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gsw vs nop gm 18



What did Kerr learn about the bench that he and anyone else that watches the games didn't already know?


JK is an alpha. Plain and simple. He is sure of himself, even when he shouldn't be. Its not that he doesn't know, he doesn't care. Heck, maybe he is just oblivious. Its the same in the end either way. I love JK's moxy and bravado. It will pay off eventually. In contrast, I've been watching Wiseman's G-League games. He has not played bad, but this is one of his biggest deficiencies. JK looks sure of himself out there and plays with aggression, but Wise plays cautious and timid. If Wise could turn that aspect of his game around, he would be way better. Own his size and freakish athletic ability and act like the baddest man on the court. Unfortunately, this is more a character trait than something that can be learned. By the way, in watching Wise, the Dubs underutilize his ability to shoot the outside shot. He is effective on the pick and pop. Particularly top of the key jumpers and the 3. That is what he has shown in the two games I've watched. He could also learn a thing or two about getting position down low to put himself in a better position to rebound. He always seems like he is forced to deep under the basket. He's splayed good, but is leaving a lot of points and rebounds on the table. He has also continued to struggles with the catching the lob. In sum, JK looks like a guy who wants to be the man, a true alpha dog, whereas Wise has the temperament and countenance of a role player.


I'd love to see more PBJ!!


You are so much better than Locked on guy.


Loved you on LockedOnWarriors. Great to see you getting out of our happy little Patreon bubble


Why did he keep saying alchemy with an ‘s’ tho? Dude triggered my ocd


We need some goons on this team. Bench is too soft. I thought jamychal would be that for us but nah. The trade needs to happen or we throw away a prime Steph year and probably the last year Draymond can be “serviceable”. Sad times


Hayes can play. Dude makes some bad decisions off the court but hell we have had the situation before. Been hoping for this for two years. Come on warriors make thetrade. Hell give them Wiseman


you were awesome on locked on. cyrus blended well with you. you brought a whole new level of class and edge to the locked on network. hope they bring you back regularly and that it results in more patreon and other opportunities!

Andreas Wiedemann

Do you guys think, the young core has enough substance to justify the 2 timeline approach? I think we have to many projects which u cant develop at the same time with unclear outcome. At this point id give up on wiseman and maybe choose between moody and kuminga, but stick with the guy for 20min / game. I have high hopes in both of them, but a minute here and there doesnt help. I like your point about kuminga needing the ball. I wonder what moody could do with more trust, i dont like how he is treated.


What are we on? Do we have no confidence to beat a playoff team with our full roster so we choose to rest the second of the back to back instead of the first? Don’t care for tiebreakers now dropping two to the pels. Not like we have a sizeable head start in the standings. And I thought Kerr said we needed to start racking up wins. Sure hope our young guys take these losses well, proving the work they need to do and motivate them vs demoralizing them.


Alch, you dont want Hayes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOpZ-7YBDcc. After this happened to him, composure destroyed. He proceeded to get like 3-4 fouls in like 2-3 mins.Then to make it worse, he had all that off courst stuff happened. I joke with my friend all the time that all it took was an ugly dood yamming it on him for him to implode.


I think Moody looked good last season because his role was simple. Spot up and defend. Now he's trying to make pplays which backfires a lot.