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3 big questions



Wiseman is my main concern and my second concern isn't even close.


Like you said, If we extend poole before dray….he’s going to be pissed…it’s not like dray loves basketball ( 0 elite skills),he’s more about the competition and going against his peers….if he feels disrespected,we’re going to have the worst of it…


1st question - Can't really doubt klay's motor. He went through hell to get back. Getting to a more fit version will be child's play. 2nd question - no matter what you do Dray is gonna make it difficult. He has to be signed first just to minimize him being him. But no max. 3rd question - them two are suspect. One is on the cusp of becoming a diva. The other needs more time (2-3 years). Will be happy if Wiseman can stay on the court for 10 minutes consistently.


Wisemans health is the absolute biggest concern i have about him, if healthy i have no doubt he can develop into a rim protector that gives you 15 points and 9 boards. ive just seen way too many guys his size have constant issues with their Knees/feet. Also everything about Draymond screams hes a guy that will age terribly so no way im extending him for anything near the max

Andreas Wiedemann

My main concern is kuminga and his attitude. no question about his talent, but in the g league and in summer league he showed he`s not interested in playing there. He is really special, already able to switch games momentum and if the mitty comes along he`s going to be a monster..but is he gonna work enough for it? I don`t know. Maybe he is missunderstood because he is a llayed back kind of caracter witch doesn`t mean he behaves the same in competition moments. On the other hand some of his body language is concerning..


Im actually hoping that Kuminga improves to the point where it makes no sense to extend draymond at more than 12 or 15 million a year.


right, its about his status among his peers right now. He wants to sit across from Bron at dinner and call himself a max guy


in a vacuum yes.. no one would give him a max. But Steph in his final prime years chasing down GOAT status saying I need him changes the equation


Im talk a bit more about this next pod.. its hard judge with no real context form behind the scenes


I know what I am about to say is sacrilege (given the drive to get all the money you can when you can) but does anyone else other than me wish that the guys at the top of the salary chain, who've been feeding there for some time (and supplemented by brand-ing and now "new media") would take a little off the top to free up some cash for a few of those coming behind them, who are also contributing quite a bit, to keep continuity? Who would also see their example and not necessarily be in a rush to max out, whatever that would be for each. I would not ask this if Lacob were not bleeding out cap penalty dollars (and it doesn't matter how deep his pockets are--he's gone way beyond the norm). Because the Warriors have something really special going. And this does not mean just the players. It truly IS a system. They are truly more than the sum of their parts, and this includes Kerr, Meyers, and everyone on down the line. Its an ethos grounded in Kerr's vision, Meyers aptitude, and Lacob's willingness. And its rare. At at some point, doesn't the question of "How many millions of dollars --not merely how much money -- is enough? How important/valuable is extra millions on top of already accumulated millions, compared to accomplishing something few teams have ever done in the history of sports?

Jello Smooth

I do care if it’s muwagbe …..


Chase Center profits have gone way beyond the line as well. They're raking in around 700 or 800 million a year. Plus Lacob has made like 7 billion on team equity alone. If Lacob really wants to win, he should suck it up and pay these dudes.


He ain’t no Steph Curry for sure, but he is killer Klay tho!! Alch i rewatched a lot of 2019 Klay, just peak 2,3 dribble max shooting 50% from 3 and absolute dawg on defense. Compare it to 2022 Klay, who tried to add some more sprinkles on shot variety ( I think) and putting more work on footwork, namely more off dribble shots, which (2019 or 2021 with legs under him) do you think he will/ should work towards this coming season? Imo as long as he is 15-20% better than he was last season we still the favorites. Thanks.


Great points about the contract situations and how that could affect team chemistry. I wonder how much of the talk from Draymond and Lacob is just bargaining maneuvers. I say sign them all, Draymond is the only one that could prove difficult to trade.


Wiggins has been great for us, but I think you can put other players in to do his role. In my opinion, we should focus on developing our younger guys this season, namely Kuminga in order to fill Wigg's role.


If Kuminga improves that much, doesn't it makes sense that he replaces Wiggins over Dray?


If dray is willing to sign in Sacramento before taking a fair deal- then I guess he wasnt as interested in winning as he says he is. The fact that he was willing to pack it in so quickly during the 19-20 season when the warriors had injuries.... makes me question how bad he really wants to win too.


wiggins is younger than draymond and I think he has atleast a little room to grow over the next 4 yrs. I really see draymond getting to the point where he isnt playable in 2-3 yrs.


On his podcast, draymond talks like he gotta inflate the word count like he back in school