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gsw vs lal gm 59



It's like someone said you guys have to communicate more on defense, so they started communicating more but still didn't play better defense


this team is cooked, honestly in the offseason everyone but Curry, Klay, Wiggs and Kuminga can go. Everything has been fucked and off since the punch so the locker room needs a complete overhaul


The defense has been so bad that it's now rubbing of on Divicenzo who is/was a once serviceable defender. Also, I'll be very happy when Steph gets back and JP can get benched or play under 20mins for doing dumb shit. In our current state, we have no alternative but to put up with his 0 effort defense. Think about it.. his predecessor (Steph) .. with all the accolades actually gives effort on defense, what's his excuse? Won't lie, it's hard watching these games lately

John Z

Feels like all of our flaws are compounded this year. Appreciate the breakdown as always.


The issue now is that it’s hard to give your all for a team that has shown time and time again it doesn’t have enough. The goal should be .500 until we get Steph and Wiggins back and give ‘er one last ride through the play-in and offs. Because let’s face it, this entire franchise is heading toward a rebuild.


Bench Jordan Poole. If we are playing the young guys which we might do more of then bench Poole for the reason that he won't give any effort on D. You play him and let him jack for beets with the ball and shoot all day but not play D it sets a bad example. Then maybe he starts playing for the team. It won't solve our problems but it might set up Poole for the future. With his salary he's now just about untradable so that won't work.

Chip Tingle

Alch, you’ve artfully detailed the plays/mistakes/attitude/decisions that have become so freaking frustrating to watch. Too much of this chit is correctable!!!

Dami I

im sick and tired of kerr get him tf outta here


Alch I understand that you’re trying to not be negative but I think you gotta be… you’re the only person keeping it real. Holding players accountable. Big reason I’ve followed you these past few years is bc how much you keep it real but also take in others perspectives. After tonight’s loss, wiggs not being with the team, curry out, no changes in rotation or roster, Kerr always blaming himself and says he should do better but doesn’t do anything different… I think we don’t make the playoffs. I mean if we lose all the games before curry comes back why bring him back and risk further injury???

Kahlil Baker

We desperately need a big body! It’s like we are beating a dead drum!

Ruben Valce

Alch thank you for making us laugh while giving us insight on the game. This has been a frustrating year but stuff like beasley and pippen house keep me going lmaoooo

Jimmy Ji

Restructuring Klay's contract this off-season is probably just as important as shipping Poole out. No way in hell he is a $40m/yr player playing defense like that.


Steph likely agrees with you as do most of us.

Omer Ali

This off-season better be Poole working on defensive fundamentals 24/7.

Strong Foru

Poole has worn bandages on his right leg since November. I wonder what's wrong?


Everything has to end, right? Someone has to go in the offseason. Whether its Poole, Draymond, Kerr and his staff... someone (or more) has to go. Real talk. No way Poole goes into next season with this team making crazy money playing defense like that and leading the team in turnovers. NO WAY he is getting paid that amount just to score. At least in my book it's just so wrong. And either Kerr goes or Kenny goes and has to be replaced by a defensive-minded coach like Mike. If Draymond walks as well, I wouldn't lose sleep over it. He probably started all of this, or maybe he didn't and he just expedited everything for them. It was all gonna implode anyways. All dynasties implode eventually at some point.

paul reboca sr

Kerr is being exposed big time. is he doing this on purpose?

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Maybe the first sign of inter-generational beef/weird vibes was that random Kuminga story over the summer. Remember when Stephen A came out of nowhere talking about how he’s hearing bad things about JK? Who were his sources? What was that actually about? And still don’t know how the punch vid got leaked.


it’s time Alch step into the arena and show how to coach men. wya alch it’s your time big dog!


kidzbop mo bamba funny tho

Joseph Mayen

Why is Iguadola still on the team, instead of a player who can help Ws