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gsw vs sac gm31


Shea Johnson

steph need a 5o piece to get right


Alc do you think kuminga can hold his own against Ja?


I think at this stage he would toy with him. Kuminga like most rooks is overzealous.. Ja would pray on that. But maybe right now he doesn’t trust the knee


Idk call me crazy but I'd rather have bridge troll than cheez on my team. Not a big fan of one dimensional undersized players

Andreas Wiedemann

what was the idea of not going with mannion? chiozza seems to have a good pace, i kind of like him, he`s not a "want to make" distraction. but he`s limited. i wonder if mannion would bring the same with higher upside.


I believe Nico chose to go overseas. He comes from money and valued the opportunity over the check


On the other hand.... we're already blessed with a deep bench. Can't have all 15 on a high level.


And DJ giving the shirt/towel to the Klay....Alch did poor Cheeze so bad 😞


I hope Wiseman is paying close attention to Kuminga's D.


You think curry will end the season with 40+ % 3p? I almost feel like it's potentially a lucrative bet he won't. I know it's blasphemy. He needs some strong games to bring him back.


"fievel goes west" killed me, Alch! At this point those mins have to go to dowtin, right? I'm with you on the GP2 mins restriction...think they'd be managing guys like him and otto even more if it weren't for the covid spike. Those two have just been so damn good for us.


Def ready to let the cheese go, I think Kerr values his (Kerr’s) perceived vet ball handling ie bridge troll. I think Kerr thinks it is important to have a “vet” ball handler presence to ground the 2nd unit but sure does feel like bridge troll and the cheese have been the wrong picks for that role. Def would love to see those mins get spread elsewhere for sure.


Kuminga looks more like a PG13+Kawhi hybrid.He has characteristics from both.Built like a tank but watched a lot of Kobe when he was young so it makes sense.

Ryan Mitchell

Damn - I actually didn’t think that Cheeze was that ‘bad’. I feel like he has been a good ‘floor captain’ (not general) keeping the offensive moving and making some good passes.


Say what you want about cheeze but I'd take him over Wanamaker any day. At least cheeze puts effort in, I'll take effort all day over Wanamaker pretending to be westbrook every game

Natto Santo

After Wannamaker, Cheese is like a god-gift to us. At the pre-season, I would prefer IT, but Cheese is good for us at this point, as he is the only guard that can dribble and drive to basket and create except Curry and Poole.. With Cheese, Dubs can rest Curry and Poole. and keeps us in the same style when Curry or Poole are not playing, He may not be a winning player, but I still want him in the roaster.

Keith Reynolds Jr.

I really don't like Kerr playing Chiozza as much as he is. He can't or won't shoot to keep the offense honest. I would rather him go to Moody to get him to a better place and rhythm


hey alc how long u reckon til lakers blow it up this season?

Jerry Heverly

After this game I’m ready to nominate Halliburton to the All-Star game. He shoots it well but also has a knack for facilitating when he isn’t open himself. Hield and Fox are unpredictable; Halliburton is steady and consistent, he contributes in multiple ways. Some guards exploit Chiozza but he has also had some strong defensive games where he pesters bigger guys. I agree with whoever said he allows the team to play at the same pace and style as JP and Steph. Moody is not ready. Would you believe that the Cheese is SECOND in defensive rating on the team trailing only Looney! DLee’s performance is a direct result of the ego-massaging he got from Kerr during the Celtics game.


Are there anymore gems in the G league?


At least King Kuminga didn't go back and stay in the locker room and he didn't have an ice pack on either that I could see so that's good news. This could be his time right now due to Covid and his recent great play, so I hope he bounces back quickly. To watch him improve is just too damn fun, I'm enjoying his game this year like I had hoped to enjoy Wiseman last year, but didn't. Hopefully Wiseman comes back a different player in a few weeks.

John Z

With ya on those fights. Been watching and boxing since I was young, the movement and aggression is super suspect.