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gsw vs phil gm 26



I tell you that main problem, which they still haven't addressed. The warriors don't have anyone who can go and get them a 50/50 ball. That's what they had in KD. Hopefully when Clay comes back he can do like he was doing in the 2019 finals, playing with his back to the basket. That's something they really need to address. Cuz when the three is not falling and stuff is getting double and triple teamed and the rest, they need to have another option.


Needed Moody and Kuminga last night


Feel like Steph has looked tired since the last Sixers game. Maybe when the records is broken, they will finally rest him a game


What does kuminga have to do to get some minutes? We needed his athleticism. This is why I think bucks is a bad matchup for us if we meet them in the finals


im getting real tired of damion lee


I hear you.. he started so well it has earned him a lot of trust. But another week looking like this! Got give Moody a sniff right


klay getting ready to emerge from the hyperbolic time chamber


Same thing with Bjelica. Last 14 games he's shooting 24% from deep


I think it was made even more evident last night that Kerr is not a great game coach. Philly was playing Warrior's real tight. When a team is overplaying like this you need players who are physical and can take you off the dribble... like Poole, like Kuminga. Kerr seems like he would double down on a 14 when the dealer was showing 20, and then double down again, just because that is the system. Dont get me wrong, I like Bjelica, but when he is not hitting shots and the game is physical and fast, its not his time to be in the contest. I was yelling at the tube last nite; seemed so obvious that coaches were stuck on cruise control. Reminds me of when coach was playing Brad Wanamaker over and over, because, "well, thats the rotation". And WTF, Greens passing last nite. Did he take some bad acid before the game. I was so frustrated with the coaching that I turned game off near the beginning of the 3rd. and then saw the finish to see if the same BS was afoot . It was. Didnt Kerr say ""wining follows energy" or something. What about coaches reading who has the energy and putting them in the damn game! ok, happy face, Im better now... : ) Love to see Wiseman learn couple moves. His height and athleticism demand this. This is his natural gift. This Embid kind of low post stuff needs ! to be put in his acumen. It might not be in wisemans nature, but he can still learn it very competently. Like Draymond greens mom said, " just throw tennis balls at him till he learns."

Ezra Abbey

the subreddit was blaming the refs and steph getting mauled but that just wasnt the story. this philly defense is super physical and the new rules let them play with a lot of contact, we got beat this game fair and square.


I mean, I don't want to say "I told you so" but stars have been saving Kerr to be honest. How one can be so stuck on a system regardless of if it doesn't work is beyond me. Just like the Suns game. Kuminga, Moody, these are the games you use them. Philly didn't have much of a game plan than stopping Steph from going off. Imagine having a potential superstar on the bench and he doesn't even get a minute. And can someone pls tell this team that mid range jumpshots are still a thing?


Ngl, Sixers played well defensively, Thybulle especially. I'm not sure if Curry is tired or whatnot, but when he's being chased by guys like Thybulle, FVV and Bridges, the offense can get stagnant. Poole and Wigs stepping up has helped somewhat, but if Curry can't get going, they are going to lose more often than not against potential playoff teams. Gotta hope just having Klay back will help this somewhat. Even if he can only shoot 3s when he returns, it would go a long way towards helping alleviate some of the spacing issue they have. That said, the Dubs missed a bunch of open shots, as well. They had a 13pt lead in the 3rd and, if they made a few more buckets, maybe things turn out different. It is what it is. On to Indy.

John Pettus

Agree. And our share weren’t falling and theirs were. It happens.


couple things: 1) Kerr not playing Kuminga in this game particularly with Bjely getting roasted was infuriating 2) Stephs rotation sucks. I think we are all tired of seeing him play 4 minute spurts when hes a rhythm player 3) this has been a thing for the past 8 years but can we please balance out the ball movement with a little more iso ball? This has been an issue forever. The offense gets bogged down agaisnt any good defense especially in the playoffs and steph is 96th percentile iso player. Like why would you not attack Thybulle when he picked up his 4th foul? Really? Another split cut where two guys go with steph and Looney is wide open in space? We know how that shit goes


This "slump" we are in recently was inevitable, we just aren't a 60 something win team without Klay and Wiseman, those 2 are incredibly vital when we play elite teams like Philly and Phoenix on the road. Also not gonna lie, I think we are seeing the beginning of the inevitable decline of Stephs prime, he just doesn't have the same quickness he did, he would have torched Thybulle to the rim and made him pay for playing so aggressive on the perimeter 4 years ago


Yeah he has to preserve his body now. But the focus is on ball movement. Steph is just 34, and he's a shooter. I'll say all those running around screens, has put a lot of miles on his body. Kerr thinks he'll stay 29 forever for some reason. Play some iso. Thybulle had no business being in that game with 4 fouls in the 3rd quarter. Kum/steph/wiggins should have taken him out a while ago


You taking words out of my mouth on that Sonya take lmao. Stephs shooting form looks unusually bad. There is no reason why he should look off balance on an open shot. Every freakin season he goes into these slumps. His trainer does not seem to point anything out even though he claims he can notice everything. It is a very common problem among shooters to go into these off balance sloppy forms, which often happens when they practice too much contested shots.

Natto Santo

I think AI costs us this game. Otto was not shooting well either. Bjli, I will give him a pass, as he is not a quick trigger anyway.

Natto Santo

Steph is slower than the past. He has trouble against longer and physical defender now.


I believe Steph should get back to the 12 6 12 6 rotation, yea not starting 4th could cause issues, but that’s why you developed Poole to be a “shadow steph” . Steph relies on two things much more than many other stars, rhythm and the crowd. Right now, Chase centre sucks and he plays 4mins bursts that just disrupt his game completely

Jerry Heverly

You were spot on -- they should have gone at Thybulle until he had five fouls, and Kuminga should have had a chance to show what he could do against Embid. One of Kerr's strengths (which is also a weakness) is his patience because it develops loyalty from his players. Belly missed some shots....so what. It's one game in December. Balance out the chance to tell him that he has his coach's trust, that he won't be yanked on a bad night. Everyone on this forum complains about Kerr's stubbornness about staying with his rotations, and sometimes that doesn't pay off, but the players, I'd wager, appreciate that robotic method. They know in the long run they will have a chance to prove their worth. Who wants to play for a fickle coach who embarrasses you by pulling you after a couple missed shots? I've been saying it for three years: Whatever weaknesses Kerr has with x.s and o's is more than made up for with the interpersonal stuff that produces teamwork.

John Z

Rotations and the game plan need to be more dynamic. Even if that means simplifying things and extending the trust to the younger guys. The beginning of the season had a bit of that and guys stayed hungry. When motion becomes predictable Kerr needs to adjust.


yup Matisse had 4 fouls and as always nothing was done about it. Anyway, it shouldn't surprise me Warriors Twitter doesn't get that Poole and Wiggins are hitting 3s bc they're being guarded by mostly average defenders. Meanwhile Steph is adjusting to his new fuckin minutes while being guarded by the best defenders, double/triple teamed and no calls. I'm kinda ok with Bjelica not scoring but sometimes it's like the guards are defending and screening more than him???

Nathan Glanzer

At halftime they had like 10 more 3 attempts. We shoot anywhere near our average and we blow em out. Oh well. It's good to lose first place maybe now we'll be smarter. Let the Suns chase records like we did when we went 73-9


Still....I saw quite some shots rattle out. Hit those open shots, then it's a different game. It's time for the "role players" to step it up on the road. But hey, no time to panic. All championship teams have lost enough games in the past.


Maybe the timing of this comment is off, but I need to criticize Poole on something. Yeah, he’s made strides as a player, but i think he needs to work on the deceptiveness of his dribble moves. He only has that in & out move, and defenders barely fall for it. Right now the only reason he blows by his defenders is because he’s just faster than them, not because they bit on any of his moves Have you also noticed this?


Referencing the pod, I think Durant is happy because despite being on a fucked up roster right now in terms of Kyrie flat earthing the vaccine and Harden babying his quarantine weight, the Nets are #1 in the East so I'm sure he feels good about what he is doing on his own. Maybe he is selfish/self-centered so can enjoy doing good even though maybe he "should" be upset at his teammates and wanting a higher level of performance out of his team?