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k. marcelous

Alch. Looney does NOT have "great hands." I'm just saying...

k. marcelous

Rebounding and catching passes are 2 very different animals. Loon consistently drops hot passes in the paint.


No matter the opponent, 3 wins in a row in the NBA with your 2 best players missing is always a good sign. Last two games have gone to crunch time too and they’ve managed to firm it. Very encouraging signs.


I mean… you either got hands or not. If loon drops a pass it’s usually because he was going to the glass instead of expecting a pass


Well actually I wouldn’t say very encouraging but definitely encouraging lol

k. marcelous

Alch. "Good" hands, among other things, are required to be a "Good" rebounder. Loon is that. However "Great" hands, among other things, are required can catch hot passes ("Great" & not so "Great") in the paint. We don’t have that with Loon.


That’s fair great may be an exaggeration..but subjective. Draymond or GP2 undeniably have “great hands” the point was, JP needs to either change the spin or take something off those. No one is catching them


Maybe you already know this, Alch, but the video on streamable and youtube was mad choppy. I don't mind, just letting you know in case you somehow didn't. Cheers (Nvm I refreshed and it’s fine. Lol it was just weird that it was somehow chopping on both streamable and YouTube, my fault 🤦‍♂️

k. marcelous

Agreed! Too much spice on those passes for those on the other side. No doubt.

Shea Johnson

PBJ actually looks like a GreatValue™ version of Michael Porter Junior out there, same frame, same playstyle, same ridiculous 3 point shot.

Mikey H

Curious how many 2 way contracts the dubs can convert to full time? Can they only do one? or can do both & it's more about roster spots. If anyone knows lmk


You know what I think is interesting to consider? When star players are unable to play, there's a huge difference between the coaching staff wanting to see what the roleplayers are capable of, and needing to see what they're capable of. Like a mindset thing, i feel like it hits different to a player if hypothetically coaching staff just decides to bench the starters to give the roleplayers a chance to prove themselves, vs. them having to prove themselves in a situation where the stars are injured. The pressure is different.


Right now our future and it's not distant is Kuminga and PBJ. PBJ already knows what he's doing out there, he acts like a vet and he plays big out there. Smooth as Silk (come to think of it he looks like Silk (former warrior Jamaal Wilkes) plays a bit like him too, but bigger, I love his game so far. Kuminga is obviously the alpha dog of our young guys and his defense right now is so good that when he went out last night I was actually worried what the drop off would be. He has come that far. I can see JK just feasting on smaller guys in the key with 10' jumpers like Kawhi. Even Wiseman is playing better, my bar is low for him but he's stepping up right now. Lastly Alch, your feed always works well for me, I see the comments sometimes but clear as a bell for me.




Moody + JMG + FRP for Vando


Amazing breakdown as always, Alch !


Wow i was sure I had seen PBJ’s game before. You nailed it! Wilkes. Hope he doesn’t follow in Wilkes footsteps.


Great win. We Still need a big man pick up and don’t forget both 2-way guys only get 50 games to play then we have to sign or dump. Big 14 games left for Ty/Lamb!

John Pettus

MPJ a little meatier. We gotta put PBJ on a program and beef that kid up.

John Pettus

Only 1. So one of Lamb or Ty won’t be able to play in the playoffs.

John Pettus

Mood is always crashing the plane, never landing it. That guy hits the ground hard and weird every time and I hate it. We gotta get the guy some aikido lessons or some shit.

John Pettus

I would do that. I think Moody can be a solid 3 & D wing, but Vanderbilt would be huge for us, especially now.


I believe they can convert both two-ways but there's only one roster spot currently open, so they'd need to waive an active roster player (JMG?) to make it work. I doubt it will happen though, they may convert Lamb but no need to bring on Ty once Curry is back (provided he stays healthy), especially with them grooming Rollins for a backup point role.


Curry need to bring that green jacket again 💀


Hm is draymond still doing his podcasting thing or nah. More focused on basketball?

paul reboca sr

C'mon alch, "Wiseman DOG" Go ahead say it hahah be blessed


I'm starting to become very optimistic moving forward. The convergence of two events might be the turning point of this season. Steph's injury forced Kerr to give the young guys much needed minutes. It also began a rallying point for the team. Before this, I questioned team unity in the aftermath of "the Punch." In my view, the incident and how it was handled by the organization divided the locker room into Kerr and the vets versus the next gen players. The joy and comradery was visibly missing. You could see it by looking at the bench and the body language of the young players. Steph's injury pushed the entire team to embrace an "us against the world" attitude like last season. The Memphis game is the second critical event. Nothing like a hated villain to push the heroes together, forcing them to put aside their grievances. That game was the first this season that felt like last year (even more so than the Boston game, IMHO). Everyone on the team was "all in" and focused on the task at hand. The team has carried this forward. The young guys are playing with a new sense of purpose and belonging, and the team overall is finally playing with urgency. Honestly, at times this season I questioned whether the Dubs really wanted it. Of course, the road will be the ultimate test.


Klay also didn't help at all with this by not trusting the young guys at all, he gave up a vibe of ''i am better than you all", he should humble himself more

Mikey H

ok makes sense. I hear u. Guess i gotta see Rollins in action. thanks


Can we buy out JMG to make space on the roster for both the two ways?