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Warriors Schedule


David Liao

Oohh.. either Blake or Javale would be dope. It'd be super interesting to see Blake and CP3 win a ring with the Dubs. I feel like Blake could feast in the post like you said, maybe he with CP can help Kuminga enhance his game, too.


Curry is by far the best PG of all time, i don't care about what a PG should do, or what role they must perform, i am just comparing the basketball players, and Steph is objectively the better player. Was Jokic supposed to be a the leading play maker while Jamal was the scoring PG ? these role discussions for me are stale. second point is circumstance: Curry is the "winningest" player in the most competitive era ever, he did it all with one team (unlike Lebron, the other 4 ring holder", and built that team. Curry had to face a new NBA every year, you got an arguable goat in Lebron, then Houston, OKC, Toronto, then we got Milwaukee/Boston/Denver, every year the league is reguvinated with new talent and teams. While Magic played with an arguable Goat in Kareem, had a superteam all the time, and their only real rival was Boston, no comparison at all, so we can't use accolades in this debate.


Alch - Šarić is pronounced SHAW-rich


I'm way late in the conversation, but have a perspective that may be of interest. I was blessed enough to see MANY games with Magic, Riley and ShowTime Lakers Then about 10 years before Curry was drafted I moved up north and had to suffer thru dog days of pre-Curry. My perspective is from a fan only but one who pays deep attention to the game, (whatever that means). I'm thinking of just itemizing my thots is the best way here. - First and foremost, we are blessed! to have both of these players grace our game. Both are Historical. - I would, without a second thot, take Magic as my first pick over Curry. - I would say Curry is other worldly human, Magic was an other worldly being. - What people who haven't seen Magic live cant comprehend is that he was a true Wizard. Example, In his first appearance, at home as a Laker, he was coming off the bench and you could FEEL the ELECTRICITY, his PRESENCE encompassed the whole of the arena. It was HIS SHOW. In his first game as a rookie! Remember, he won NBA championship in his first year as a rookie. He went into Phlly and beat the Sixers without Kareem. He played center. 42 points, 15 rebounds, 7 assists ... as a rookie! - if the ball was in his hands, you were on the edge of your seat, the energy was palpably electric. Something amazing was probably going to happen. - His passing was sublime, he would get to the ball to the high odds position without fail. He didn't need to be a great shooter. - You've seen a crossover break ankles, but Magic could break teams. One of the most amazing things Magic could do was, particularly when running the break, was to hoodwink the the opposing team into believing that they knew exactly what Magic was going to do. He would set up the opposing teams momentum and then do the opposite. They'd be falling over themselves like clowns. - And it was in the regular session games that you would see the greatness of Magic. He was more relaxed and did more "Globe-trotteresque" things as a matter of course. - I suppose I could make an article out of this... My opinions about the greatness of Curry would seem redundant here. We all have seen Curry play and we all hold our own perspective. There is no way I can influence those memories.