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gsw vs phx gm 41



If they don't make the playoffs this year, could they ship the P*SSY MERCHANT off for some actual high IQ players that compliment this roster and go all in on next season?


i think thats a mike brown thing. Kerr was never a lock IRL and idk about kenny atkinson but the attention to detail on defense has been bad all year. I think they just assumed Draymond the guru would fix stuff but that is asking a lot of a player. I think our coaching is deficient here and is something we need to fix if we want another deep run into June.

Johnny Marko

im absolutely appalled with this team. one word to describe them this season is soft. soft on defense, soft on offense and soft in the press conferences. it seems there is no panic from the coaching staff and the players which i think is a terrible thing. we should be playing like a cornered rat but instead we play like we are first in the conference. this team is getting hard to stomach


I forgot who said it but I think an analyst or announcer said once there are actually (for most folks) 72 games to the season - 5 you’re gonna get blown out no matter what you do, 5 you’re gonna win no matter what you do. This kinda feels like one of the 5 blowouts, so I’m not panicking. That being said, you brought up a great point about JP’s defense: it has been awful. Reminds me of when Curry may as well have been waving a red flag back in the early 10s. There was an interview with Steph where he said for a time he had a “little brother” mentality on defense (‘stop picking on me maaaaan….’) From Poole’s body language I think he’s got that problem too.
 As weird as this may sound, I think all of the flashy handle and quick bursts of energy let us know JP actually has defensive tools, and we say he “just doesn’t have that mindset”… but is it being *framed* correctly from the coaching staff to him? This seems like a dude who really, really cares about what others think (think about when the news story came out that Poole was the first man at practice last man out last year. Have we heard that this season?) Honestly, what might work for him is if someone on the coaching staff just shows him clips of himself going from 0 to 100 and saying “bro, look at how fast you are. you can clamp these mfs and beat them to their spots.” and start having the glue guys on the team call him JP Clamps or something every time he stops someone on the defensive end and make it a thing for the rest of the year. That type of positive reinforcement (which it doesn’t seem like is happening in that way) would probably turn him into a serviceable on-ball defender. Speaking of, do these guys actually rally around each other? I know “warriors culture” sounds sacrilegious to challenge, but remove the logo and look at these dudes play. You play hard for your team if you feel they play hard for you, and we know everyone feels that way about Steph from last year's playoff run. But does (for example) Moody *actually* want Klay to succeed, and vice versa? Or is there a little part of him that hopes he gets benched so he can actually get minutes? Is JK making bets with Draymond who can make their man shoot a lower percentage? Do the young guys feel empowered to step up or do they feel like they don’t have the ear of the coaching staff, or the vets? All that’s important, and I don’t think that’s happening… how do you fix that without trading someone who you may not want to on paper away to get a better mix of personalities and people to band together and win something?


looking like a sport novela tbh


Probably not possible anymore bc of him getting the bag, but should Kerr not have JP on a tighter leash again? I’d rather see Ty and Donte/Klay as our backup backcourt if JP gonna take plays off. Yea he scores but just gives it all back. Does too much weird shit man

Omer Ali

My bed ridden grandmother with a hunchback can probably give Jordan Poole buckets.

Omer Ali

I don't remember Poole being this bad on Defense last season. Don't get me wrong, I know he was still bad but rn he's fighting for worst defender in the league honors. Perhaps GPII's value was hiding Jordan Poole on Defense 🤣🤣😭😭


And that’s the real question… you look at his profile as a player. Psychologically and physically. How does he not have more pride? You are right. Clearly they are not pushing the right buttons.


The hubris has finally caught up to this team, they are satisfied, there is zero hunger and they think they can show up for 1 quarter and win. I really, truly don't believe the problems are xs and os, it mental,it's lack of focus and that punch fucked our chemistry


for some reason the stanky face by poole at the last three he made irritated me to no end. you aint all that young man. you don't get to make that nasty ass face when your defence and carelessness was a major part of what that dropped us down 20 in the first place.


Alch you should do a video of realistic trades for the dubs that goes increasingly more toward being an all in for the big 3 Ex. Start off with a trade involving wise then wise and moody, and so on. I wanna see your creativity but also realism at the same time. A lot of the time people make trades that don’t involve contacts, salary caps, and just make absurd trades that own team would for sure deny if ever proposed

Ryan Mitchell

Hurts me to say this but it might be best to sell high on Poole smh