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I called it! Kuminga dunks with one hand And I knew you would be all over it Alch!


Hey Alch, looking at the box score we have to work on rebounding. Even in a blow out we were out rebounded by 53-40 and offensive rebounds were 22-5 in favor of the Spurs! NOT GOOD!


Would rather have that RunTMC commentary all the time then the original geeks


It is remarkable when you really watch Wiseman screen. Like I really like him and want him to succeed but he almost never actually screens the guy. I haven't watched it enough but maybe the ball handler needs to do a better job setting up Wiseman for the screen? Either way, just pop the guy you're trying to screen. Maybe he's just too nice a guy...


Surprised you didn’t bring up Tim's "poor choice of words" in your breakdown 😂


Wiseman, son of a bitch he is comically bad. If you watch him with a critical eye you will see that half of the balls that hit his hands bounce off. I've been saying this for years now, he can not catch the ball, I swear to you, if you went over to his home and walked into his living room and said hey Paddles here is an apple and throw it softly to him on his couch, he drops it 75% of the time. It's not even just basketball, I wouldn't trust him behind the wheel of a car either, hell you know he couldn't ride a bicycle as a kid. Watch him when he drops a ball, it doesn't even bother him, he expects to drop it, just jog down to the other end. My friends and I howl when he plays, it's high comedy, matador screens, blocked out by 6' guards who bully him out, his 10 foot turn arounds are usually just throws at the rim. Defense, Shit when he's in the game every play goes through him, and almost every one of those plays score. I love him now, my friends and I laugh our heads off watching him. My guess he goes down to Santa Cruz and ends up on the second team in a week. Trade him for a sock full of soup and be done with it. I just want to thank him for the laughs, I will miss him, bless his heart.

Ryan Mitchell

Not sure if you heard Alch - but they released their rookie from last year = Primo. Story was he was getting some mental counseling and during those sessions would expose himself to the psychiatrist! She has a lawsuit against the Spurs - no joke 🫣

Andreas Wiedemann

Wiseman is overcoached imo. He is constantly in his head thinking where his hands should, where he shold go, when this happens turn, when this jump. So he os always a tick late and has no capacitiy to recognise other stuff, like a cutting guard. Gettings reps is good, so i hope some stuff becomes instincts. Id let him play some games there and not coach him to much, he knows the theory. Maybe this is the problem of being smart.


I miss Jim Barnett so much. He really balanced out Fitz as opposed to Azubukie…


Lambs shot release is the second weirdest shot I've ever seen that actually works lol but hey no complaints if it's going to drop at this rate

Jerry Heverly

The sword of Damocles is next spring when they’ll need to decide whether to pay Wiseman or lose him. Ironically if he really stinks up the G League they might be able to retain him cheaply, sort of a poor man’s version of Steph’s ankle injuries. If he begins to show promise they probably won’t be able to afford him.

Geoff Brady

Dude your jokes are underrated - that old head ‘gimme one mo!’ one had me fucken rollin hahaha Good stuff man


is what it is.. Ive tried to stay positive for the sake of the fan base but I cant take it anymore


I was at this game. It was a Jordan Poole bobble head night as they played a funny videos about him being interviewed on a kiddie pool and his teammates were teasing him. It was also clear that the whole team kept feeding him the ball all night so he could have a breakout game. It was even easier playing against starless SA who's tanking on purpose to get a good draft pick. Steph passed up many open shots for JP as he was given the brighest green light ever. Sitting Klay helps JP, but I do think his performance was WAY overrated. IMHO