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Im not sure how many were actually interested so this is a 10 team, but Im down to make another few leagues if there is interest . I will also run some nightly ones as I get the hang of it so bare with me... 


ATHLETICALCHEMY is inviting you to their $10 NBA draft!

Come beat ATHLETICALCHEMY on Underdog.



Is there going to be an area to "crap" talk and shoot the breeze with the league?


I have been debating about connecting the discord back to patron or using the new built in chat. Not sure what I’m going to do. But for now we have a fresh discord thread https://discord.gg/5vMKGqzz


Dang, the server does not allow new accounts


For real! Yeah it was hacked a while back that’s why I had to disconnect it and put and bunch a security on it. I will have it ready for the season and make a community post


I am in on the dailies. Running three weekly money teams so I can’t take a fourth