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gsw vs sac gm 81



Kings also rested monk and heurter who are big parts of their equation.


Here’s my theory.. I think the cause for Steph’s unfocused play since pretty much he’s got back from injury is because he’s starting to notice how bad his whistle is and he’s seeking it more. I think he used to think it was just a warriors beef thing with the refs because pretty much no one gets the whistle on this team but here comes Poole and I think Steph is somewhat jealous how much disparity in calls he gets even though he arguably gets double the amount of physical contact on every possession over poole.


I think his brand and endeavors have become so big it can’t not be distracting. Everyone wants a piece of the chef…


So do you think steph’s whistle is impossible to change at this point in his career; or does it require an attitude change towards how he plays and reacts to refs?


I could see in his twilight and no longer dominate, getting a way better whistle. Or train the euro whiplash move this summer


Ahh I see.. yeah for me it’s hard to imagine steph not averaging 20 even in his last year of his career. Once he starts struggling to beat even averagely quick players off the dribble. That would probably be the next step in his game. Get a cp3 like call


That GP2 trade may have saved the season. Talking to Pistons fans about Wiseman and the kid is still absolutely awful and been great for their tank. Wiseman is still the same player, except he's even worse now because he gets more minutes. Anyone who thought Wise could contribute rn to a team trying to contend needs to get their eyes checked. GP2 on the other hand, is out there contesting every shot, closing out like a demon, hitting the corner three, and MOST IMPORTANTLY he's freeing up Jordan Poole to play like himself again (aside from last night). Myers deserves credit for that trade, as I'm sure it wasn't his idea to keep Wiseman over re-signing GP2 at the beginning of the year (Lacob).


Assuming we get through kings/suns,whos the tougher match up in the 2nd round? Nuggets or grizz? Mind you grizz have like the best home record at 35-6. Feels like this is the year we’re gon get giddied on


Yeah I agree, I think the Grizz have finally surpassed us. They are young and all of them are peaking; I feel we wouldn't have the energy over a series to deal with that team. Luckily Clark and Adams are out...but Adams wasn't really a factor vs the dubs. It's JJJ who kills us. I'd much rather play Denver. I'd be happy if we got past the first round tbh, neither Suns or Kings will be easy.

Ryan becker

Where’s lillard been in Portland ? Is he even playing Sunday ?


If wigss comes back and GPII doesn't get hurt, then maybe the season is saved. Great breakdown Alch!


They shut him down a week or two ago? Can't remember exactly when


How can we win another championship with all these turnovers? 😫😫😫


Those, butt-out calls were totally bogus!!


I believe pistons fans are now getting to see his flaws more and more. Hope he works and gets better fast.


dame must be busy scheduling another interview with chris haynes on why he's never leaving portland and wants to build something there


Only weak spot the grizz have is dilli brook who can be baited into taking bad shots but yeah you right I'd also rather play denver who are gonna try to beat us with finesse rather than the grizz who are sharpening their knuckles in preparation of a brawl


@luke, with the type of whistle the lakers get, I cant see why not right. Taylor jenkins is gonna go full karen mode at every presser. Grab your popcorn type of stuff


Twenty plus turnovers in an nba game is so insane lmao this team drives me nuts sometimes


I was at the game last night. It was damn near a 50/50 split between warriors and kings fans. If we see them in the first round Golden 1 Center might get taken over. Dub Nation was loud in there last night


Why no jMike for like 5 games straight? Are Lamb and Moody that much more impactful?

Kahlil Baker

How does Poole get a better whistle than Curry?! It just seems like you couldn’t pay the refs enough money to give him a whistle on anything


I'll never understand the Steph whistle. Loved Dray and Loon the other night saying to the ref, Steph has 2 MVP's and 4 rings and still no whistle? Klay finishing really well these days, surprising touch when fouled in the key. Joran, can u stay in front of anyone, ever? His contract is a main reason we can't sign a big, keep that in mind. He does seem to be driving more which works better, his assist game will come around. But getting the foul call last night and sarcastically shaking his arms in self congratulations will not play well with the refs. He just seems like an asshole, but still gets a better whistle than Steph..? Yelling at the ref 2 games ago, Wake the Fuck up, again won't play well.


Curious to know if anyone in here took Fitz & Buke up on their season-long offer and if so how was it (lol)


“Illusions struggle with illusions.”


I’ve watched damn near every single Kevon Looney interview & presser so that hot mic moment reminded me what time it was.


I don’t even care if we win the chip this year. I just want to see the team focused, engaged and playing their best game. If they do that and lose then so be it, I will root for them the whole way


This year's play in and first round matchups about to be sick


Agreed that Grizz core are all back and better than last year, might have to foul bait JJJ heavy bc we don’t have an answer for him. But no adams or Clarke helps the size issue, and melton and slo mo were big pieces for them in last year’s series. I think it should be along the lines of last year’s series. Giving me 2019 rockets vibes when they talked all year about they would’ve won if healthy the year before and we know what happened 👀


Game 6 vs Houston in 2019 is my all time favorite game of the dynasty. what a win.


I lowkey wish I grew up around Alch so I could get a creative derogatory nickname...

Andreas Wiedemann

Nuggets are a mess rn. Gonna be hard to turn it on again. Grizz are depletet. My hope is warriors lakers in the wcf🤣


The way Steph turns the ball over makes me wonder if we would be better off with a traditional point guard that can take care of the ball and defend and have Steph at the 2 and Klay at the 3. Maybe just in some lineups when one of the starters is on the bench. I’m so tired of watching Steph just throw the ball away over and over again

paul reboca sr

"Getting paid per rebound?", maybe hahahah

Neal X

It's really just about his mental focus. Of course, Steph is amazing off-ball, but we definitely don't need another shrimpy guard out there XD. A big-man distributor like Jokic? That's fantasy basketball.


Seems like Clippers wants Suns, playing all players in back to back. Didn't fall for Kings trap Lol Then this game is very interesting in retrospective. With Wigs back, we should be able to take Kings in 6. Split the first 2. Then defend home is the way to go. The key would be to slow down the Kings, as they will get more and more desperate down the stretch to go fastbreak. Who's going to stop the ball? Monk can push the ball in addition to Fox. It's gonna be an interesting series, tons of communication required in transition, where GP2 will shine. Offensively, if the Dubs try to match Kings pace, it'll be a mistake. Play half court. As good as Kings perimeter defense is at containing penetration, Dubs is a jump shooting team. Kings is not very good at defending screen actions, and they can't afford to switch everything with Sabonis, Murray and Barnes playing big minutes. Don't count on Donte or GP2 shut down Fox. With Fox's lethal foul line dribble pullup, they probably have to stay on the side of him instead of face up guarding most of the time, and make him dribble to baseline where he cannot score easily.


Nobody understands why Steph treated like these. But referring is difficult. That's why you work with the refs, treat them as persons not robots and establish a relation. That's what Steph did. On one hand he didn't get the whistle at the rim, on the other hand however, 90% of the Dubs screens since Bogut joined in 2012 were illegal. Remember how Bogut taught the whole team how to tie the screen chaser' hands? Remember last year's game 6 at Boston, Steph's night night corner 3? He got open by punching Smart in the nuts. I think Steph is doing the right thing. He may take a hundred of none calls in the regular season, or even in the Finals. But keep playing is the right way to go. Can you imagine if he treats the ref like LeBron, Luka, or CP? For JP, I agree he's not trending on the right direction with the refs. But he's in the right neighborhood so that's a relief.


It don't matter. Nuggets are idiots: we get an open 3 by picking Jokic anytime. Murray won't cause too many problems. Memphis is a bunch of pussies running around.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

After that 12/25 Grizzlies game, I thought Kerr could’ve found ways to use Wiseman more this season. And tbh, the over-aggressive Wise haters always kinda annoyed me. Well I’ve been watching him a bit in Detroit. Consider this my official apology to Steve Kerr and the haters. Y’all were right.


55:27 Lol


wasn’t Babe Ruth also the strikeout King?