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Had to make a slight edit at the end to keep this up on Youtube 



gsw vs cle 46

Watch "gsw vs cle 46" on Streamable.



Instead of Michael Porter, can PBJ model his game after who we saw last night in K Love?


drop ig. see what the market values for our stock.

Nathan Glanzer

Kerr told JP to "Lock the fuck in" then said something about last game and then this game. I wish I could read lips better haha.


I hope we keep lamb and Jerome really liking them this szn 🔥 🔥

Natto Santo

If JMG plays like this onward, it is a big win for FO again. No Trade needed.

Branden Edwards

I agree Cavs did the same thing we've been guilty of doing, they expected our depleted roster to just roll over and when we didn't Cavs couldn't adjust


Kuminga is on a 5 games winning streak (saw it on twitter)….he’s a shot and handle away from being a special player…just needs more reps…playing physical bball is so underrated, you have to be feared in this league…mobley got hit with some shit last night…


Man it feels good to be the team that makes every difficult shot sometimes, totally opposite from last game, feel good win, but poole gotta be more disciplined, maybe direct that energy somewhere else.


Kuminga is a ROCK. Favorite player after Steph easily

Chip Tingle

JK has improved his pump fake and footwork around the rim. Now I want to see him improve his left hand, especially against bigger shot blockers. A real hook is probably too OG and too far away in hours to develop. A fade away? He just gets into the paint as well as anyone on our roster. Seeing his D dial up this year gives me chills! Completely agree with either Andre or Rawlins needing to go for the sake of Ty and Lamb. Can anyone still say these two are less valuable in the playoffs? Screw draft pedigree, they can flat ball out, they fit, and Kerr trusts them! Politically incorrect alert - despite “allegations”, there have never been any criminal charges, correct? I have no idea what happened, but legally, this is significant to remember.

paul reboca sr

is this the beginnings of a controversial rumor? shopping PBJ. Heavens no, this brother is part of our future. be blessed


Coach Kerr: "Lock the fuck in! We're trying to win the game!" This reminded me of you in 2017/2018, Alch. When they had bad games I knew you'd be really mad to the point that I would feel nervous right before I watch your breakdowns lol