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Ken Bradford

People are angry because it sucks that Steph is out now. But saying that's dirty is too much for me at that point might as well get rid of defense. People try to see shit to confirm their bias against smart but I just see it as a unfortunate accident. The real issue rn is that our team hasn't been healthy all season if Im correct we've never seen Steph,Klay,dray and wiggs on the court so just hope our system is sturdy enough to just slide the pieces back in once everyone is healthy. Let's stay optimistic


I really hope you end up being wrong, but the analysis on Wiseman just confirms everything we've seen since day 1. He's not going to develop into some franchise player and the front office missed so badly with that pick. Nepotism and pride from the FO will probably be the downfall of Wiseman.


Alch - can you please clarify what you mean that Wiseman is not playing stylistically to his strengths?


outside of his jump hook, everything he does offensively is if he is a 6'8 wing footwork posture and jumper. Defensively like I said that stand still drop coverage is really putting him in a bad spot because of his lack of timing


It's crazy how Jokic makes it look so easy, as if Wiseman can do those same things and get the same results (just because they are super large athletes). Let's just hope for the best, we haven't even seen Wiseman play with Curry and Klay (and the full squad).


What a great story, that 2016 finals money being used to buy a camera... butterfly effect...


Yoo I appreciate your take. Funnily enough I've actually been doing the middle school coaching gig for free this whole time, never missing a practice or game if I can help it. I think you hit the nail on the head though, there's many kids that add me on Instagram wanting to go to work. My thoughts have been they have to want it so they need to hit me up, but should I start doing the opposite? Tell them, "hey Saturday we'll be at the rec, be there."


yo, watch this, i think its his confidence/mental game... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2lUBJhQxWc


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEtVH1IIQU0 I hope this and JWise aren't busts

Strong Foru

This year's playoffs should be very interesting.


Completely agree that klay needs to let Poole be the primary shot creator…he’s forcing so much and seems to move off the ball a lot less, which I always thought was one of his super powers. Hoping with time (and dray facilitating) he can get find a new identity and we see his efficiency improve. Def share the wiseman concerns. Def makes me wonder who they were referencing when talking about showing him tape for players to emulate. Feels like he’s trying to take on way too much and be embiid instead of trying to be effective as a Javale or Ayton rim roller


Bruh Alch you gotta talk about the new Wiseman setback 😭😭😭this shit fucked. He’s injury prone at 20, the rawest player in the entire league, and one of the most mentally fragile. This is a trifecta of shitiness. Feel super bad for him but this is a realllly bad look for the warriors


The new setback doesn't mean much unless it's worse than the report. Knee soreness. You wait for the swelling to go down. We weren't expecting him to step in and win us some NBA games in the next week or two.

Natto Santo

Til these day, people are still telling Me that GSW should never pick LaMelo. What are they seeing so great with JW?

Chris Cho

melo would just be a jordan poole who cant score as well on the warriors. they have 0 need for him, especially after drafting moody this year

Andreas Wiedemann

maybe he is not ready (also for other reasons) and you shut him down to get a propper preparation over the summer.

Andreas Wiedemann

Wiggins only exploding for 1 game (twolves) this year is not enough. He played some nice games, but at this point i`m tired of this and ship himout to sell high (hopefully) and use the money to pay others.