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Draymond's block was clean https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FSaksUtVEAYU7xK?format=jpg&name=medium


At the top for sure.. but how many times have we seen the leg kick out contact at the bottom. I m not saying it was a foul, I’m just saying could been called easily.


I'd like the Warriors offense to reward Wiggins' and Kuminga's athleticism more. How often does our offense get in our own way? Play after play, the offball movement from Steph, Klay, and JP crowds the paint. So much so, that in countdown/bailout situations where Kuminga and Wiggins attack the rim, they are facing AT LEAST 1.5-2 defenders because one of our shooters are slashing through the paint at the same time. I’d agree that Draymond’s lack of offensive presence magnifies our scoring droughts, not just because of his unwillingness to shoot, but his passing too. All season, Alch has been getting at how Draymond will go for the homerun pass. I think it’s more subtle than that. He doesn’t seem to read or adapt to the situation. Just in Game 3, he and Steph got into right before the half because Steph didn’t use the first screen that was set. However, in watching that play live, it was obvious how Memphis was reading their normal actions, and so it looked like Steph was going to feint so he could use the screen from the other side. Rather than wait for something like that to develop, the offense to reset, or pivot to get a better angle, he pulls the trigger and gets pissed when he turns it over. This is a lowkey way to say that Dre is crucial to our offense – he can make those offensive reads in the moment. @Alch, at this stage of the series, and playoffs, what positional adjustments can Draymond make to continue serving as the facilitator to either (1) create better mismatches or (2) create more separation between our shooters and their defenders?


Yo alch, I was watching the Liz Cambane Body Armor commercial and wanted to ask you how many NBA dudes can she manhandle? I’d definitely take her over Quinn Cook and lil Isiah Thomas.


I’m with you on wigs and kuminga.. big athlete at the rim are like body blows in boxing match. As for Dray… he has to start rolling with intent! Even if he goes 0 for 5 in a half it would open things up. Also look to the weakside more. His focus on hand offs and giving it right back becomes super predictable with in a series. Some times just swing it and get out the way


Still put up 100 points having like 38 in the first half which is not bad. Could be Miami who put up 79 the other day… hopefully we get it done next game and rest


Yeah, Kuminga needs those DLee minutes. I'd actually fuck around a give JTA & Moody some minutes as well. Those guys would have crazy energy and be super focused coming off the bench. It's worth a shot for 5 minutes


Especially JTA since he has playmaking and has been clutch in the past


great breakdown as per usual. do you guys think Steph changing shoes made any difference? surprised it wasn't mentioned in the breakdown.


2 points I noticed about Steph that didn't get much attention. 1. He spent a ton of energy on ball denial against Bane taking away their most effective weapon as a catch and shoot threat. Bane was shut down early and never caught a rhythm. 2. He was wearing those Craig Sager shoes for 3 qtrs then swapped them out for the purple Currys he wore last game. Maybe a real issue or just psychological, but definitely correlated with his aggressive attack in the 4th. A win is a win imo. A young Memphis team going all out on defense after getting blown out the previous game, playing with no expectations is a tough out.

Neal X

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed how telegraphed Draymond is being with his passes and his total "basket avoidance". That, and his coping mechanism of blaming his teammates for his own screwups is getting me more irritated of late; probably the stress of the playoffs. It's up to the coaching staff to nip that in the bud with him. He was good in Game 3 pushing the ball up the floor and pushing the pace but I'm hoping he's self-aware enough to realize when he needs to make a change.

Jerry Heverly

“Special Needs Siakim”....indeed. I don’t understand why they don’t play Melton. He seems like one of those guys who is Johnny-on-the-spot when they need a big play. I agree with everything you said about Draymond, but…….if they decided to trade him who could replace him? I can’t think of a player who could do the things he does. He is aging fast and his media commitments seem like a major distraction, yet, he is irreplaceable. If Banes was healthy this would be a seven game series; if GP2 was healthy it would be a four game series. Yes, give JK more minutes but not at the expense of DLee. How many players could come off the bench cold for 2-3 minutes and be as impactful? His energy has been a shot in the arm of every game in this series.

Dami I

As we’re in the middle of this playoff run alch I wanted to ask you if you ever thought we would be able to compete like this again after everything that happened with all the injuries and Kd leaving or was it always in the back of your mind that we would be back eventually

Ken Bradford

Kinda annoyed about the general discourse about this series from both fanbases and I'm kinda blaming Kerr. The Brooks play imo was incredibly careless and stupid but not necessarily dirty and the whole code talk made the young inexperienced grizzlies overreact to Poole. Now every play gets slowmo and everybody thinks plays happen because of malicious intent instead of realizing that stuff happens while playing intense ball


for me it was a destiny, the way we fell down, our Big 3 still had it on it, we were almost gonna win a ring down 3-1 with all the injuries, until one of our Big 3 fell, then it was over.


you really blaming Kerr for standing up for GP2 ? i dont care about the fake tough Grizzlies reaction, cmon are we that soft to care about how they will take it ? if anything i wish we were more agressive in calling it Dirty, thats why out of all takes i like Klay's one, he took shots at them and carried the hell on, GS in 5 anywats


"Special needs Siakum" XD, man you're gold

Ken Bradford

Idk man that seems kinda primitiv to me. It’s kinda the Spider-Man meme were both sides do dumb shit and blame each other escalating the reactions. Blaming Poole for Ja‘s injury and making him the target of harassment is bad for the league. Nobody talks about the game anymore it’s all about officiating and trying to suspend players for minor stuff. I don’t blame the grizzlies for their reaction because they are inexperienced and we’re already on their heels because Kerr blasted them on national tv. I don’t blame Kerr for having the same reaction all of us had, but if he’s as smart and wise as I think he is he’ll at least apologize to brooks for at least some of the comments he made, if he agrees with me that objectively it was a bit of an overreaction to an unfortunate incident.


I was just going to say Moody! haha. I think he's prenaturally wise/smart for his age in addition to bring the energy like JTA


Hell no I ain't blaming Kerr for Memphis being immature and childish. He was sticking up for his guy I love that


it was dirty, Brooks has been a dirty player. I don’t think we care how they take it