible to trade for Lauri?


Great breakdown as always, Alc. This gotta be some depressing shit having to rewatch and breakdown these games man but we appreciate it :/

Andre Brooks

I’m not salty because we lost to a better team. Problem is, 20+ teams are better


I just don't know how many layups you have to see before you put in someone like tjd or even gui to at least make them think about it


I think we need an athletic big. Every team seems to have players that are wing-sized, can dribble, pass, and shoot. We need to eliminate the easy paint points.


Why are we taking a fade away , spastic 3 point shot at the end of regulation when all we need is one point to win the game. Is there some kind of style points when we win the game with extremely hard three point shot ?! ... And without Curry we are just ass. PS these games are easier to watch when you accept that this season is already over. NO way this team competes for a chip.

Paul Hanson

I found it interesting in the press conference where Steve Kerr is pleading with the press about being a championship team, he really believes it. It’s like he’s trying to sell that idea on everybody-including himself-many of us can see they’re just not good enough. 28 turnovers is insane-and it doesn’t really mean anything that they were close and could’ve won if they didn’t turn it over too much because the same problems we’ve always seen this year are there: old too small and a little too connected in their minds to thinking that they’re actually champions when in reality that season was over last summer. Just because they won four times since 2015 doesn’t really mean anything-it’s obvious now they don’t have enough. Even though CP3 would’ve helped with the turnovers-he’s even smaller, and by far the oldest player on the roster and it shows. I agree with uncle alchemy that I’m excited because we know change is going to have to happen. I hope it’s a big deal, regardless of whatever it leads to because this is leading to mediocrity and an nostalgia tour..


yeah, fuck this team. can't believe the vets are choking like this 4-5 games now they've totally choked away with > 97% win probability. Team was in position to win them all, gameplan worked, role players worked, we killed them on the glass, size not an issue.............vets just choked. Unbelievable that these are the same guys who won so many rings and big playoff games.


well they tried to draft one..............they aren't easy to find.


that's what Steph does. It's a tie game and all we need is one point, yet we let Steph iso and he plays hero ball...totally dumb. Just call for a screen, make the defense adjust, and win the damn game. But NOOOO..... Warriors fans all want to "just give Steph the ball and let him cook" lmao...he's freaking 6-2 and he's a chucker, that's what he does.


they definitely didn't lose these close games because of Kerr bro. But I'm sure MANY will agree with you, that seems to be the flavor of the day in Warriors land. Blame Klay, Blame Kerr. It's whatever..


JK has tons of upside, but he also can put up a stinker that will make your skin crawl. I do think they should run some of the Zion action the Pelicans use. Get him going to the basket more.


He practices all the dribble packages but he needs to just take a screen and make a move. Like SGA


True. Teams used to be confused and unable to handle the Durant Klay iggy motion offense. DEATH lineup. But now OKC has the assassins. And even the Wolves. Dubs tried to change their style with CP. they need to change it with a legit second star


Might be why he hasn’t had his contract renewed.


At this point I don’t mind the losses because I think it’s forcing kerr and the coaching staff to play moody and Kuminga.. also makes it clear as day to the front office we’re nowhere near good enough to compete and potentially we can have a trade deadline like the lakers did last year..

james moore

He literally had the game winner in regulation so idk what yall crying about that shot

Nos Dollas

Honestly I'm not mad at this team at all. These fans are the worst in the NBA and I can't wait until they jump off and move on to another bandwagon. It's one thing to hate, it's another when I know You've ain't been a fan before 2015 when you saw the 1st chip. Please move on and leave the really Dubs fans to enjoy their team again.


Yeah I agree. The system is almost a necessity at this point with Klay and Draymond out there (And Steph if we're being honest). And if you want to run this system, you need more talent.


It's astonishing how many fans are just ungrateful for 2022 too. LIke, bruh, that was a miracle run. If that's the final run, you should be pretty happy about it and just enjoy Steph. 4 rings and 6 finals in 10 years...we'll never see it again. They almost act like it was a given or something. Like why are so many people bashing Klay after that game? Where the hell is this even coming from? Why are they blaming Kerr for EVERYTHING after he just got them a ring in 2022 with one of the best coaching jobs of all time? It's become an awful fanbase for sure. Klay was 8/15 in this game and a +11 yet fans are blaming him, ridiculous shit we are seeing.


I don't want to sound condescending but I have to disagree with many of your points. Here was their closing lineup: Steph, Klay, Wiggins, Kuminga, Green........you're telling me that lineup wasn't gonna get stops? lol dude, that's their best defensive lineup BY FAR dude. Like it's not even close. that lineup gives you athletic wings, length and tons of switchability. You complain about Moody's minutes, but did you actually watch him play? Dude was awful out there. He couldn't guard any of their wings, he was getting bullied physically, and his shot was WAY OFF, and he couldn't dribble....he didn't deserve to play even 16..he should've played like 12 if we're being honest. And you're blaming Klay? bro Klay was TOTALLY EFFICIENT in this game, I can't name one bad shot he took, and his defense was very solid. Jaylin Williams is just a baller, he scored on Klay but he scores on a lot of people....and then you talk about Podz like Podz didn't play? Dude Podz is a freaking rookie who played 23 minutes! I mean what else do you want bro? it sounds like you're just mad that they lost, which I understand, but your analysis has to line up with the film. and it's just not. You're blaming the coaching staff for a game where they had a 3 pt lead with 9 seconds left, DESPITE the players committing 29 freaking turnovers...like think about that for a second. The coaches aren't turning the ball over. They literally slaughtered OKC on the glass as well. Wigs was awful but do you know why they HAD TO PLAY HIM? he was the ONLY guy on the team who could guard SGA, the only one, period. It's kind of sad so many "fans" are so quick to bash core dudes like Klay even when they play really good...tells me there's a LOT of bandwagon sentiment in this fanbase that is overriding the analysis.


Klay played great, why would he take him out? Like you said in your video, his defense was good, Jaylin Williams is just VERY GOOD.


I love how you disappear from the chat in games Moses plays well and ignore the fact you've been calling Kuminga trash all season. This is the last I'll respond to any of your comments this year, you're a bit of a waste of time, "bro."


I've never seen a team choke like this man. Especially a team that has won rings, like wtf. they are actually very creative with the ways they choke too, it's different every time.


I love how you just ignored every point that went against what you said. it's ok to be mad. that's fine. but you can't debate any of my points, because you know I'm right. it sounds like you didn't even watch the game tbh. I don't just "disappear" either, I have a life lol. I can't just comment on every game during work hours but whatever. And yes, Kuminga has been trash aside from a handful of games. the numbers don't lie, but I'm still high on his ceiling...but again, whatever. Back to your "analysis". Like, tell me how that closing lineup was bad defensively given that particular game? I'd love to hear it. Or tell me why Moody deserved more minutes in that game (he was 1 for 6, 0 for 4 from 3 on wide open looks, and had 2 turnovers in 16 min). Klay was 8/15, 4/9 from 3 AND HE WAS A FREAKING +11. Dude placing blame on Klay's minutes distribution is completely asinine and emotional. I hate emotional appeals, it never works with analysis.


He could've easily called for a screen but he needed to play heroball.


Honestly I'm worried that CP will kill their pace. Pace is a big reason why JK has been playing so well lately imo, pace and playing with Steph. Unfortunately it looks like CP and Jk don't really play well together.


I don't know what fans want anymore. Kerr is playing all the guys all of you wanted him to play, and they are still losing. They choke away games they are set up to win yet he still gets blamed. It's all so baffling, and my instinct tells me it's all because they need a fall guy because they are mad and angry.


This season, we've become experts at grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory and it sucks. What's crazy is, they looked locked in to start.. hard box out's on rebounds, second efforts.. it was all there. Then came the turnovers and the young legs of OKC wearing our guys down over time. This is an older team at the end of the day. I'm one of those delusional fans who thinks these guys have a chance no matter what. Even if they limp into the playoffs but have the full compliment, there's enough experience to navigate through I believe.


You shouldn’t get used to losing especially when things can be done and you have a top 10 player of all time still in his prime. The Bulls 3-peated with a winning mentality not accepting whatever works

Nos Dollas

No one is accepting losing. And you are crazy to think Steph is in his prime. The expectation that every season is championship for a team that provided FOUR TO YOU is arrogant and why this fanbase is terrible.


Been a tough 24 hours for Bay Area sports with this loss + Ohtani signing with the Dodgers today. Only hope to salvage the weekend is a Niners victory tomorrow.

Neal X

Googled it because I was curious: "The San Francisco Warriors have committed the most turnovers by a team in a game with 45 turnovers versus the Celtics on March 9, 1971." Glad to know this team is following in the footsteps of its ancestors.

Jimmy Ji

What's worse is we can't even tank because we traded away our 2024 first round pick. I don't envision a big trade because I think Dunleavy and Lacob are going to prioritize lowering their cap hit. I think what's more likely at this point is trading Wiggins to a contender for a few expiring contracts and rebuild through free agency.

yan't get right

This is a silly argument. If the scope is 10 years, no one is complaining. And will ever complain. It’s a dynasty. But if the scope is JUST this year, why mention anything about a scope of 10 years? It’s okay to say they suck right now


There's an idea that we're "wasting Steph's prime" or something...Steph is past his prime, sorry. He can't defend like he used to, he can't pass or dribble without turning the ball over. It's a declining core, it happens.


Amar, it’s what comes with greatness and maintaining it. No one is saying Kerr is not a good coach. This game shouldn’t have gone to over time let alone, be close if the tactics are dynamic. If shots aren’t falling, you can play in a way to draw fouls. Get easy points at the line. It’s called adaptability. There’s no excuse for 29 turnovers. And it’s because of the system. Like they know every move you wann make vs playing simple. OKC is young, long and athletic with active hands. Play a traditional, more simple approach. The personnel he had 5 years ago are older so it’s almost a joke playing the same way especially when it’s been obviously figured out


We’ve been around bball for a long time to scoff at big leads being blown almost every other game. A true contender will never blow 15 pts, 20 pts. It’s basically a 20-0 run. Firstly, run easy PnRs. And nowadays, Draymond at this day and age being Curry PnR is almost a turnover because dray is not an offensive threat at all. Saric, Curry or even Klay, Curry will be a better PnR. And Draymond corner 3s are more efficient nowadays. Stay in the corner like PJ. It’s what a great coach does. Sit your boys down and tell em you love em but things will change. Find mismatches with Wiggs and Klay in the post vs Draymond looking to pass every time from there. Even Kuminga, if given minutes and more trust is becoming a post threat. If he keeps the defense honest, shooters on the wing, you have more spacing


I’m okay with the expectation that we have nothing to win at the beginning of the season vs giving hope and then, getting distracted. Fans are not paying tickets to watch a top ten player being let down cos the coach doesn’t want to do what’s best for the team. It’s not a “has been” league, it’s a “what have you done lately” league


Not comparing players but honest question, is Lebron in his prime? Obviously not. Does his team have a winning record, yes. Why? Because he’s still very good offensively, a la Steph and the Lakers FO makes moves to maximize the strengths he still has. Even if the Lakers don’t win anything this year, they still compete every single season with a respectable playoff run with a 39 year old. Curry is 4 years younger. He’s terrible defensively because you require him to score 40 with no legit second star and be Gary Payton on defense, at 35? I’ll tell you that his defense is the least of our problems this season. Klay is worse defensively and on a good night, gives you 15 inefficient points. Wiggins, don’t get me started on that 28 year old and the best we could this offseason was…CP3


I disagree that it's the system solely (I could be wrong but I just don't see it). Musab Imran made a great post below...this is really the only "system" we can run right now with the pieces we got. One issue is a lot of the Warriors players just don't have a good handle, and that includes Steph. he had at least two where he was just overdribbling, and he's been doing that a lot this year. Wiggins simply can't dribble right now either. But it's also passing and decision making...IQ. The thing is this, when it comes to running offball sets and motion oriented sets, it's usually the same stuff throughout the league. There are slight variations based on roster, but most teams all run the same/similar stuff. The NBA is a copy cat league. the alternative is running more PnR and Iso, and we don't have the roster for either imo...especially iso stuff. PnR is an option but we all know Steph doesn't prefer it, Kerrr doesn't prefer it, and Dray doesn't prefer it...plus Steph has been awful on ball this year, his percentages are horrible. Sac runs a TON of the same stuff we do, a TON, so do the Nuggets.....but they don't turn the ball over nearly as much. And we have VETS who have ran this stuff for years. I appreciate the reponse though. BTW as for posting up Kuminga, he's literally one of the league leadersin post up frequency...so the idea that we aren't using these guys right is kind of ill conceived imo.


Lebron has an AMAZING roster, and he has a legit #2 star (some would say #1). They also have an awesome defense. But...before they remade their roster, they were trash just like the Warriors are now. In fact, they weren't even going to make the playoffs and Ham was crying after their first win. Pelinka pulled a damn miracle, one of the best GM jobs I've ever seen and built a roster around Lebron. So yeah, if you're talking we need some roster moves, I can get that. I just don't get the blaming Klay and Kerr stuff. Wiggins has been a huge negative and it seems like Klay is getting blamed way more for some reason, it's wild. The Warriors have two of the worst top 10 players with BPM this year, and it's both of their athletic wings: wiggins and kuminga. that's so hard to overcome.


Hey Alch, I’ve been watching your videos for a year now and recently subscribed to your Patreon. You got great insight for the game. I think the problem is lack of effort from the vets. If curry and klay are turning the ball over too much then it’s setting the wrong example for Kuminga and the other rookies. I see Podz doing some fancy passes here and there which usually ends in a turnover. I don’t know what the fans have to do to let the management know that we lack size. Our small ball isn’t up to the level of the league now. They’ve caught up to our style and now young teams like OkC are doing it better against us especially with their size. We can’t just shoot our way out of the game anymore, I know Gp2 is out but still it shouldn’t be us struggling this bad if one guy is injured especially knowing GP2 health in the past. By struggling I don’t mean us losing by 30 points because it’s been close but the way we play (lack of effort) you can tell that we ain’t wining the game even with a 10-20 point lead in the first half.


Aint crying, but thanks for assuming that. Thats just a low odds play. One does not become more evolved by continuing NOT to improve my friend.


Not sure if anyone is interested but I crunched some numbers and for JK's career when he is played 20+ mins he averages 26mins, 14.7pts, 4.5rebs, 2.1asts Per 36mins this equals 20.3pts, 6.2 rebs, 2.8asts


When Kerr says turnovers and fouls are the problem, he’s misdiagnosing the symptoms as the cause. The problem is the Warriors have a “light years” culture that is past its expiration date. I would never argue that Kerr isn’t a great coach, but zoom out and look at the big picture and it’s clear Kerr and his cohorts are living in the past. Starting Klay, Wiggins and Looney isn’t going to get it done anymore. The team doesn’t have the personnel to make that beautiful motion orchestra like it once did. The Warriors’ cutting-edge futurism of 2016 is now yesterday’s milk. We’re seeing the decline of a dynasty and it’s never pretty. Proud players and staff refuse to adapt to new conditions and use past glory as justification. The aging vets are continually enabled in their bad habits because “they’ve earned it.” Administrative rot spreads through the organization, because objectives are now confused—if you want to win you need to get rid of the old winners, and no one wants to be the Judas in the garden. So it’s not about trashing Klay, Kerr or Wiggins so much as it is recognizing the winter stage that this group has reached , and realizing tough decisions need to be made if anymore winning will be done while Curry is still around. The old formula will no longer yield victory. It ultimately will fall on what Curry wants because the throne of the franchise is still his. Does he want a nostalgia tour with his old pals from the band, or is he willing to sacrifice personal relationships for more success? It’s perhaps the biggest existential crisis Curry has faced in his career, and let’s hope he doesn’t take the easy way out.

Neal X

The question is... is there anyone on the Warriors high-paid staff running the same numbers?

Neal X

I feel like all our problems would vanish overnight if Chris Paul suddenly grew into a 7 footer, but then he'd be Nikola Jokic, so of course, lol.

Neal X

That last thing you want to do with a group of older players is fight through a Play In tournament. This group has gone as far as it can go. It's a bit sad, none of us wanted to see it end like that, but it had to end sometime.


There’s a lot of context missing from those stats so my only take away is that given opportunity jk produces too much to only get 13 mins through the first 3 quarters


We were not ready for OKC’s defense. You have to train against that kind of D. The obvious pass is not the pass as they see it and it is a layup. That is a coaching problem


The frustration with Klay is probably the arrogance and ego he's shown both on and off the court regarding his status as a player. Then there's also the fact that he's expecting a big payday While Wiggins has been awful, he's kept quiet and took a discount contract. So it's easier for fans to give him a pass at times.


Someone just posted on GSOM: 142 players have played at least 500 minutes. Wiggins is 139th/142 with only 6 total steals. His defensive EPM is -1.3, worst on the team. 142 players have played at least 500 minutes. Wiggins is 134th/142 with 23 total assists. Of all players in the NBA with less than 40 assists (he only has 23), he's 1st in turnovers (39). 165 players have taken at least 60 3's. Wiggins is 159th/165 at 27.7 3p%. 105 players have taken at least 50 FT's. Wiggins is 100th/105 at 62.7 FT%. His TS% is at 48.3, putting him in the bottom 2% of the league.


Correct me if I am wrong but was not that the whole point of the Small Ball five and the death line up’s that Dray was the Five? I would like to see a frontcourt with Wiggs, Dray and kuminga

Childe Costa

If your aim were to enrage every Warrior fan beyond return, you couldn't have scripted this loss any better. We got a repeat of the same infuriating blown game formula of the last several games and an identical xerox copy of the OKC loss from 10 days ago. It's easy for us fans (and perhaps players and the organization too) to hang our heads after a loss like this. But for some reason I'm feeling optimistic. Yes, we're still undersized, yes, we still turn the balls over like a pornstar, but we've been playing some tough teams and we've mostly been in full control of all these games up until the final few minutes (or even seconds). The bench is still producing admirably, KJ and Moody are finally getting more consistent minutes (and longer leashes!), and Wiggs is finally rediscovering himself. I think most would agree that just one or two fewer turnovers and/or Dray making a better decision on that final 3 pointer and we come away with a gritty win with another game in which we looked brilliant for several long stretches. Keep the faith people! Alch, just wanted to tip my hat to you again for your insightful commentary, in particularly your dissection of Klay's leg/balance issues, Curry's low percentages when he starts "dancing", Loon's pot-belly, and your overall call on KJ, i.e. too much talent to continue to punish him for those occasional bone-headed decisions (and many other keen observations). Keep up the good work. Go Warriors.


I wish we Would start Curry, Klay, JK, Wiggins and Drey! Worth a try?


they were screaming to foul Chet, you can see it in the game, Dray just went with it

Neal X

They know we lack size. I was encouraged in the pre-season because they were talking with Dwight, they acquired Garuba, and we were supposed to get Rudy Gay also. All three of them (as usual with us) didn't pan out, for reasons we'll probably never know. My guess: (1) Dwight's an a-hole and wanted too much (2) Gay was washed (3) Garuba has no offense and would be redundant with Draymond available. He'd likely be a replacement for Loon, but there's no way Kerr lets him take Looney's minutes with his seniority fetish.


If you take a step back, over the last 10 games we have played significantly better, sure were 4-6 but Klay and Wiggs have looked like 80% of what we expect them to be so they're trending upward also during this stretch we've simply handed over 4 wins by beating ourselves with 2 stupid losses to OKC and 2 more from SAC and LAC... if we hadn't shot ourselves in the foot we'd be 14-8 sitting at the 3rd seed although this doesn't change our issues it gives us a reason to be optimistic


When we won the championship couple of years back. We had beilija and Otto potter. Two guys with size who could shoot. I believe Otto potter was the perfect fit for the warriors and now we don’t have guys like that. We got wiggs who I think doesn’t even like to play ball, looney who can only be backup center and not an athletic center. I am still grateful that we didn’t get Dwight. We don’t need another guy in his late 30s just like we didn’t need CP3. Hopefully we can trade for some athletic big guy and turn this thing around right now. Steph about to be 36 next year. And like Charles Barkley said “old players don’t get get better, they get older”


Welcome Abew.. I thinks its very hard to be small and old in the NBA. They have to adapt, but all we keep hearing is " We are Champions"


Thats really well said, they are not being put in a position to succeed. However part of that is the players not wanting to change either.


Fans/haters of the In-Season Tournament are not understanding this is about Adam Silver's legacy. The NBA is negotiating media rights deals. Silver is using LeBron to prop up his career. ___ L2M Report: Jalen Williams didn't release the in-bounds pass within 5 seconds. Why not TJD guard the inbounder. Podz & Steph together isn't working. The second unit plays freer with or without CP.


I'm a big fan of Jk, but in some ways those stats are biased because games wherein he's not performing well are also games that he won't play more than twenty mins. So, that's an average of his best games. That being said, he deserves to get consistent playing run and play through mistakes.


I completely agree there's a ton of context missing but my main point is that he's shown he's capable of being productive and that he should be given a much larger opportunity especially with how poorly many of the starters have been playing like a Poole who has averaged 30mins off the bench


hahahah that's a messed up stat. Unreal !!!

Neal X

Yeah, in a word: personnel. You explained it all but we all basically have known this. Even during the 22 championship season, Wiggins was rarely giving us 20+ points yet he was still the 2nd best player. It was his 2-way play plus Poole's scoring that made us a contender that season, though what happened after with the guy makes it look like a fluke. We have scoring potential with Saric, Moody, and Kuminga, and we need them all to contribute, at least until we can make some badly needed roster changes.


Klay is nuts. He was richly paid during his rehabs. Time for a haircut…