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A look at the surprise off season acquisition


Donte Dub



I think the durability issues are somewhat overblown. Yes he has the foot injury his fresman year of college then his rookie year and then in the 2021 playoffs. But 2019-20 was the season that got cut short in March and teams ended up playing like 70-ish games. Next season the schedule was crunched into 72 games so he only missed 6 games. Finally, after recovering from the ankle injury in the playoffs which cost him a decent chunk to start the year, he didn’t really have any real injury concerns afterwards, he just got traded to the Kings


Good point about the shorter seasons. But you watch him play, and you can see how he gets chipped up too. Just like GP relatively undersized yet never yields an inch


That’s totally fair. Just think the shooting alone makes me worry a little bit less about durability as opposed to GP2 who was all athleticism and hustle. Donte isn’t a splash brother but he has a better shot than GP which expands what he can provide to the team unlike GP who, technically was limited (hate to use that word) in what he contributed

Strong Foru

Top notch analysis Alch. Thx!


Appreciate u


Had a shit of a day, nothing going easy... then i came home to this. Alc nirvana. Donte, my favorite acquisition for warriors in off season. More curious in seeing how Donte fairs with Warriors than I am curious about rookies. Think he will shine!


I’ve said many times on discord that even though gp2 was perfect for the role we asked him to play, donte is really the much better basketball player overall especially offensively. This is a huge upgrade on that end without losing too much defensively (he is a dawg defensively just not gp2 level) and provides us a whole lot more flexibility when it comes to lineups, think about the importance of pairing wise and joku with a more traditional guard who can do a little bit of everything


Great insights into Devincenzo. But I’ve got another take. Both Meyers and Kerr have stated publicly this summer that Moody will be the first SG off the bench this year, and mention him as the guy who replaces GP2’s defense. He’s also a much better outside shooter than Devincenzo. That means Donte is the 5th guard, not the 4th. Take the Dubs at their word when they say next year they’re going young. Dubs are committed to developing Moody and Kuminga this year, even if it costs them a few wins. The master plan assumes the young guns are strong contributors for the next 3 seatsons at low salaries. If Devincenzo is getting more than 12 mpg, then Moody isn’t getting 20, and the plan isn’t going as expected. Steph and Klay won’t play back-to-backs this year, so Donte gives them a solid 4th guard in the ~30 combined games those 2 guys are off.


Moody will definitely give the dubs that defensive spark that gp2 gave us and donte can almost be Steph like coming off the bench and run the offense and create his own shot which allows JP to continue playing off ball. I'd love to see kuminga move into that dunker spot excel.at that while continuing to improve his game. But yeah this team can do some great things again this year


With Moody's length he slots in as a 2/3 so don't be surprised to see multiple "3 guard lineups" especially since Steph is the only guard of the five that is under 6'4 and Klay functions more as a small forward on the defensive end now excelling more 2-4 rather than 1-3

Chip Tingle

Mucho dig, especially the effective graphics supporting each point, Alch. Not being a big college hoops guy, I’m catching up on Ragu attributes, but I’m liking the potential fit a lot! JP dynamics in $ year seem spot on. Quite a juggling act our FO keeps at the highest level in the league!


Spot on analysis again! Almost all players get their stock elevated when playing along Steph and Klay (and Draymond)...so he should have his strong points even seem much better than they would be on a different team. He seems like a great fit. Only thing we will miss is that defensive dog off the bench. That was clearly a problem for the opponents. Gp disrupted not only his opponent, but also affected their whole offense. Maybe Moody could fill that gap. Or maybe more a team thing. Moody and divincenzo. Oh, and Wiggins did say that he's upset that he didn't get any defensive player of the year votes.... he's pissed

paul reboca sr

alch i feel a little depressed seeing GPII on this video,. man i hope Donte can be the one this year, please Lord


Do one for Jamychal??


Curry missed almost 3 games in the Houston series with a sprained ancle then he came back and injured his knee which kept him out for 2 weeks. If you don't think he was dramatically slowed down and watch him not get around Love and Tompson with ease well...I specifcally watched him one on one with Love the next year. It was like a cat playing with a mouse.