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Childe Costa

That Klay spill made my heart skip a beat. The CP3 trade is looking like pure genius right now. We've made a huge leap forward in terms of decision making, poise, and overall team cohesion. Love how Kerr is both playing the 2nd unit as a block of 5 and also harnessing the skill-set of one or more 2nd unit players, as the occasion requires, to mix in with a couple of starters. There definitely is a familiar vibe in the air. On an unrelated note, I really like this Chet dude. For starters his game is pretty damn impressive, perhaps not quite at the level of San Antonio's newest frog but close. He plays smart and consistent and at times he even bedazzles us but always without the slightest bit of self-congratulating: no celebratory dances, no belittling/shit-talking the defender he just burned, no whining to the refs. And did you notice when he picked Steph up off the floor? The kid's got class! Maybe that's not the "winning" attitude necessary for success at this level but I found it inspiring nonetheless. I hope his play and approach will continue to awe us for years to come. Go Warriors, Go Alch!


There’s something special about this team. A very familiar feeling indeed.

Chip Tingle

Been missing your breakdowns until now for no good reason…brilliant as ever, Alch! Agreed on the special vibes and chemistry, having fun with highest expectations together. And I didn’t see CP3 having this big, immediate impact on both units. HOF cred shown nightly, and beautiful unselfishness, as opposed to…

Shea Johnson

God dayum look at the post game vibes :)