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gsw vs was gm 75


John Pettus

I can't believe all these dudes who were screaming about Bjeli when he was (truly) sucking now saying put him back in, like they wouldn't kill Kerr when Bjeli reverts to being ass. So many people blame Kerr no matter what. It's so pointless and boring.


Bro. Hard to not think how good would Quese look if we retained him this whole time. His growth was one of the few bright spots of the recent shit seasons. I been on that train with ya. Damn. A missed opportunity from light years ago… Haha

Omer Ali

I think a simple issue is that the offense is not that hard to defend against when Steph isn't in the game. Some of these guys running off screens don't bring the type of threat that Steph has and Steph usually brings an extra defender so he opens up the floor for everyone else. I think the offense is just way too over-reliant on trying to replicate Stephs play when Steph isn't there.


When Steph comes back and we roll the Nuggets in 6,, it'll just be further proof how mediocre this team is without him, and how lethal it can be with his gravitational force


Damn. Exactly. These are all the thoughts alch better articulated that i was forming while watching that epic stinker. 1) Kerr cant see the forest through the trees. 2) Draymond's body cant cash checks his mouth is writing. He looks like shit AGAIN. He is more of a child than a leader without steph, and he has no consistent offensive skillset outside of the warrior's system. FUCK. 3) Wiggins is in outer space. Wtf yall. Poole gets a pass.


Since Dec 21, we are a .500 club. I fear we are more the team we are seeing lately, than the team we saw at the beginning of the season. At the beginning of the season we had a lot of fresh legs and a lot guys hitting open 3's (heck, D-Lee was shooting 40% and Otto Porter was "Auto Porter"). If we hit our open 3's we'd be a better team, but we are clanking away. We also never addressed a true back up big, so the Daniel Gaffords of the NBA play like all stars against us. Who knows maybe when Steph comes back and Iggy can give us some minutes, we capture the early season magic. However, not getting that vibe. At the least, loose the young guys the last 7 games and get them so more in game experience. We are going to need all the help we can get to survive a first round match up against a team like Minn, or anyone for that matter.

Shea Johnson

Honestly, I am with the light years guys and I'm not gonna be giving the coaching staff a ton of flak. This team is built around steph and draymond and right now, we don't have either of em! There's only so much you can make out of the roster we currently have able to play.


i think the last two slump seasons has caused a real rift in the culture of the warriors, 5 consec final trips and then two bottom of the barrel seasons after the best player left (yah, KD is better than Steph overall imo) and now you have this comeback sorta revenge season and we have had flashes of the an unstoppable warrior style bball throughout the season, but the core is older/coming off injuries, we did no go all in like ALL LBJ teams are forced to do and so we have young good talent but not polished and truly ready to contribute in a strong role - like if we had 2 or 3 more Otto types vs JP, JWise, Kuminga and Moody - Wiggs gets a strong all-star nod which for sure reduced his hunger to prove himself, and we are coming to the end of the season where we are a playoff lock, dudes are tired, the rotations have been all over the place, and what do we get? a bunch of bad to not so good loses - what does this all mean for the playoffs - hopefully some magic that gets everyone on the same page, rotations that make sense and dont budge, and a team that plays like a god damn team lol - we are missing the chef and the right hand man to the chef looks hung over and fat and the next man in command to cook has legs that are about as consistent as our rotations - but did you see Will Smith smack the shit out of Chris Rock? LOL loved that!! rant over


It’s bad rn y’all. It will get better.

Ken Bradford

Good take in general I feel like dubnation is kinda ignoring the fact that the front office does not have that much flexibility and Joey light-years has paid the tax for a long time he won't do it forever other owners wouldn't do it at all. Certainly some stuff can be criticized about the roster but truth is that our 4 stars haven't been good enough especially since January


Steph leading this team to a title will cement him as top 5 ever


i think girzz have the best lightning in a bottle right now, Ja has lived his whole life with a major chip, was always overlooked, and now finds himself on a franchise that has that identity with basically our strength in numbers vibe where the whole team is the robin to his batman

Patrick Kennedy

Great stuff. Cathartic listening to you rail against the team…