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gsw vs min gm 49



I was just checking here myself... to see if I missed the notification. Lemme get my popcorn!


Noti gang

Branden Edwards

Yo Alch Marcus Thompson wrote an article on the Athletic today about Steph and the mechanics of his shot. You gotta check it out

Kahlil Baker

I can’t see the video. Has patreon been buggin cause I usually have to watch it on streamable


Alch, Any idea why Payton's minutes are so low? His +- / minute seems to be team best, by a lot. He is so productive.


Wiggins sounds like he’s talking from far away


BRO CLEANED UP HIS BEARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!! THANK GOD!!! I agree that Belly is gonna get used by Kerr down the stretch and we are all going to be screaming at the TV when he is getting COOKED


Also do you you think the rehabilitation of Wiggins could work for any high potential player (dare I say bust?) such as a Marvin Bagley type or a Trey Lyles that never quite lived up to what they’re supposed to be.


Draymond said on the podcast with JJ Reddick that it takes new player about half a season to get used to the system. Maybe that's why Kerr held out so long on JK. And is GPII really grasping the system? Because Steph was mad at him the other day for messing up a play that's their bread and butter.

Ken Bradford

Just happy for wiggs and cheesing at the total fan votes some of the suns and jazz players got uff


Seriously how do you even defend that "snake carry" dribble move? Lmao. Basketball just doesn't have strict enough parameters to define the definition of a carry.

Ezra Abbey

why wiggs sound like that 😂😂😂


Alch, I think your concerns about Stephs footwork are valid. I also think Steph was getting too much in his head about technique and just decided he needed to let it go. I go through these stages when I'm in a shooting slump, just gottta stop thinking.


He's been hurt on and off and I think they want to save him for the playoff matchups like Iggy n Dray


Klay needs to chill out lol….a lot of games left…getting better and better


Bjeli is pretty good offensive player but cannot defend a s**t. There is a reason why he couldn't crack rotation in Miami. Again, not his fault Weisman and Green are still injured. When all healthy he shouldn't be playing more than ten minutes


What if we found out Stephs slump was all about the new shoes


Them refs were pathetic

Ken Bradford

Btw Im Not that concerned about Kat since he gives the points back on defense


As for Draymond I hope it's nothing serious. I got a bulging disc/hernia which ended my running career..


[ Thompson] But Curry had an Aha! moment in practice. He found the source of the shortage. It was too subtle for Fraser to see, too internal for anyone other than Curry to detect. In the process of self-diagnosing, he found the answers in his feet. He had developed a habit of launching off his toes and not the balls of his feet. On his toes, he generates less power than when he gets a good push off the balls of his feet. The discovery paid immediate dividends. His shots started falling like normal in practice. The swishes came back. So did the pretty rotation on his ball. His balance corrected with the added burst. The oomph he regained behind the follow-through gave him much better control over the ball.


I thought about how his brand seems to be failing and if that was part of the mental stuff. The shoes have been super disappointing as I have stated several times


At 8:12 in the video, Steph's foot gives away because of those soft-padded fronts in the new Currys I think


I think this is proof even the greatest shooter of all time is doing a lot of his mechanics intuitively... there was always something wrong with his mechanics in every one of his slump period and that couldn't be blamed to bad luck. It is funny how Curry has these aha moments every season haha


Alc do you think Steph is trying to learn how to shoot with funky footwork? If he does so, then he can catch defenders off guard. That would be devastating. But that is a conjecture :)


Alch, check out this guy on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/DubNationHQ Maybe you guys can find ways to collaborate? He seems to know our dubs plays quite well, and is funny!


To add to this, I think what you are noticing with Curry's out of rhythm footwork is re-adjusting mentally and consciously so that every time he shoots he is applying the right amount of pressure to the balls of his feet again.

Connor H

That wiggz interview at the end was so wholesome lol. So stoked to see him get the all star nod

Chip Tingle

Steph diagnosing and fine tuning…how about that life lesson?! Thanks for the shout out and quality goods, as always, Alch! If I’m MN in the playoffs, I run everything O thru KAT until proven wrong and forced to adjust. Same for any strong 5’s against us, getting Looney in foul trouble and feasting on next dude up. KAT’s passing??!!


Aye all I can say is… we gonna be alright man, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter man


Boys since discord is down, there's a new article that says Steph figured out what was wrong with his shot in practice. Here's the snippet " But Curry had an Aha! moment in practice. He found the source of the shortage. It was too subtle for Fraser to see, too internal for anyone other than Curry to detect. In the process of self-diagnosing, he found the answers in his feet. He had developed a habit of launching off his toes and not the balls of his feet. On his toes, he generates less power than when he gets a good push off the balls of his feet. The discovery paid immediate dividends. His shots started falling like normal in practice. The swishes came back. So did the pretty rotation on his ball. His balance corrected with the added burst. The oomph he regained behind the follow-through gave him much better control over the ball."


There's a discord server? How do I join?


When Wiggins says he found a home 😭


Wiggins is just a good dude man✊


I was thinking the same thing. After watching Alch and that dude Eric vids/pods, you feel like your BB knowledge has moved up like 3 notches. Their styles are a bit different. That other dude has a slow delivery with dry humor. Alch got a much quicker delivery with bomb dropping humor. If those two did a pre-game show, it would be a million times better than that NBC Bay Area show with Bookie/Mullins/DWright.


Can someone shoot me a link to the discord? idk where to find it


Not all people are made to be alphas…glad that Wiggins found a fit for himself where he can just play ball and have fun. So wholesome and joyful to witness


For anyone who wants to read the full Thompson article on Curry's shooting fix behind the paywall: https://archive.ph/7FJDY#selection-551.0-559.226


There awful my daughter tossed her 8s 7s with the normal rubber last good version.. I seem Andre do it too


Splash brothers are back!!


The article pointed out some footwork stuff as the cause for the slump so good eye Alch. Along with the record, and general drama, etc.


The Discord is lit, thanks for making it more secure


Wiggins found out he was an all star starter when his daughter woke him up from a pre game nap yelling "You're a starter you're a starter!". Happy for the dude.

Jerry Heverly

Many players are defensive liabilities because they are slow afoot. Belly is terrible because his hands are slow (feet, too). But I give him more credit for his passing than you do. The NBA title will be determined on Sunday….when they announce Draymond’s condition. A ruptured or herniated disc hands the season to Phoenix.


I didn't realize how often I checked the discord until it was gone. hella funny mfs in there. excited to get it back and more secure soon

Jimmy Ji

With Draymond out, I want to see Kerr continue to play Klay, Poole, Wiggins & Steph together for as much as possible because I feel this is our most dynamic offensive lineup. They offer so much playmaking together, it makes defenses hard to overload on any player. In the center position, it can be a rotation of Looney, Otto or GP2 depending on the matchup.

Natto Santo

I root for OPJ being a starter. He makes Steph and Klay effective by shooting long range and rebound. I think it gives us the unguardable offense and decent defense. Instead, with Green in starting line up, we will suffer a congested offense and also the TOs will be up, but of course we have a better D too. Maybe the best line up is Steph Klay Wig OPJ and Green, and bump Loon to bench. Anyway the line up should be dynamic not a fix lineup.

Natto Santo

Happy to see Kuminga all the time. This kid is doing all the right things. Pass, defense, cutting to basket, shooting an open 3s... I think naturally he is not an elite type of scorer, but he is very smart and with that excellent body. He is like Giannis with a better shooting touch. If he can nail down the triple threat with the first step like Grant Hill, he will be unstoppable.


Good to get over on Minny. High likelihood they play the Lakers in the 7 vs 8 game and we get the winner. Both would be tough first round outs.


Hey Alch, Not sure whether you read this news https://clutchpoints.com/warriors-news-the-secret-to-fixing-stephen-currys-slump-revealed/ You said that there was something in his feet and his mechanics. Whats your take after this reveal? Love your work. Keep it up


They do have a strict definition, they just don't enforce it