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gsw vs chi gm 42



@alc - Wanted to respond to your comment in the breakdown about when we used the challenge. I was at the game yesterday near the warriors bench and this is how things led up to it - Andre was mad at the coaching staff for not using the challenge when dray picked up his second foul. Him and draymond kept going back and forth with the coaching staff for a while and right when the latest foul happened, draymond started being a lot more vocal - “what’re we saving the challenge for”, “momentum matters”, etc. this is when they decided to use the challenge. So I think the team was sort of pressured into using it at that time.

Strong Foru

I think the core no longer has anything to prove and maybe possibly have lost their competitive edge.


It's becoming very difficult to watch these games. It feel like the Warrior's ball movement style has morphed to getting the better shot to getting the best 3 point shot they can, even if that one is contested. Feels almost like the Harden Rockets.


Poole was better in this game, it's obvious he has the tools to play D, just needs the mindset. I hope against past experience watching him that he keeps making the effort on D. Wiggs is down 10-15 lbs. my guess.


What’s your conspiracy theory for what’s going on with Wiseman


Moody is so in his head at this point. I point a lot of it on the coaching. He never has the chance to work thru mistakes. He gets minutes one game then doesn't play for two games. The coaches have no faith in him and he has no faith in them.


I was at the game sitting pretty close to the rim. Some observations: 1) The only one who was constantly locked in and talking on defense was Donte, from steph dray even Loon they were all kinda just vibing, can really see the vets' arrogance (for a lack of better words) shining throughout. Down 12-15 early and later in the 4th but their body language was all like no shit we gonna win this pack it up, which maybe was due to the early start. 2) I also waited for them to get on their buses at where they stayed (got my shirt signed by Dray which was cool) downtown, one thing I thought was unexpected was they didn't leave the hotel until 1.5 hour before the game, which I think is normally not case and is later than what they usually do (I thought they arrive at the arena ~2-3 hours prior to tip off). I think everybody just looked visibly tired and low energy. (Steph's bodyguard was pretty fired up and mean, but I guess I get it) And Draymond's family was in Chicago too, saw her mother-in-law randomly walking her dog in a robe lol Also saw Joe and the Lacobs, I also sat like 5 feet behind Joe at the game. He got super frustrated, while Nicole was nowhere to found after halftime lmao 3) Seeing Jordan in person, his movements on both ends are really not very effective, a lot of extra steps and legs were spent just to get to spots he could've easily taken three fewer steps to get to. And imo he really wasn't on a string with everybody else, a lot of the times I saw his effort but he was just in the wrong spots at the wrong time, leading to everybody else having to cover him up, which was probably why Chicago had so many open corner threes (unsurprisingly) 4) Steve seemed visibly frustrated all game, I felt like a lot of the time when he stood up to call a play, a rushed three was already put up, and in the fourth he was like f it we packing it up. 5) the f'ing refs man. I sat at the baseline, and more often than not, the ref who stood baseline was straight up guessing if there is contact, and just randomly decided to blow whistles, especially in the third. No consistency whatsoever for real, very frustrating. And it was also apparent that them refs didn't want to engage with our team or give us opportunities to talk to them. They really don't like our players and coaches. A lot of the times the refs would avoid eye contact with Coach Kerr and just don't give him enough chances to talk to them. Really feels like it goes both ways. They don't like us, and we are being arrogant at times with them. Adam, do something please. 6) Caruso was so good, I was hoping he'd wear black and play for us before this game. Hope it will still happen. Thanks Alch, breakdown always on point. #GoDubs


Alch wasn't so salty with this loss because the 49ers won the day before


You called Steph’s big game in DC! He always snaps in the DMV, love to see it


This is hilarious, joe huffing and puffing trying to find nicole who just went to the bathroom to do a few extra lines


How about we just go back to switching everything Alch? This will solve our problem of every team raining 3s on us. I don't care if this creates mismatches, I'd take vucivic or whoever taking contested 2s inside than giving him butt naked 3 balls. The way I see it, it's our defensive strategies that is failing us, it's outdated. In my opinion, this is where Dray shined as a player too. He's the best help defense player in the league. So why not try it and see how it goes. This would eliminate all the confusion in our players too.


We are so privileged to pick and choose whichever game and breakdown we want to see. So I just want to take this time to give a hugeee shoutout to Alch who has to sit through these atrocities multiple times. Stay strong my guy 🙏🙏🙏


You think a deal can be even made with the Utah jazz for olynyk and Vanderbilt with walker kessler and how he’s arrived? Why would they even wanna deal with wiseman and moody. I wouldn’t. Other trades to be made I guess. Maybe we don’t even know what move they’ll make


Hahahaha for real man. I'm only watching this because I know we won today so I'm a little less salty 😅


Dude I cant even watch a live game without throwing a hissy fit about our defense 😂😂