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Dami I

been looking forward to this one 🍿


The Moody pull wasn't even the worst for me. It was Draymond flopping then getting a tech then intentionally fouling Monk in response. The foul was their last foul to give. Draymond put them behind again.


Why were people surprised that Moody got benched.Kerr has done this all season. Kuminga was on a heater last game in the 4th and got pulled. We just happened to win that game lmao. Kerr is gonna ride with his vets until the end. He can't coach the entire team fairly and it shows.If that was Spo man let me tell you.He does what ever the vets want.That's how we end up with those dumbass midget lineups. Because the star has to play.

Ruben Valce

frustrating season but alch's commentary on all things warriors and the league as a whole keeps my spirits up. that domas comment about his hips sent me lmaoooo


Klay should have to fight for those high minutes with the way he’s playing. don’t have to bench him but with the way Moody is playing him getting benched and barley playing is insane.


Commenting before I watch bc I just need to rant lol but so much was made about CP coming here and sacrificing and coming off the bench bc that’s our culture right? I would just like to ask the core 3 and Steve Kerr what exactly have you all sacrificed this year. Slater wrote an article about the core and CP having a convo about sacrifice and buying in which is why CP was good with coming off the bench. But Steph, continues to throw comical turnovers. Can you sacrifice your play style and be more of the steady hand we need? You said you’re the goat PG, be a damn PG sometimes. Klay hasn’t sacrificed a damn thing, and if anything has gone in the other direction. It’s all about him and his slump and his contract. Draymond doesn’t want to ever admit that he might need to change as he ages. Nah I’m passionate and fiery and the first game back from a dumbass suspension if I don’t like a call imma get a tech and commit a stupid ass frustration foul on Monk and get subbed off. All momentum to Sac. Emotional midget tendencies continue. Kerr doesn’t have the balls to sacrifice his comfort and have a tough conversation not just with Klay but all 3. CP is the only one who’s sacrificed and locked in every night, and he was buying into OUR CULTURE. If this continues we need to consider maybe that culture that made us great is no longer there any more. Also if I’m Moody how can I trust a damn word out Kerr’s mouth? Aight gonna watch the breakdown now lol


This loss felt like the perfect game for everyone to vent their frustrations bc there was something for everyone. The ref conspiracy theorists, the Kerr haters, the trade Wiggs and Klay crew, blaming the turnovers, blaming the free throw difference, every little pocket had something to pick out in this game, some fair some maybe not so much. The bigger picture I got was, are we just not accepting that we're a .500 team. last year coming off the chip maybe that wasn't the right time to have that convo, but the signs were there, and it looks like they have continued. I mean even looking back at the beginning of the season it looks fluky we only completely dominated one team and that was the Pelicans. And if we're gonna bet on teams to finish top 6, I don't think we're a sure team. We feel stuck in the middle, can't trade the vets because they don't have much value other than expiring contracts, and can't trade Moody or Kuminga because realistically, most teams would probably only categorize them as rotation pieces. I know people laugh at Poole, but thinking about him when he was a starter when Klay was out, I think I'd want that back now.


This was about as good as the warriors are going to play.. we cant depend on both Klay and Wiggs being consistent like this. We can "depend" on Dray being consistent like this. This seeds for this loss are seen in the comments here-in during the last few years. Its the front office not drafting for size, its Kerr not knowing how to bring along young players. Its Kerrs insistence to not play the hot hand. There is more upside to the KIngs, this is not one of their top tier games. But I think this is the tops for the warriors. With some shifting things around, some trades and picks during draft season, we could have had Haliburton, Sengun, Lively. That is if we are really "light years ahead", or Sam Presti. This organization is more about the chef than anything else, and now we are sucking him dry.


Idk if I can watch this one Alch. I was watching live and Dubs were up around 20 when I had to leave for a long drive. I remember thinking as I left "hope they can win by 12". When I reached my destination and saw the box score I was in disbelief, haven't even seen the final quarter highlights yet.

Neal X

I commented on Alch's last YT vid that I know Klay is stubborn but probably not as stubborn as Westbrook. I may have to take that back as unfair to Russ -- he VOLUNTEERED to come off the Clippers' bench to help his team. Klay behaves like not jacking up a contested off-balance three would be beneath him.

Andre Brooks

Kerr is a bad coach. I‘be gone to bat for him THIS SEASON, but it’s too fucking much at this point. This season is already over. Too many holes in this sinking ship


To be fair to Klay, it took a historically bad and embarrassing season on the Lakers from Westbrook to come to terms with who he is now. Hopefully Klay doesn’t need that experience in order to adapt.

Kahlil Baker

I’m starting to agree with everyone on this Kerr issue. He’s watching Dario and Loon just get destroyed by these TALLER and more ATHLETIC bigs and refuses to put the young bouncy TJD in the game. Then pulling out Moody and allowing Klay to stay in the game and put up BS is crazy! Moody has been better than Klay all year, both on offense and defense. Maybe he should bench Klay and allow Moody to take his minutes. It’s like watching a high school player who sucks but because his dad is the coach he’s going to let him play till the wheels fall off.


Yeah I’m done watching warriors games for the rest of forever

Neal X

So many things to say here but damn, both Splash Brothers are making it rain... for the other team. Tough to watch even the "highlights" of this clowney shit.


The Moody pull coming the DAY AFTER Klay’s outburst with Kawakami is poetic justice. Will always ride for Klay and most of all want him to be good mentally. But that gave me too much Carmelo “ay P they said I gotta come off the bench” vibes. Being a starter is symbolic and we don’t have to jump straight to the benching convo, but Moody was on a heater and keeping us in the game and if it were Steph or Klay not only would they be in we would be hunting them out. You cannot take off Moody in that situation if you expect to have any credibility in your locker room. Warriors are proving the haters right rn, and doubling down on what you’ve done in the past isn’t gonna change that.


This season is making the Wiseman pick hurt more and more. This season is exactly why I always say that if I could go back and redo that draft, hell I probably still take Wiseman and hope it works out. This team needs size. Our perimeter is old, they can't contain drives, so teams consistently get penetration, kick out and shoot butt-naked 3s against us and we wonder, "Why does everyone shoot such a high 3 percentage VS us?" On top of that, our interior lacks size, so we aren't strong at the rim either. Loon, love him to death, but he looks out of shape this year and his finishing around the rim has regressed. He's good vs physical bigs like Sabonis, but he can't switch like he used to. The fouls haven't been as bad as last year but vs a quick, hungry team like the Kings, the difference in effort level resulted in tons of fouls. A lot of bad, ticky-tack fouls, but doesn't negate that we were fouling. Which brings me back to Wise. If that pick worked out, he'd give us everything we're missing. A true big to anchor the interior of this defense, gobble up rebounds, alter shots, and also just some youth. Not to mention a big that'd be playable with Draymond on the floor, who could be an actual offensive threat and force opposing defenses to respect us inside. It is what it is, and it really sucks he didn't work out. It was the right move to trade him for GP2. But missing out on a true big hurt us big time, and it's never been clearer than it was last night, with Lyles abusing us inside and their guards able to drive and get to the rim at will.


I have been talking about Kerr's favoritism and lack of objectivity for three straight seasons. I know the Warriors won in 22 and when you win, everything everyone does is correct. But I thought it was an incredible massive red flag that Klay after 2 1/2 years of missing basketball, immediately went into a starting lineup in a team that was winning.. while being one of the worst players in the entire league for two straight months. Now you can argue that if he doesn't play as much, he won't be as sharp in the summer and it's hard to disprove that, but I don't buy it. To me it showed a coach whose more interested in appealing "his" guys than coaching. And if you for example pull youngsters in the last few seasons for mistakes while Klay stays on the court doing the same thing they are. I think there has been division because of his favoritism, double standards and nepotism for years now. If I was in a place of one of those guys, I sure as hell wouldn't respect his coaching right now.


If anybody is wondering what to place bets on.... just bet higher on fouls for Warriors players. It's literally free money and it's been working flawlessly for me since the Draymond fiasco. lmao


I agree, I'm finally starting to actually doubt Kerr. I've always resisted that narrative, seen far too many people hop on that narrative to vent their feelings after a bad game without having any deeper insight or long-term perspective. But this season feels different. The irony is, the time is actually finally right for the "two timelines" approach! Our young guys have seen enough action that we know what they can and can't do, and what areas they just need to work out on the court. But Kerr just doesn't seem like he's able to let himself take a chance on them. He doesn't know how to reward them by showing faith in their abilities they way he's done with Steph, Klay, and Dray. And on the flip side, he doesn't know how to adjust the amount of faith he has in the old guys, especially Klay.


Nah man we gotta get Kerr the fuck up out of here… What’s the saying? Stay around long enough to be the villian.. that’s exactly what this is and I’ve said this before it’s clear as day Mike Brown was the real coach of this team.


Pulling Moody while leaving Klay in was just par for the course. Infuriating how predictable it was.


The tech was brutal because the team lost by 1 point. In other words Draymond's act quite literally lost them the game, at least in regular time.

sam baines

First half was great the loss of chris and gp2 may have hurt horribly. But when someone gets shot in the foot and then jumps off a bridge you don’t say he died because he got shot. We died last night because Draymond however good he played for 42 minutes the amount of stupid shit he did. Is Steve done just riding it out maybe retire or go somewhere else next year? Cause if Steve wants to win he needs start Klay while he’s fresh and still be able to be Klay and swap him for moody past the end of the Second and if Kerr wants Klay to finish the game then send him in when he’s had his old man rest. Steph is Steph we need him to win but we need him to be louder be the #1 tell guys what they need to here I hope he can actually do that and not let emotions get to him. Maybe we need a young guy like Moses or Kevon to take a role calming the vets down cause if the vets aren’t and steve isn’t than who else?


I said this last night after the game. Early in the season when we were questioning why Wiggs wasn’t closing games, CTEve said “Well we’re gonna close with whoever has played well AND EARNED THAT RIGHT.” Wiggins also said “I have to EARN THAT RIGHT to close games, to be out there late.” So now I ask this, if I’m anybody outside of Steph, Draymond and Klay, why would I believe ANYTHING Kerr says right now. How many years has he been saying Mood DESERVES to be in the rotation or he has to make room for him. DON’T JUST SAY IT, DO IT. YOU AREN’T ONE OF US JUST WATCHING THE GAME, YOU’RE THE FUCKING COACH. Klay can put up stinker after stinker and Kerr will let his close jsut cuz he’s Klay. Wiggins was in a shooting slump and admittedly prolly out of shape to start the year, but there were games he wouldn’t touch the court in the fourth quarter. The core’s (INCLUDING STEVE) pride (hopefully) died the last two turnovers last night and the horrendous challenge. Normally I would say this needs to be a players only meeting but the players outside the Big 3 need to have a meeting with Steve and see what type of timing he wants to be on


One of the most frustrating losses in a while and it’s ironic saying that with the season this team has had. As you said, Steve’s loyalty to the core 3 along with the core 3 themselves are at the root of a lot of this teams problems. Steph has been playing terribly but it’s masked by his god tier shooting. Klay, man I can’t even find the words to describe Klay Thompson right now. Not only his play but the attitude and the refusal to sacrifice for the greater good of the team. Draymond’s probably overall playing the best on the team but the antics has cost them severely this season. Lastly, Steve Kerr’s stubbornness to playing the guys that are playing the best in the game to close out a win is baffling. As another comment said, CP sacrificed to come off the bench just for the core 3 to be doing all this fuckery is an insult not only to him but to the locker room. Younger players are watching the absolute shitshow Kerr and the core 3 is running while they’re relegated to the doghouse for one mistake. This type of favoritism is exactly how you split a locker room and destroy team chemistry. They better have a talk amongst themselves, otherwise this ship is going to wreck it’s already sinking.

Jansen E

Like others, commenting before watching cuz Im just so mad right now lol. This is how I imagined the team huddle went after the 3rd quarter: Kerr - "Alright if you have more than 5 years of NBA experience, raise your hand. All of you will play. If you dont have 5 years experience, who the fuck even are you? Why are you here? Take that damn uniform off." SOMEONE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG - are the 2 following quotes not REAL quotes Kerr said not too long ago? Im paraphrasing cuz I dont know the exact quotes but I SWEAR this asshole said these two things: 1)"Podz is gonna get all the playing time" 2) "I wish I could find the time/minutes to play Moody" Chris Paul. Legendary dude. Playing backup PG for us.....goes down with injury.............AND COREY MOTHERFUCKING JOSEPH SEES THE FLOOR BEFORE PODZ EVEN IS ALLOWED TO STAND UP TO TAKE OFF HIS SWEATS. I said I was gonna have an aneurysm if I ever saw that chode piece of YMCA garbage touch an NBA court again and sure enough it happened. Podz has shown he is ready for the moment. BUT NO. Youre a fucking rookie so you sit down and shut up like the bitch you are. We didnt draft you to play you! We drafted you so Kerr could think to himself......how many 6ft players can I have on one team? Then Moody. Oh my god Moody. Cant find the minutes huh Steve? I wont be saying anything that hasnt already been said by people here. Moody was playing PERFECT. He was the spark our team needed to fend off the Kings after blowing the lead. But nope. You sorry ass hoe thought you were worth something without 5 years NBA experience? lol go fuck yourself Moses. We only play VETS out here. Regardless of how trash they are. I dont care anymore. Im done. I dont know or have any answer or alternative for who can replace Kerr. Maybe we just go interim and tank. Because Im done with Kerr. Thank you for the memories. But you need to be gone. Im sick of it. Draymond actually was pretty good after missing time. But of course he and Curry have Jordan Poole-esque TOs to give the game away. After how last season started, the whole season felt sour. And I was mad after games sure, but I didnt see that team going anywhere. This season......we somehow had championship expectations. SOMEHOW we were led to believe this team could compete one last time. I dont think Ive ever hated this team more than I do right now in the Steph Curry era. Klay needs to be reeled in or he needs to be gone. Kerr needs to FUCK OFF. Praises Moody but says he wont play him. BECAUSE WHY STEVE?!?!?!?!?!!? BECAUSE HES YOUNG?!?!? HOLY FUCK. Im sorry guys. Last night fucked me up.


Kerr needs to get fired. We need a coach that is not going to favor stroking the ego of a rapidly declining vet who refuses to adapt to changes and gets defensive at every turn. Pulling Moody was so braindead, and his excuse made zero fucking sense. Klay needs to get traded. Having a player that is acting like him is just damaging to the team as a whole. Also, does Monk not have one of the most punchable faces in the league? I am so sick of that scrub grinning at every thing.


So much problem could be just Thompson playing less minute. Both more for Moody and Klay doesn't tired out by end of game


Look at that assistant coach's face at 13:24, he's like nah bruhhh please don't challenge that shit, and then kerr challenges


Everything you said from the Wiggins sub in for Moody onward was so damn cathartic to hear come out of someone else's mouth.

Mikey H

went to sleep around the mid third Q. was like, no way the mess this one up, they come out for sac 😅😅😅

gary garcia

I'm sick and tired of doing the same and expecting different results... I stayed up to 230am watching this game in the Dominican Republic, to a horrific loss.... I was about to go to sleep while they were up 24, then 18, 10, 6....im like wtf? Dray flopping, injuries left and right.... I'm done wasting my sleep to watch Kerr make up new ways to lose and then mumble a half ass excuse in the post game.... I would love for steph to have a meeting and go like "yo! Joe, Kerr and gm, either do something to start winning, or I'm gonna demand a trade.... MAKE SHID HAPPEN ASAP!!!"


Idk man I think loon should of got subbed out for wiggs. He wasn't stopping anyone anyway. When they went small with dramond at the 5 they were making plays


As shocking and upsetting as the Moody pull is - I'm thinking the same as you mention. This is a bigger defining moment. Moses is feircely on one - lifting us at the critical moment, and you pull him. Even Van Gundy was like wtf. Wake up.


If Steph and draymond don't commit the two dumbest turnovers


I no longer want van gundy announcing our games.. he kept saying the same 4 things all night.. I ended up having to mute the sound… what benefit does the league have to make the warriors and the lakers non competitive


If klay doesn’t do a magician act in the 2nd half and kerr doesn’t stop hating on moody for some reason


Kardashian pose. OMG!


12:32 Monk literally fans Moody to cool him down bc they knew he was hot… Kerr just did it for them by taking him out


I feel like it would be hard to stay motivated if you're Moody or Kuminga, good play is rarely met with more opportunity whereas bad play is always punished. Kuminga seems like he's checking out to me. His type of game requires lots of reps to develop; driving, ISO, etc, because it involves a lot of reading and reacting and confidence. He's prob been involved in like 15 pnr since joining the Warriors lol. Moody will be fine, because as a 3 and D player is game is not necessarily going to deteriorate from a lack of reps. Also- is it a coincidence that the two players with the worst fundamentals in the league, despite having lots of talent, came out of Golden State? (Talking about Wiseman, Poole)


Moody racing to the basket with his hands in the air while Klay chucks a contested shot simply sums up Moody's role on this team and fans frustration at the same time. Not to mention watching Steph play with the ball while Moody just stood in the corner wide open. Moody was ignored by his own team.

Paul Hanson

I wish there was a way for Moses Moody to know that the fans are pissed off that Steve Kerr is treating him this way. I know it doesn't matter-but this fanbase is a very intelligent fanbase and we just saw a Hall of Fame coach basically crumble because he doesn't want to hurt his vets feelings. F the feelings at some point-it's not going to help at ANY time to not be truthful about what's going on. It's been long enough-especially when Kerr says he's going to play Podz 'every game' and then he looks like a liar. You have to be accountable and Steve Kerr is looking more and more like he needs to be held more accountable by someone other than his vets. Someone like Lacob or Dunleavy.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

I won’t stand for all this Kerr criticism. His only weakness is that he’s not great at holding the vets accountable. And he’s not great at developing younger talent. Besides those two minor issues, he’s the perfect coach for this roster!

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

I’m in a different time zone and did the same at the half. I think a part of me just wanted to go to bed happy while I could.


where's homie who was arguing with me on here telling me that moody shouldn't get some of klay's minutes?


Now Alch is a big Podziemski fan lol. I remember him wanting Kris Murray. His draft live was epic.

Captain Rossco

It feels like many things need to change for this season to turn around. Klay to change his mindset, a younger / bigger roster with more scoring, Dray to pull his head in and Kerr to focus on a meritocracy rather than legacy. This season is hanging by a thread right now.


Steve Kerr needs to have a Pat Riley moment


I changed my mind. Moody's pull was the most disgusting. He hit the back to back 3s then he got a stop on Monk. He would have had another 3 his Klay didn't get called for the moving screen. Then Moody was pulled after he literally hit another shot.

Qiushi Hu

Hi Alch, I may rely on your content more heavily than ever because I'm jumping off the Warriors bandwagon and redirecting my fandom and time to a new young up&coming team (yeah it's the Thunders). The Warriors is just boring to watch. Kerr refuses to change. Klay isn't who he used to be and Wiggins is the same guy he has always been except that one special year. Exciting young players are not good and good young players are not exciting. Besides that, it's the same old shit of Steph dragging a bunch of one dimensional below average scorers every game. And did I mention that we are the oldest, most expensive, slowest and least athletic team in the league? But the most devastating thing for me is that this team has all the baggages and no future in sight. It has been a phenomenal run and I'm truly thankful for all the great moments this team brought me. Call me impatient, but I'm selling high while I still can.

Jimmy Ji

As mad as we as fans, imagine how pissed Joe Lacob must be... paying that gigantic luxury tax bill just to watch this dumpster fire. Steph looks like he playing Lebron level defense where he's pacing himself for the entirety of the season. If that's the case, then we need to prioritize our defense around him because there's no way we can expect him to match the same level of intensity on both sides of the ball at his age for an 82 game season. We need to retool the starting lineup, particularly with Klay and Looney. I think a larger guard who can handle the ball alongside Steph in the starting lineup could be an answer. If we let Klay walk and restructure CP3's $30m cap hit, we will have some cap flexibility to sign a few players. There's going to be several notable free agents in 2024 (including guys with player options). A few guys I would entertain signing include Valanciunas, Nic Claxton, Markelle Fultz and Okongwu.


What's really frustrating is Steph can't even say much because he is dropping 30 but he hasn't been competitive on defense at all and his turnovers have been the others teams catalyst for a lot of these losses


Is there not a single person in this organization who realizes that the refs don't want to overturn their calls? Do we not have an analytics department? Why do we continue to bash our head against the wall and challenge subjective calls? There is at least one incorrect out of bounds call a game, just get the team an extra possession or two.


I was shaking my head at the 1H highlights knowing what was coming lmao. Such a bad L.


Just an ugly game altogether. It was nearly 3 hours long with the refs simply calling too many fouls. The crazy thing is, he gave so many minutes to Lamb and Jerome last year but yet he can't do that with Moody and Kuminga? Moody is a plug and play easy. Kuminga clearly needs to get into a flow with a little leash. Yes, I get the vets earned their leash but neither of these guys will want to resign if they never get rewarded or developed.


It is a good lost, where the coach staff need to face the reality, the vet will not get it done and we need to give more opportunities to the young one


I had to hit the gym after the game, i was heated

Thomas Ogas

Amazing breakdown, Alch. Really enjoying your insight and passion. I honestly thought this was how the season would go, and it's been hard to watch, especially in the beginning where everyone was so Rose-Colored-Glasses about this team. I'm just glad that the mistakes are so obvious, because I still hold out hope that someone (Joe? Mike?) will step in and make some actual changes. Not just smokescreens and call backs to the past.

yan't get right

You said it, brother. This 4th quarter was THE microcosm of the ugly isolationism of the The Core 3 plus Steve Kerr. Those 4 people made some of the most boneheaded basketball decisions down the stretch--without anyone else's help--and almost entirely because of their dependency on one another and their unwillingness to change. Silver lining? I'm glad this is happening at the beginning of the season. Thinking about those Klay comments to Kawakami the other day, it seems like clockwork now for him that there's some early season public podium stupidity that he has to lock in and bounce back from. I think the other 3 members of this dynasty have had enough egg on their face as well to start the season, but hopefully it's enough to push them toward humility for the rest of the year. Because the irony is that Draymond is the sharpest of the 4, and playing some of his best basketball, but he's entirely dependent on the rest of them to even register as a complete hooper. So yeah, it's all about the 4 of them. Always has been. Something about their working relationship needs to die, and it needs to die immediately if they'd like to keep winning.

Jello Smooth

This is exactly why having CP3 on the floor with Steph is dumb. This is why having Klay with Stephon the floor no longer works. It’s so clear right now.


What a total shit storm, in all aspects. A radical shift in coaching and players egos needs to happen now or it's def over. I don't think I can even watch any more games until a major shift happens.


Love to hear Angry Alch, great breakdown. Your coverage makes the woeful team a little more bearable to support as a fan.


Alch, any chance you'll have time to breakdown that 49ers/Eagles game next week?


In Kerr's postgame interview, he was asked about Moody, and he praised him for his Loon-like attitude, calling him the “ultimate pro.” He stated that Moses was told before the game that he was "out of the rotation," and only played due to the injuries of CP3 & GPII. With the most expensive roster in the history of basketball, if this season does not course-correct itself, it may be Kerr's last year as a head coach in the National Basketball Association.

Andre Brooks

This season is already over brother. A 2nd round exit or even a play-in loss is a failed season for such an old roster


Klay - 3 points in the whole 2nd half while Mike Brown sending the trap at Steph on every possesion


It's at a point where I expect the collapse to happen so I don't even get mad anymore.


I agree I thought loon wasn’t playing that great. And tbh he hasn’t been good this season. we all love him but it’s the truth. But yeah they should subbed out loon and played small ball, they needed the offense. And everyone’s point still stands about Klay tho, tough convos need to be had man fuck the egos


Alch: fun project would be putting together some that was then, this is now on Klay's defense and getting through screens, communicating, etc. Maybe somebody would show it to him and how good he used to be and how bad he is now.


I get the criticism on Kerr, Klay, JK, n whoever. Let's be real, if the refs knew anything about basketball, we would've won by at least 12 n advanced in the tournament. As a right-handed shooter, going right for a pull-up, u have to kick ur leg out to generate power. What happened to the whole "lEtINg tHe sHOotEr lANd" rule? "The Zara". I never knew u could just run through someone n then it's ur ball. "If" the refs weren't bias, we smack that weakass beam by 20+. FOH.


Won’t be mad if alch skips the next game to cover niners eagles


If steph didn't kick out, both his ankles would've been shattered do the refs not see how 2 players got under him ? Dunleavy packaging cp3 as we speak !


Bless you Alch for still watching this rigged officiating circus that is the NBA now to bring us these breakdowns.

Neal X

that's... unbelievable. sounds like he's retiring.


Since CP will be out for a while can the second unit push up the ball quicker. Call me crazy but can they practice or whatever figure out those moments when Steph is doubled. Or if not how about double screens for him up top. They've always been turnover prone. They used to be able to keep a safe scoring distance from their opponents while giggling on the bench in the 3rd quarter. I wasn't surprised Kerr took out Moody. He'd done that to Steph for years. Steph cools off and they'd lose the game. Has Kerr ever challenged Steph's fouls?? I can't remember the last time it happened. So yeah it's funny he challenged this particular one.


I don’t usually comment anything but Kerr needs to go. This is the reason i don’t like a coach that used to be a player. He will always think it as a player mindset, that is why he always listens to the big 3. If Warriors needs a change, Kerr needs to go first. F*ck the owner with we are way ahead of everyone. Draymond should have been traded when he f*ck with KD.

Ken Bradford

I’ve been pro Kerr forever he’s been vital to all these years of success. And most of his decisions are pretty sensible if you don’t rush to conclusions and think rationally. I was absolutely in favor of riding wiggs/klay even if it costs us in the short term because I believe it’s more likely they’ll return to form and not stay this bad (wiggs anyway was/am way more pessimistic on klay). But maaaan some of the rotational stuff especially his handling of moody is baffling and downright disrespectful to me. I get that he wants like 20 games to gauge permanent changes to the rotation. But at this point I’d be sooo fed up if I were the young guys. This was the same issue last year the vets get to do what they want and the young guys get yanked even if they’re playing perfect imo this was the biggest chemistry issue last year (klay/poole)


I think no one is talking enough about looney. I am a loon fan but the shit he does is so irritating. He is not in a good shape he is very slow and can not run the floor which hurts the warriors. In the championship season he was in a great shape and lighter and he can not even defend on ball as he used to when he got famous for defending james harden 1 on 1. I think if we had a good running center who can catch lobs ( which loon can never do) and block shots that will make our offense and defense much better and this will make a big difference .


With CP3 out - do we think Joseph or Podziemski is the player Kerr will pick for more playing time?

Neal X

I'm still traumatized so I'm still commenting lol. Seriously, that entire game was like getting slapped across the face with a smelly schlong. The only people who played well got either seriously injured or benched, Draymond going extra-clown with that flop, making me embarrassed to be a fan, Steph playing hot potato with the ball as usual, Klay chucking and having no legs, Looney slow, too many whistles, Kerr being a doting oblivious mom like Alch pointed out... there was literally NO bright spot in the whole thing.

Ryan Mitchell

This had a Game 6 2019 feel to it - when we lost to the Raptors. Players getting hurt and we lose a big game - like it sits with you for a while.


i dont even care about the breakdown. just here to to trauma bond


Yeah our boy has to lose the pot belly and start finishing more quickly, otherwise its is getting harder to justify his min. He cant really switch anymore


The refs are just terrible, it's inexcusable.

Childe Costa

Had to let a few days go by to digest this one. After the loss to OKC I didn't think it could get any worse ... but it did!!! So surprise surprise, both Curry and Klay are throwing up some pretty wild shots. Hasn't that always been the case? The only difference is that Curry still makes his consistently enough to keep us from hurling curse words at him. On defense, they both seem to be hell-bent on doing their best rendition of JPool defense: out of position, lose track of their man, and almost never a second or third effort. Again, we carped about these same issues all last season but JP absorbed the brunt of our frustration because his level of disengagement was simply unmatched. As for Kerr, in his radio interview (link below) he said all the right things, at least initially ... he owned up to the horrible decision to pull Moody and also for the wack-ass challenge call. What's worrisome is that despite his experience he seems overly prone to these particular types of mistakes. Blew the game against OKC, nearly lost to San Antonio, and now this flop (can we learn how to dissect a trap defense, for god's sake?). And also inline with last year's complaints: the substitutions are just incomprehensible (read my lips: there are NO minutes, ZERO, for C. Joseph!). But back to his radio interview: Deeper in he was asked if the recent results have caused a shift in his philosophy. Here he doubled down saying his starters are the key and that they will always be the go-to solutions, no matter how badly they're playing because "they've earned it" and "they know how to win". So we should NEVER be surprised when the bench players get yanked, even on those nights when they're playing phenomenally well. But matador defense and an unwavering faith in the starters isn't the only thing reminiscent of years past. GP2 and CP3's unexpected injuries provided a jolting reminder that without a healthy team, our complaints about lackadaisical play and inexplicable coaching decisions will become even more irrelevant than ever because we won't even make the play-in. And finally, I'd like to go on the record saying I'd much rather trade Klay at this point than Wiggins. They both have clunker nights on offense but Wiggs is light-years better than Klay on defense and although he will never stroke the 3 like Clay, he still has a much more well-rounded game on offense. Clay's drives to the basket look like Elmer Fudd chasing bugs. Link to the Kerr interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=si5Wdwltr1E

Childe Costa

the third quarter had me questioning why I'm still watching the NBA. And it wasn't just that the calls were bad or lopsided; it was the pure volume of calls. Who the hell wants to watch a free-throw festival for 48 minutes? More effective than sleeping pills!

Nathan Glanzer

Why was out in season tournament vs the kings away that's bullshit. Worst officiating I've seen in a long time...For the better though. Forget that in season trash and focus in the chip.