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for those that missed it, I would have put it in the breakdown but trying to keep the videos unblocked 




Thomas Ogas

I swear that slow "Waaaariors" chant is the best chant in pro-sport.


"I cant believe it, i really cant believe it"... so inspiring man


Okay, Alc. I’ve been watching you since the very beginning. I was the one who won the ring replica giveaway you did. That was back in 2016! I was just a dumb kid who was raised to love bay area sports by my mom so I gave her the ring. We watched every game we could together and she’d sit and watch your videos with me because she knew I wanted to be coach. She passed away in May of 2018 but a few months before she got sick she gave me the ring and told me to keep it as a reminder of our love of the game, our home and this incredible sports dynasty we’ve witnessed. Thank you for all your work Alc. Days are just so much better when you post a video. 💙💛


Watching Drey, Steph and especially Klay talking got me goosebumps. What that guy has been thru and what he has attained is nuts. But then you had all the other story lines like Alch talks about with Big Wig, OTP, JP, Kevon Looney - I am mean what a tremendous team effort..... GO DUBS!


Sorry to hear your loss brother - I hear ya. Its a good day when Alch posts.


Emily I remember ✊🏽.. I’m honored to be a part of your connection to this team 🙏🏽


Looney got robbed of mvp 🤦‍♂️


@Athletic Alchemy I’m not sure if you’ve answered this already, but who would you rather see in the finals The Heat or The Celtics P.s. love your content, go dubs


It’s gotta be the heat. They are easily the worse team.


I’ve been quite surprised by the amount of commentators that have assumed that the Warriors will play Boston in the final. ‘How will the GSW match up against Boston’, ‘Who will guard Tatum’ etc. Jimmy will keep fighting until the final hooter.

Jerry Heverly

Boston is the better team but Miami would have home court advantage. A wash, I think.


Yeah for sure. Easier to say after tonight's win by Miami, but still, not many have given em a chance since game 5.


The Heat have looked pretty bad for most of the series I don't think it's even slightly controversial for conventional wisdom and the media in general to have picked Boston. I could only watch the highlights of game 6 but the Heat seemed to get real lucky and hit some clutch shots in the last few minutes. I mean Jimmy shot 50% from which is so far over his norm it's outrageous. If there is one word to some up this series though it's inconsistency. Blown home games all along the way pretty much. No Rhyme or reason to either team.


Hey Alch! National sports media seems to want to slander KD now that we're back and he's somewhere in Cancun in a dust pan. Its obvious this Brooklyn situation has gotten bad. How did you predict it? A dumpster fire 😂 spot on bro. Id love to hear your outlook now that shit has hit the fan and really its time to talk yo shit! Much respect and thanks again for covering it last time I requested that breakdown 🙏


Alch, you breaking down the Heat/Celtics?


Alch I would love to see some stuff about how the warriors and celtics match up. Mabye you will do a podcast though. Looking forward to it either way!


For the first time ever, I’ll have at least four straight Celtic breakdowns LETS GOOOOOOO