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There are couple times in the video where you will get a red error screen, my plugins failed to export. And of course when I went back to fix it I realized today was the day I decide to delete my saved recordings. If you work in FCPX you know the saved files fill your shit super quick. I apologize it wont happen again. they were just arrows or stat bars that always work.



gsw vs bos gm 29

Watch "gsw vs bos gm 29" on Streamable.


Ken Bradford

No more yt ? Did I miss some info ? Not a big deal just wondering


Can you show how the two rookies fair in defense against the raptors? Just curious how far they are in their development.


Thanks again and always Alc. I was so very pissed a Kerr again for his rotations in this game. I'm beginning to feel that Kuminga is a inverse Wanamaker for Kerr. Green throws the ball into the stands, and Kuminga goes out. Curry dribbles the ball off his foot and Kuminga goes out. Green and Lee shoot airballs and Kuminga doesnt get any time at all. Bejlica gets blown past on D numerous times, Kuminga is out. .. etc Kuminga needs more respect than this. His juice, instincts and "ITNESS" seem to be going fallow in the Kerr system. This old school BS is just BS. And why didnt he start instead of Moody. Moody has shown nothing yet to warrant this start. I almost, not quite, but almost wish Kuminga would demand to be traded to some place where he can seen and appreciated. There is profound potential in this guy. His mistakes are not overt. Energetically he adds a aura to the team when on the floor. 6 minute stretches with the A team, unless he really gets out of his bag. I almost dont want to watch the Warriors I'm so pissed. Barely pulled out the game. Kerrs fault for again not being able to read the room and who is hot, who's groovin. I got to get back to coachin, this is killing me. Go Warriors ...uhhhh


Chill. It's not nearly as serious as you're trying to make it seem. Why do people gotta act as if they're the ones getting paid millions to coach.


That’s 3 and 1 on a road trip, lost one to 76ers.

Jerry Heverly

Congrats to me. I predicted that Iggy and DLee would save us in a future game. One thing time in the G League can do is produce confidence. Moody seemed shy, uncertain, tentative, whatever. He needs more time in SC. Hope you don't have Covid. Get well. We could survive without a Toronto breakdown if your throat can't handle it.


I fr thought dray got KO for a min.. give him an oscar


Looking forward to how our rookies show up in toronto


One thing I love about DLee is no matter how bad he can be playing, he has that clutch gene. He just seems to be there when we need him most, something tells me he's going to be one of those playoff guys that just ups his game


Yo alch for some reason I can’t switch it to landscape view on mobile. Any reason why?


Has JTA given up on shooting the damn ball altogether? I'm fed up watching him on offense, absolute non-factor when it comes to scoring. All he does is run circles around re-distributing the ball.

Natto Santo

JTA has lost confidence in shooting and he is prone to TOs this season as well. Not a good sign.

Natto Santo

Without Poole, no one except Curry can create by driving to the basket. The player movement was not there without Curry. No C&S game as well. We could only rely on post-up or Iso from Wigs.


Moody looked real lost out there