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Steph's 1st NBA game



I remember our contract situation with Biedrins was horrendous… how did we end up moving off of him again?

Chip Tingle

Free throw clause? Remember the empathetic Roaricle crowd cheering for Goose trying to help him outta his funk? Lovable cat, but man he got in his head, and I’m sure Nelly didn’t help much.

Ballin Forever

Aaron Brooks is who my pops made me study.... Scouts ended up comparing me to Isaiah Cannan lmao


Though there have been some documentaries on the last game of 2010 season. This one has to be one of the more memorable games of the early curry era


Watched this era but it was nerve racking. Always wondering,was this the game that would take Steph down? You could sense that Monte wasn't happy. Then we heard that Monte’s wife got on him about Steph. Don’t know if that was true.