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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/hV-66_8Nkfw?feature=shared




I started watching on Espn desportes bcz of that football game 🤦🏾‍♂️

Kj Robinson

Bro dat shit had me mad 😠 like just show the game already… Damn lol


Communication on defense was bad from both units.

Jansen E

Despite the bench doing well, and the Warriors winning the game on the scoreboard, this team (while definitely looking better) has the EXACT same issues as last season. The lack of size is not just egregious or blatant. It is so INFURIATINGLY obvious that I dont see this team accomplishing anything this season. In a 7 game series vs this Lakers team? We dont stand a chance because we might as well all be 5 feet tall. This Lakers team (and every other contender right now) is HUGE, and compared to us, look like goddamn Godzillas everyhwere. Its not even our offense thats a problem. Defensively, we simply cannot compete with sheer size, and the fact that the FO failed to address this YET AGAIN boils my blood.

John Pettus

The West is TOUGH this year. The East is just Bucks and Celtics and some hard games with Miami. In the West we've got the champs in Denver, Lebron and the Lakes. The KD Super Suns. Hot shit Kings. Super young and dangerous Blazers and Thunder. Zion Pelicans. (Just kidding)


That is not the Podz I saw in the summer league. Not even close and that is a really good sign.


Yeah gotta give it to you.. Podz looks promising.. he gives me TJ McConnel production vibes right now.. I think with Chris paul here this couldn’t be any more perfect of a vet for his game.. Podz and Kuminga could give us nash and stoudemire vibes in a few years with continuous development


You were right, Podz looks like the future ideal backup point guard Kerr's been feening for for years. Appears like he can be a positive impact on the offensive end even when he isn't looking to score. Maybe trying hard on defense will be enough in a 2nd unit scenario. Curious what Kerr does with Corey becomes available. On the flip side, was it just me or did Trayce Jackson's intensity running up and down the court look even more sluggish than usual? But those final couple plays from the rookie big sure did look promising.

Childe Costa

Aside from some blown communication on switches, I thought we looked mostly impressive .... with the GLARING exception of CP3. Weren't his age, lack of size, and lack of athleticism supposed to be offset by his HoF brilliance as a decision maker and poise/precision as a ball handler? I didn't see any of that, quite the contrary! He looked flustered, overwhelmed, and ultimately defeated not just by the size/physicality but also the smarts of DLow. It almost looked like DLow was stealing signs alla Houston Astros the way he beat CP3 to his spots and picked his passes. Just bringing the ball up to half-court seemed a struggle at times. Let's just hope this is nothing more than preseason ennui and/or adapting to a new system otherwise our off-season "splash" might be of the kind that happen after morning coffee. Go Warriors!


Alch you can take your victory lap with Podz. He’s been great, but are we really gonna have him guarding Lebron or anyone on the lakers in the playoffs? What’s his value to a championship team this year or even 2 years from now? If he gets more than 10 minutes a game this season it would be a mistake


Is Podz HIM?

Ryan Mitchell

This was not a good game for CP3 - to say the least. It was bad.