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just peeped the Wigs news after I got done! 


gsw vs den gm 79



Alch I know you’re not a journalist but I think you have to be more responsible about giving life to rumors especially when there’s little or no evidence supporting them. As is the case with Wiggins. I admit it’s fun to speculate and poke fun at the rumors but that’s different from taking them seriously. Having said all this, love your work and I support everything you do.

k fish

While the warriors shot poor so they lost, there is a bigger problem. How is jk not more involved on offense when the splash brothers aren't hitting? Seems will still treat kuminga like an afterthought who should feel lucky to be on the floor offensively even though he is very efficient especially against a team with no rim protection. Not to mention the brilliant Kerr has come to the quick conclusion that he won't play gp2 and kuminga together....does he really belive it won't work or is that his excuse to have minutes for the "connector" lamb 😂


we have one of the best young prospects in the league to just set screens for splash brothers, I get it, they're amazing, but they wouldn't have won it if they hadn't had Wiggs last year. And Kuminga has all the attributes to be like Wiggins or even better, but yeah whatever let's give some time Lamb.


I hope everyone is starting to see why the front office wanted to do the 2 timeline thing. I think the core once they started losing in the season forced the them to buy in and trade wiseman for now. I’ve seen more than half of the losses this year where I felt like the core didn’t have their best game or didn’t do enough. In a nutshell I feel like Kuminga, Poole, and Donte gave what we needed from them this year to win. Steph who is my favorite player I mind y’all put up alot of empty stats this year where his high scoring games we don’t have a great record. Smh we’ll make the playoffs… maybe get through a round if we avoid grizzlies and nuggets but wiggins is not the change to make us a title contender.


On a side note, hey alch is it just me or does the Caitlyn vs Reese rivalry feel like the Magic vs Bird esque jump that the WNBA has been waiting on to become a successful league? I hope the marketing team milks the hell out of that so when both these women get to the league people will actually tune in


Turned the game off when they were down double digits with a few minutes remaining, so I was surprised to see how close the final score was. Good look by Klay at the end that just didn't go down. If I'm being honest, though, they didn't deserve to win. As has been the case all season, they couldn't get anything going until it was too late. Just can't afford to do so this late in the season. Glad to have Wigs back, but I'd be surprised if he plays the last 2 games @ SAC and POR.

Jimmy Ji

I think this team came in prepared to play against Jokic. Based on the pregame, it really did sound like a game-time decision but once this team found out they weren't playing Jokic, they just didn't bring their A-plus effort. It's the same for Warriors opponents when they find out Steph isn't playing, they let their guard down. Once Denver ratcheted up their intensity in the 2nd & 3rd, we failed to match that intensity until the final 3 minutes.

Jansen E

I'll keep saying it, I absolutely hate the core's effort on road games this whole year. I get that its late in the season, but two weeks ago, every game became a "must win". But then you see games like this one and the game against Minnesota. That one was a HOME GAME too. And the vets just couldnt give less of a shit about it. They dont give a fuck, so I wont give too much of a fuck either when they inevitably get bounced in the first or second round because they JUST CANNOT HELP THEMSELVES in late game scenarios, bad/selfish shots and decision making, and Steve Kerr icing out guys who really shouldve been playing. This game SHOULDVE been a gimme. No Jokic, and we are STILL outclassed and outmatched. And we're supposed to give them a run for their money when "hasnt played in 3 months" Wiggins returns??? Nah. The Warriors may win out the rest of the reg season. But it doesnt matter. Nothing theyve done this season tells me they are capable of winning of playoff series. Especially one where they dont have home court.

Jello Smooth

It’s so bothers me for this years vets to get up w/ they .500 ballin champion arses and start showboating. Worse it drives my crazy when clearly no is hitting and Klay and Curry do not go to the basket. And worst of all it’s freaking appalling to see Dray on the perimeter over hunting Steph, and passing up shots at the rim. Being intimidated by a rookie big that would not get minnites from Kerr… on a .500 team. When I see this version of Dray I think damn maybe we could move on … cause that sh*t is BS…. That right … it’s BenSimmons…


My theme for this season has been Cautious Pessimism. I, like Alc, find it really hard to watch this team and say "yeah, they got it" when they make so many fundaMENTAL errors especially down the stretch. My biggest issue all season, more than the bad defense, and the lack of chemistry has been shot selection. This live and die by the three mentality that Kerr has fostered turns into about 25 fast break opportunities for the other team, and forces an already disjointed and lacksidasical defense to try and match up in transition. It's been killing the team the entire season. All and all I didn't think this team would make it out of the play in, so if somehow they can make it into the 2nd round it's a win in my book. The only light at the end of this tunnel is that perhaps they are just over the regular season, as I am, and can take it to another level in terms of execution when faced with a single opponent in a seven game series. Otherwise I hope we get a good draft pick (6'10" Daron Holmes out of Dayton...) that Kerr can sit on the bench


This team deserves to be relegated to the play-in. The way they have played all season, they shouldn't be rewarded thanks to the mediocrity of the West this year.


Missed this game. Boy was it horrific. When Steph and Klay checked out like this, and they still almost won at Denver, I mean, how bad are the Nuggets?


Deduce by exclusion brother. Who is capable from the West? Other than the Kings, they're all idiots. And it can't be Kings to come out of West.


we gon be alright. hop.


Won a chip, won 73 games, came back from a 3-1 deficit, lost a 3-1 lead, lost the play-in game, won the chip....I think we will get back on track in the playoffs.


Lol Mike Malone as a masochist has me dead


One favorite thing I like to watch is Poole after any player, even Bruce Brown a Defensive specialist, blows by him for a layup or dunk, or when a player walks past him for an easy put back dunk, I love how he stands meekly to the side and turns his head back and forth waiting for the ball trying to hide in plain sight. I'm glad the coaches are finally ripping him, when Wiggs comes back I hope they showcase Joran just enough to get something in return because I do believe they will shop him this summer. He's a coach/team D killer with a wrecking ball and chain contract dragging behind him.

Mikey H

i know most people will think im crazy but lakers are gonna be a problem if AD & Bron are healthy, not sure they can win the chip but they can def make it to the finals. Other than that idk. but yeah, somethin is up. could be mental/organization turmoil, could be that the vets are sick of having to bail out the n00bs the whole season, could be size...lots of variables


im betting on most teams, denver included, losing an edge in the playoffs. when the stage gets bigger and the lights get brighter, we will see. OR this will be the year we can't flip the switch come playoffs and we watch the decline begin. Wiggs will def help a ton in terms of overall defense, athleticism, and offensive support. I still like our chances given how the playoffs make more cowards than legends. We have living legends, the question is - is our core cooked at the wrong time


they have bad games, but they'll be ready come playoff time. West is wide open and they're feared by everyone involved

John Z

yea I have no idea lol

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

The vets haven’t been bailing out the n00bs. And tbh, even if they were, that’s what’s supposed to happen with a top heavy roster.

Mikey H

been doin it all year. Curry sits, lead goes down. Sure, lately poole has been scoring & kuminga has been a help but over a season this stuff catches up & mentally it's prob draining as well

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Yeah, I don’t know about that. I’m not necessarily a nuggets believer, but Jokic & Murray are not playoff cowards.

Neal X

There's mental as well as physical burnout -- why dynasties are so rare and why they don't last. As much as Curry, Klay, and Draymond may say they are hungry for another chip, their bodies and minds may be saying something else after winning last year. It's why someone like MJ who always had the same fire year after year was such an anomaly -- though of course we all remember even he had to take a break after his father's murder. Wiggins probably going through something similar.


can anyone answer: with wiggins not playing for like 20 something games, does that mean he doesn’t get paid? Did he help the warriors save on the luxury tax by being away?


Great analysis as always alc, any thoughts on the recent massive coverage that Womens bball has been getting? I’ve never seen so much coverage without the usual mocking discourse that the womens side usually gets, maybe a turning point


I'm pretty certain he got paid in full.


yeah the controversy is great for the game honestly. My issue with the womens game at the college and pro level is they play thru and feature the bigs. The guards are waaaay better at basketball. If you are 6'3 6 '4 and can run the floor and catch the ball in the womens game you are basically considered a feature player. No one wants to see ymca foot work and put backs in the paint all game. Clark, Cook, Paige let them cook thats what people want to see, but I think its trending that way with this next gen


Dwight Schrute: NBA, WNBA, one is a sport, one is a joke. I like sport. I like jokes Lol painfully true, sth just don’t change, like soccer in US. Maya Moore has skills better than most NBA players and no one gave a shit.